We don’t need no education: the Labour Party’s official news site and World War Eleven

Published: February 15, 2014 at 8:42am

World War 11

Somebody never learned their Roman numerals at school and certainly not at home, nor did they pick them up at any point along the way to the news desk at Labour HQ.

Perhaps the bearded intellectual chief of Malta Enterprise could take this individual aside and explain that those are not two ‘ones’ but the Roman numeral signifying two, and that it is conveyed in print by the capital letter I twice over: II.

Who said ignorance was bliss?

29 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    They didn’t pick up any history, either, or grammar, for that matter.

  2. Gaetano Pace says:

    Charity begins at home. Evarist should get to work on eradicating ignorance in the Labour Party newsroom before he starts on the rest of the country.

    • Grezz says:

      That’s not charity, but an absolute necessity. What was funny before the election is worrying, now that they are in power.

  3. vanni says:

    Hmar taqtalu denbu x’jibqa?

    Xi hadd li vvota ghal Joseph for change.

  4. canon says:

    Kollox jghaddi ghal-Labour.

  5. Chris Ripard says:

    Arrowpharm downsizing, another pharmaceutical company snubbing Malta to go to Iceland instead . . . looks like the bearded intellectual is busy enough as it is.

  6. K says:

    Other howlers include Greece PM instead of GREEK before or OF GREECE after PM. Also, he’s the President not the PM of Greece.

  7. Kevin says:

    So where does World War Z come into it?

  8. VR says:

    World War 1 (I): Central Powers vs Allies
    World War 2 (II): Axis vs Allies
    World War 3 (III): USSR vs USA
    World War 4 (IV): War of the Prokaryotes; Bacilli vs Cocci
    World War 5 (V): The Second War of the Prokaryotes; Spirochaete vs Vibrio
    World War 6 (VI): The Great War of the Cyanobacteria
    World War 7 (VII): The ruthless conquest of the Eukaryotes
    World War 8 (VIII): War of the Bilateria
    World War 9 (IX): The War to End all Worms
    World War 10 (X): Chimps vs Abominable Snowmen.
    World War 11 (XI): Greece vs The Other Country.

  9. David says:

    I write the number one as I and I think many write it in this way. However I have typed a letter and not a number. Therefore the written number is often equivalent to the printed letter.

    Isn’t it strange we still use use Roman numerals although we have for long been using the decimal system?

    [Daphne – David, this has nothing to do with the decimal system. The differentiation is between Roman numerals and the Hindu-Arabic numerals we use ordinarily, meaning the 10-digit system of nought to nine.]

    • Antoine Vella says:

      David this is not just about the misinterpretation of numerals. Surely even the Maltastar hacks have heard of the SECOND World War.

      Do they even know what they’re writing?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      David, you are very, very stupid. Either that or you’re growing into a very annoying man with a misplaced sense of humour, like Kevin Ellul Bonici.

      • vanni says:

        No, Baxxter, David is at his wits end trying to defend the indefensible.

        The fella is constantly trying to find the imaginable crack in the arguments that constantly expose Labour for being what they are, a bunch of lying hypocritical, power hungry pigs shoving each other at the trough.

        He hunts around for any excuse to derail, diminish or debase each argument, and sadly has his Eureka moments dashed with embarrassing regularity.

        I admire your perseverance, but I pity your efforts, David.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        He must be the Last of the Elves then.

  10. Jozef says:

    Read and pray. It will be the industry’s operators themselves who’ll refuse to carry out refuelling operations as imagined by this lot.

    The industry knows it cannot afford some major disaster with consequent loss of life, public perception already tenuous.


    Which leads to another question, what, if they exist, are the protocols for commissioning, design troubleshooting, materials certification and any other procedure to combat risks?

    The situation here is a textbook scenario for failure, political prerogatives taking over logical argument.

    Reminds me of Challenger’s forced launch in near zero temperature contrary to recommendations by NASA engineer. The President of the USA was down in ratings and that hour coincided with east coast breakfast shows.

    The failure, it was said, was down to an O-ring. What they didn’t say was that when the thing’s frozen solid, it will fail.

  11. observer says:

    Viva dejjem l-injoranza.

    Ghax hekk riedet il-maggoranza.

  12. Stephen Forster says:

    Christ, I must have had a long sleep, I missed the other 9. Who won?

  13. Catsrbest says:

    And I thought that with some luck, I would escape World War 3. Go figure that I had already gone through so many World Wars without even noticing.

  14. bob-a-job says:

    ’tis indeed a ship of fools.

  15. Nathaniel Attard says:

    And it was the Greek president who was in Malta, not the Greek prime minister. They didn’t even get that right.

  16. maqqu de boo says:

    Geeez. What a blooper.

  17. Nitpicker says:

    Apparently someone has been so brainwashed into given number 1 to a particular party that something has rubbed off.

  18. Salvu says:

    “U iva. Mhux xorta? Xorta ftehmna”.

    Forty hours have passed since they issued that headline and no one even bothered to correct it.

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