Comment of the day

Published: March 18, 2014 at 8:12pm

Aaron Farrugia

Posted by Kevin:

Aaron Farrugia’s five degrees were only possible because of Beppe Fenech Adami’s father. But the latter, unlike the former, would never be so crass as to say so himself by way of retort – even though Farrugia more than deserves to have his nose rubbed in this fact.

26 Comments Comment

  1. GiovDeMartino says:

    Ma nahsibx li Aaron ghandu kwalifiki fil-Malti.

  2. C Falzon says:

    I’m curious to know what the degrees are and how he got them but I’ve no idea where to look for that information.

    One think that makes me curious is that typically a degree will need at least three years of study. I don’t know how old he is but he doesn’t look old enough to have spent fifteen years studying.

    • el bandido guapo says:

      His degrees are Celsius, -5 to be precise, because you really must be a “blokka” to write such chest-thumping crap.

    • Redneck Rabti says:

      Tidher li m’ghandekx hames degrees inti hi.

      Mnejn igibu l-informazzjoni l-istudenti tal-lum?


      Incidentally, one of Dr Farrugia’s theses is about foreign direct investment. Guess whose pet subject FDI is. Guys and dolls, we have a Mini Me Muscat in the making. Don’t laugh him off as a redneck AH. Remember that there’s another one running the country. And six years ago, he was just like our Aaron here.

    • Dogtor says:

      Five degrees: I think they would be a worthless BA or MA in European studies, then like every aspiring politician a BA in law, diploma notary public (wow!) and LLD (imagine that! like Charlon Gouder!).

      And like most aspiring politicians he counts each and every silly degree. Bet his business card has them listed like a crap tourist menu in Bugibba.

      Although that makes four and I heard he hasn’t submitted his LLD thesis yet. But that could just be malicious gossip.

  3. frank andersen says:

    We are hearing a lot about Professor Papadakis report on the floating LNG storage risk assessment. But I wonder, has Professor Papadakis actually visited Marsaxlokk Bay? Anyone can confirm that he visited the site he wrote a report about?

  4. Mikiel says:

    Aaron Farrugia’s comment just highlighted that we do have many self-made persons in Malta.

    All the iced-bun freeloaders and gold-diggers are self made.

    These are our so called self made progressive liberals.


  5. Nerd of Redhead Dancing says:

    ‘Self-made man’ ifisser: bniedem li jikseb dak li jgib ghalih u ghal familtu, b’gharqu u demmu, u minn fuq dahar hadd.

    • A says:

      Perhaps we should redefine “self made” as a person who thinks far too highly about themselves. After all we’re already redefining meritocracy and other terms.

    • dak says:

      Aaron Farrugia is a self-made man. And he thinks very highly of his creator.

  6. Nerd of Redhead Dancing says:

    Self-made man ma ssibux kap ta’ korporazzjoni ta’ tletin sena.

    Jezistu nies kapaci ta’ 30 sena li ghax ikunu ‘iben il-boss’ li jkun x’aktarx trabba f’ambjent manegerjali sa minn ckunitu.

    F’korporazzjoni bhal-Freeport Malta, ix-xena manegerjali hija differenti u tibbaza fuq ammont kbir t’esperjenza fil-qasam marittimu, fil-management, u fit-tmexxija ta’ human resources qawwi fejn il-European Studies ma jidhlux izda espert fil-ligi marittima tat-tip bhal Ann Fenech ikun il-persuna ideali ghat-tmexxija f’dal qasam wisq importanti ghall-pajjiz.

  7. Allo Allo says:

    U Farrugia nieqes hafna mill-edukazzjoni.

  8. Admiral Akbar says:

    Looks like he found a lot of time to write not one but two bios, both in the third person singular. Ara kemm lhaqt, ma.

  9. Nik says:

    So true. We may not yet be able to appreciate the legacy of Eddie Fenech Adami, though Joseph Muscat may be providing us with the best opportunities to do so by undoing so much of it.

    Of course it wasn’t perfect, but it was a damn sight better than what came before it.

    His administration restored our self-confidence after years of Mintoff’s “ha nghallimkom jien”.

    Why does Labour always pull us down? You can all complain about the things PN did wrong, and God knows there were many, but there were so, so many things they did right.

    I’m still waiting for this government to come up with a decent, original idea. Seriously.

  10. Jonathan says:

    As CEO of Malta Freeport, shouldn’t Aaron Farrugia protest that his customers will not be able to enter or leave port for a couple of days at a time whilst the FSU is being being refilled?

    But who am I to talk. I’ve only got one degree.

    • albona says:

      Same here damn it. Hey Jonathan, perhaps if we got five of us together we could formulate an opinion by combining our five degrees?

      I truly hope you understand my sub-literate sentence above. I did my very best with my limited education.

  11. Harry Purdie says:

    After 40 years in international business, I have discovered that ‘degrees’ mean zero. I have a BSc, MA, and PhD, none of which help me succeed. Try hard work. Aaron.

    Most of my best performers only completed high school.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      I have a degree from the Royal College of Erotic Sciences. That means a lot.

      I am also one of the best performers.

      Seriously though, I knew that degrees mean zero even before I did my A Levels. It’s not as if the whole hasn’t heard of Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. If people are stupid enough to flaunt their “five” degrees (which?) then they shouldn’t even be allowed into university.

  12. Barking Chihuahua says:

    Wait a second. Aaron Farrugia has a B.Comm and M.A. European Studies. That makes two degrees.

    Then like many of his older Labour cohorts, he decided to read for a degree in law (biex jasal u isir Dott), in which technically you graduate three times, L.L.B., Notary Public, and finally L.L.D.

    Those are his “five degrees”.

    If so desperately wanted to be called ‘dott’, why didn’t he go for a doctorate – a PhD?

    But then with that reasoning of his, this means that Beppe Fenech Adami, a lawyer, also has “three degrees” and not one.

    Anyway, Aaron hasn’t yet graduated as a lawyer, so he has “four degrees”. Presumably, he will now write his thesis in the comfort of his Malta Freeport Corporation offices, or the CEO will give himself leave of absence to stay home and do it there. Or maybe he’ll just burn the midnight oil, ghax dak, taf int, self made.

    Somebody with a bit more sense than he has should take him aside and gently explain to him the concept of good manners, always important in a CEO (and anyone else). Only really crass people boast that way. A self-made man doesn’t self-tell us this fact.

  13. Aremm ghax gej aronnnn says:

    Aronnn has an ego which is inversely proportionate to his size. And work experience.

  14. il-Ginger says:

    In his case, how is five degrees to get the title ‘dott’ (not even a proper doctorate, but a Maltese law degree) good?

    As in, why would you boast about it?

    Five degrees generally means you’re confused about life, who you are and what you want to do. Dumbass has 5 degrees and hasn’t yet learned respect.

    A degree is not a life medal to show off about. It’s proof of academic competence in a certain area. So far all he’s shown is that he’s a Jack of those trades and a major jack-off.

    • il-Ginger says:

      He has five more degrees than those losers Steve Jobs and Bill Gates and 90% of Labour voters. What a winner.

  15. PHD says:

    Many youngsters nowadays have at least three or four degrees: BSc, MSc, MBA and PHD. But you only say that you have a PHD and not four degrees.

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