Let’s show the world that Labour really hates Malta being part of the EU: IL-GUY IS THE NEXT EU COMMISSIONER
If he passes the grilling session, that is. The man can hardly speak coherently. He was never great at it, but over the last couple of years he’s been shrinking fast.
When he last appeared on Bondi+ (silence, please), his minders had to give him a crib-sheet. When faced with a difficult question, he brought it out, looked at it, panicked, then passed it across the table and told his interviewer: “Ha, aqrah int.”
If John Dalli dragged Malta’s name through mud with his inability to understand that the EU Commission is not a Maltese cabinet post, the scope for Il-Guy to go one better is phenomenal. His understanding of boundaries and correctness is even poorer than Dalli’s, and what’s worse is that he spectacularly incompetent and uninformed regardless of what people might claim to the contrary.
The man talks garbage and he just does not have what it takes to operate at that level. The appointment is shocking because it shows in what low regard Muscat holds the European Union and how he continues to resent the fact that we disobeyed him and voted Yes for membership.
He has nominated Karmenu Vella as a spectacular insult to the European Commission. It is also an insult to Karmenu Vella, but it comes with lots of money attached and a fantastic pension at the end of it, so he doesn’t care about that, even if he had the wit to see it, which he does not.
And of course, Jo announced this in a tweet a little while ago and not in a formal press statement, to belittle the role even further:
Proud to nominate @KarmenuVella as #Malta next #EU Commissioner
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The PM had better have a Plan B ready. This man is not going to survive the EP grilling.
Ah, finally an opportunity for Golden Years Karmenu Vella to re-open Malta’s accession agreement with the EU.
PN must never support Karmenu Vella for this EU role as he was an integral part of the Labour regime of Dom Mintoff and KMB in those dark years for democracy and justice. Now is the time for Simon Busuttil to stand up and defend those people who suffered violence and vindictiveness in those terrible years.
Dream on.
Was there anyone who did not pass the grilling session? Will he make it?
Rocco Buttiglione and he is a gentleman, well versed in over 6 languages, a highly acclaimed academic and a million times better than Karmenu Vella.
The European Parliament hearings came into being 10 years ago, so there have been two sessions so far.
Each time one nominee was rejected: Rocco Buttiglione in 2004 (mainly for his views on homosexuals, a topic on which il-Guy agrees with him) and the Bulgarian candidate in 2009.
The betting in Brussels this year is that the EP will be angling for more scalps this time. Doesn’t look good for Karmenu V.
And it all depends on how he handles the question about the shot allegedly fired from his ministerial car in 1986, which killed Raymond Caruana. It’s bound to come up.
Don’t believe him. Joseph Muscat is putting out feelers.
I agree.
Mela vera qed jiggennen Muscat?
Scicluna ghallinqas kellu dehra ta’ xi haga u jridha li jomghod erbgha numri.
Malta’s EU commissioner for 2014.
And look, Leo Brincat was metrosexual back in the 80s. Or a New Romantic.
They wouldn’t look bad in one of those poses in the pictures of Vince Taliana.
I cannot imagine Karmenu Vella would even want to consider this post. It’s not like he needs the money. Otherwise, he doesn’t appreciate how many facts and figures he’s going to have to memorise in order to pass through the regular MEP grilling without losing face.
This is a glorified civil service post. A Chief of Staff with the bonus of serving as a public face for the commissariat machinations working the wheels deep beneath the surface.
Il-Guy is not the civil servant type. But then neither was John Dalli – and he did prepare well enough to impress some MEPs.
Kev, you know it is not just a glorified civil servant post. He will be expected to take full responsibility for decisions on issues which fall within his portfolio, amongst many responsibilties. And play with the big boys, many of whom do not suffer fools gladly. Juncker will have a field day with him on the team.
By the way what portfolio should we expect he will be given? I suppose the positioning for his Head of Cabinet is already on, although I have a pretty good idea of who that is going to be.
The psycho-social pseudo-incumbent would take serious offence at the suggestion that he’s some sort of glorified civil servant.
An apology is in order. Please address it to the Bahamas.
What a mess.
great fix, nannu EU commissioner, mommy MEP and they all lived happily ever after
What a fitting successor to John Dalli (parce que Tonio Borg n’existe pas). I wonder if il-Guy has ever been to the Bahamas or is otherwise collecting millions for African charities. Last time I saw him in the flesh, he was in power with KMB running down church school children who dared to attend private lessons.
Another prisoner in Brussels
How will Vella reply when he’s asked whether he voted for or against EU membership?
He will tell the truth, or half of it anyway.
Corinne, you forgot the multiple choice answers. Here:
(a) “Kontra, ghax Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox.”
(b) “Kontra, ghax il-partnerxipp l-ahjar ghazla.”
(c) “Kontra, ghax il-partnerxipp rebah fir-referendum.”
(d) “Kontra, ghax Malta kellha tiehu biss miljun ewro fi flus kontanti.”
(e) None of the above.
(f) All of the above.
How sad indeed….. Just when we were beginning to pick up the pieces with Tonio Borg who was capable of handling Council meetings and motivating Commission staff and who was generally held to be a gentleman and passing the controversial Tobacco Products Directive we nose dive once again
Edward Scicluna baqa’ l-art. Miskin xtaq jerga’ jmur Brussels, imma Karmenu Vella qalibilu.
This is Jo’s latest attempt to make them smell his coffee.
By nominating ‘il-guy’ he is expressing, in no uncertain manner, his feelings on the EU.
I assume, the men in Brussels will still refuse to smell Jo’s coffee and will proceed to endorse Vella’s nomination.
I thought integrity was a pre-requisite for the post. After Dalli, how can they appoint Vella with his dubious Tunny Net smuggling?
At last, Jo has got rid of il-Guy from his cabinet and maybe out of his life, if Karmenu does not pass the EU grilling.
Joseph Muscat is the carbon copy of Dom Mintoff. He takes pleasure in humiliating Malta and the Maltese people.