An undemocratic coward leaves his country palace, almost mowing down the press who have been waiting outside for hours

Published: March 30, 2014 at 1:58pm

What an AH. I mean, really. I don’t know how reporters take this kind of thing. They stand out there for hours in the damp with nowhere to sit. They don’t get the answers the prime minister is obliged to give them in a democracy. Then he comes out and nearly mows them down, his window up.

And they say thanks for the cookies.

How quick he was to roll down his window, unclasp his seat-belt and lean across his driver to jab his forefinger in a reporter’s face and made a spiteful remark about Simon Busuttil, that day he drove out of the airport after watching a football match in Italy.

A coward and one of those dictators who used the democratic vote to get into authoritarian power.

22 Comments Comment

  1. PWG says:

    A fleet of cars to rival Obama’s. Comical.

  2. one of us says:

    Can we sink any deeper? I could write this remark on each and every one of your posts. Down we go further and further! And there are four years of sinking left!

    • Cikku says:

      Erba snin oħra? Bil-mod kif qed jiżvolġu l-affarijiet, diġà ktibt darb’oħra u nerġa’ nirrepeti…nibża’ li erba’ snin oħra lanqas nivvutaw m’aħna se nkunu nistgħu għax inkunu taħt dittatorjat assolut. Il-bambin jilleberana. Imma l-Malti jgħid: Għin ruħek biex Alla jgħinek…mhux tħalli l-bajtra taqa’ f’ħalqek.

    • A+ says:

      Are you actually considering the possibility that the MLP can lose the next election?

  3. Albert Floyd says:

    Ara nhar il-Gimgha min jaf kemm ser ikollna min dawn.

  4. P Shaw says:

    Sawwatni ha nhobbok. the mantra of the Maltese press. They get what they ask for (and what they deserve after all).

  5. Melissa says:

    And from a former journalist/reporter?

  6. Matthew S says:

    And yet, none of the newspapers are protesting.

    The Godfrey Farrugia scenario aside, the whole situation is being treated as perfectly normal. The prime minister’s behaviour is not being described in detail and criticised.

    No discussion of the change of venue from Castille to Girgenti, the lack of a press call and myriad other things.

    Maltese reporters only ever get descriptive when describing a criminal sitting in the dock (a tattoo or a twitch for example) but they never bother getting descriptive and scrutinising politicians and ‘important people’ (Alfred Sant’s wig and drunken political addresses are a notorious example).

    This lets politicians get away with all sorts of weird and abusive behaviour.

    Unrelated to the above, it is sad to see The Malta Independent use the word ‘kids’ in the title of its leader today. The word really jars.

  7. Maradona says:

    Good for you ….poplu Malti. You wanted change, there you have it

  8. ciccio says:

    I have this feeling that Jo will have to return to the Girgenti very soon.

    It’s been just one year into this “cutting edge” government, and we already have the Jo II government.

    The media will soon be made to wait outside those gates for the Jo Turd cabinet.

    The cabinet announced yesterday is a Crisis Cabinet – the result of several compromises. This must also be the Cabinet of Discontent.

    It will not be long before we have more resignations and transfer of responsibilities.

  9. Gahan says:

    Ilsien hazin qalli : “Kieku xi hadd tefa’ erbat imsiemer fl-art kien ikollom hin bizzejed biex jintervistaw lil-prim ministru iktar l-isfel fin-nizla tal-Girgenti.”

    • ciccio says:

      It’s easier than that. One of the reporters could have parked his car in front of the gates, and lowered its tyres, claiming an emergency.

  10. Bubu says:

    Did some reporter actually shout “ar’hemm”, as if he was about to be run over?

  11. La Redoute says:

    Maybe Jo panicked because he’d left his podium at home.

    • ciccio says:

      And those reporters should have had the decency to set up the teleprompters while they enjoyed a sunny spring day and ate the cookie left-overs handed out to them.

  12. Rahal says:

    Reporter turned Prime Minister being chased by reporters.

  13. J. Agius says:

    We’d better watch out. These are early signs of a dictatorship fenomenali with the press being manipulated left, right and centre.

    Unfortunately our reporters never experienced life under Labour and secondly, they’ll do anything to suck up to the powers that be. Once the press is in the government’s pocket; we’ve had it.

  14. one of us says:

    Read Lino Spiteri in today’s Times

  15. Tabatha White says:

    What Joseph Muscat can’t handle are “fishing” questions.

    Maybe “hamallu retort” has hit home.

    At last.

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