Let’s take care not to miss the point: Godfrey Farrugia did not resign. He was fired.

Published: March 30, 2014 at 10:16am
Marlene Farrugia

Marlene Farrugia

Godfrey Farrugia

Godfrey Farrugia

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Joseph Muscat

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Joseph Muscat

Everybody is talking about the fact that Godfrey Farrugia resigned, and nobody seems to have actually read his resignation letter, thought it has been published (by Marlene Farrugia, on Facebook).

It is not quite a resignation letter at all, but a refusal of an alternative post, which is different, and it makes it quite clear that Farrugia was fired as health minister.

It only clicked with me last night, because like everyone else, I became tangled up in all the talk about resignation, as that was the word being bandied about in the media.

So everyone automatically thought that he resigned as health minister, resigned the health portfolio.

Then I read the letter and said to myself, “Hang on. This man didn’t resign. He was fired. He was fired as health minister, told that he would no longer be handling the health portfolio, offered another portfolio (Social Services) as compensation, and refused.

So technically, at the point he wrote that letter, in which he says quite clearly that he doesn’t want another portfolio, he wants health, he had no portfolio at all and nothing to resign from.

He was a minister without a portfolio, except that he was more properly a health minister who had been fired.

And I will repeat once more that I see in this the pathologically malicious and vengeful hand of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who never forgives or forgets a real or perceived slight and doesn’t stop until he has got his retribution. The combination of his malice and Jo’s equally vengeful spite – a character trait the two share, which is why they operate so well together – was lethal for Godfrey Farrugia and for Pullicino Orlando’s ex wife and mother of his children, Marlene Farrugia, from the outset.

Remember that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and the now defunct Carmen Camilleri Ciantar were key note, high-vision, honoured guests during the new prime minister’s parade down Republic Street to the Palace for the swearing-in, and that they made a big show of being allowed through the barriers and up the front steps of the Auberge de Castille afterwards, when almost nobody else was allowed in (Sandro Chetcuti was).

People forget or don’t know that Pullicino Orlando hates both Godfrey Farrugia and his ex wife with a blackness that frightened and disturbed me when I saw the full extent of it. Years after she left him for Godfrey, he still can’t mention her name without his face twisting with rage and hatred. They don’t speak, and haven’t done so for years.

I would say that the prolonged public torture and humiliation of Godfrey Farrugia, and the attendant anxieties of Marlene, were all part of the deal that spiteful and malicious pair, Jo and Jeffrey, cut before the election. Farrugia would have been given the health portfolio precisely because he would never have been able to cope with it. He would then be humiliated and embarrassed at every turn, and finally fired coldly.

Wouldn’t it have been easier to exact vengeance on him by giving him no portfolio at all, by not making him a minister? No. Because with people of the pathological mindset of Pullicino Orlando, the prolonged and public torture, exposure and humiliation is part of the punishment. The man has a streak of cold, calculating sadism that has already caused two wives to flee the family home. He plans his vengeance carefully, and devotes so much effort to it that you have to wonder what is wrong with him.

Godfrey Farrugia’s and Marlene Farrugia’s main difficulty is that like many essentially good and open people, who don’t bear grudges and forgive easily, they cannot really grasp the full-scale pathology of vengeance or understand how some people cannot rest until they see their real or perceived enemies suffer.

If they had understood this, neither of them would ever have accepted a post in the cabinet and would have become suspicious immediately the PM told them that he definitely wanted either one or the other. Why them, specifically? Warning bells should have gone off.

Marlene Farrugia at least, with all her years of direct experience of her ex husband, should have known that as soon as he began plotting and scheming with Joseph Muscat, her future in the Labour Party, and that of the man for whom she left that ex husband, was over. It was only a matter of time.

I am not, of course, even remotely suggesting that Godfrey Farrugia was suitable for the health portfolio or that he could cope with it. What I am saying here is that this is exactly why he was given it.

Could Muscat and Pullicino Orlando really be so very irresponsible and single-goal fixated as to think nothing of the massive collateral damage in a quest for vengeance and retribution? Yes. Look at the track record of both.

35 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    The political fate of Godfrey Farrugia and Marlene Farrugia is now sealed. Let’s hope now that they do something good for the country.

  2. edgar says:

    Muscat’s version of a Judas kiss is hugging his enemy, in this case Godrey Farrugia

  3. M. Cassar says:

    The makes sense because why on earth would a prime minister tell Godfrey Farrugia and Marlene Farrugia to decide between themselves who would get the health portfolio.

    If Muscat thought that either of them deserved a portfolio, why did they need to choose?

    Would he have asked two brothers to choose?

    Was this not a great opportunity to instill friction in the Farrugias’ relationship? It did not seem to work so an escalation was necessary, Farrugia’s removal.

    Makes one wonder how happy JPO really is with his Chihuahua, doesn’t it?

    • Clueless says:

      He asked them to choose, because it made no difference who became minister. John Dalli was going to run the show anyway.

      Konrad Mizzi will still continue being Energy Minister on a full-time basis. He will just act as a figurehead for Dalli’s decisions on the health portfolio.

      • Catsrbest says:

        So, the way you put it, I feel that it might be John Dalli and not Joseph Muscat who was with JPO on this vengeance quest.

      • Clueless says:

        I guess Godfrey Farrugia wasn’t playing ball and got dismissed. I am told Chris Fearne is no pushover either. This is probably not the end of the story.

  4. Clueless says:

    In his resignation letter he said he was resigning from Cabinet and not from the post of Health Minister.

    I thought this was odd since technically one can’t resign from Cabinet.

    Forming part of Cabinet comes with the job of being Minister. If he was no longer a Health Minister and refused to take on other portfolios, then he didn’t resign. He simply lost his job.

  5. Kif inhi din? says:

    This version of events makes sense if you think about the way John Dalli was sent in to undermine and humiliate Godfrey Farrugia.

  6. P Sant says:

    In all this, I see Dr Farrugia as man enough not to accept to be bought with another portfolio.

  7. ciccio says:

    Good Lord. JPO no longer holds that critical one seat in the parliamentary majority, but, metaphorically speaking of course, he can still get ‘no confidence’ votes passed against cabinet ministers.

  8. why oh why are we lumped with them says:

    What a sad sick bunch they all are? Please do not forget to add Muscats aide with this lot as he is of the same ilk.

  9. curious says:

    I hope I will be forgiven for saying that it is very difficult to believe that there are those who practise such vindictive vengeance.

    However, there is another angle which confirms the above. It is not a question whether Godfrey Farrugia was a good minister or not. If that were the case, Manwel Mallia would have been fired long ago. But the latter seems to have more power than most.

    Daqs kemm hawwad Manwel, zgur li hadd.

    • Tabatha White says:

      It is precisely because it is so difficult to believe that they and people like them get away with it.

      It is only in repeated close analytical back-tracking of events in hindsight over many years that it does become visible to those who are close.

      And even then, the Police have a hard time understanding the nature of it, it’s a totally different language, so reporting is close to impossible.

      The trick is to operate in a state of chaos and to flit from one project / territory to another so that tabs are difficult to keep and behavioural pattern is even more difficult to establish.

      People get paid to keep silent, where possible by keeping them within the system.

      People tend not to talk because their livelihood and their interests, their reputation and career is at stake if they do.

      If they do then the system obliges by teaming up to harass and cut the legs off any moral superiority (not blackmail, but reporting of such behaviour to the police) they may have from the information they hold and would want to report.

      Its a nasty world that Nair is closely linked with.

      Witnesses are either bought, afraid to come forward or incapacitated (no need for this to be literal to be effective).

  10. Nik says:

    Interesting that Godfrey Farrugia talks of remaining in the “movement” not the party: he clearly no longer feels part of that.

    And I get the feeling that there’s an unsaid “for now” at the end of that statement. Rather than a declaration of loyalty, it sounds more like a serving of notice.

  11. Gahan says:

    Yesterday we had a pre-planned phone in during Fabian Demicoli’s show on RTK, by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando on the subject of Gorg Abela’s objection on moral grounds on the signing of the gay marriage act.

    JPO hounds his enemies till the end.

    I don’t know why RTK asked for JPO’s opinion about all this?

    He represents no one but himself and the Malta Council for Science and Technology, and surely gay marriage is neither science nor technology.

  12. La Redoute says:

    Marlene Farrugia claims that Godfrey Farrugia’s resignation letter had already been sent to the media when she uploaded it on her Facebook with his approval.

  13. Benny Hill says:

    I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head here, Daphne.

  14. Ernest Meli says:

    “The end justifies the means.”

    I can also hear Godfrey Farrugia shout at the top of his lungs after pressure mounted between himself and Jo, “YOU CAN’T FIRE ME! I QUIT.”

    [Daphne – He’d already been fired and so couldn’t quit.]

  15. PWG says:

    I can ‘understand’ Pullicino Orlando gunning for the couple. But why would Muscat dance to Pullicino Orlando’s tune, knowing it would inflict untold harm on the health section, and all this before Marlene started showing signs of restlessness?

    [Daphne – Why would he do anything of the crazy things he’s done? Because he’s spiteful and highly irresponsible, and getting his own back is clearly a big issue. Look at his track record. Why make many of the appointments he’s made, knowing they can only result in damage?]

  16. Jozef says:

    I don’t have the fibre to fathom the degree of hdura you mention.

    If this is the case, quo vadis Malta?

  17. Toni Bajada says:

    Fired or not, I thought he should have resigned the minute J Dalli BA and his daughter appeared on the scene.

    He did the right thing refusing to accept another position. That is because he is a PROFESSIONAL and does NOT need politics to make a living

    If I have any comments to make – it’s about all the other POLITICIANS who insist on sticking around like the world cannot function without them.

    Dalli and JPO come to mind, but it’s pretty much all of them. The are harder to get rid of than herpes and just as beneficial.

    So someone who the people ELECTED is out of the picture. Not only is this government not delivering on its promises, we are more and more in the hands of people we did not even vote for.

    How about limiting the terms in office to two terms. Politics is about serving the country. The very idea of a life-long politician is UNDEMOCRATIC and self-serving. Unfortunately this was one idea which both parties rejected because both are full of people who cannot function in society without politics.

    And this is also the reason why any promises of meritocracy in this country will always be a blatant lie. Do you expect a person who does not merit his job to accept meritocracy?

  18. ovvy says:

    Minister of Ovaltine … Health and Energy!

  19. mb says:

    Jo must have told Konrad Fenomenali that he had to make good for Sai’s 13,000 euro/month’s salary while she’s doing nothing back home in China.

  20. Albert Floyd says:

    Dr Godfrey Farrugia told Malta Today “I’m staying in the Labour movement… I’m going to make sure the ‘Malta For All’ (Malta Tagħna Lkoll) election slogan actually becomes a reality,”

    I should think that Marlene Farrugia is of the same opinion. She has said already that she will not be standing for election again.

  21. Mark Fenech says:

    Incidentally this was the second “Farrugia” to be sacrificed by the PM. The first one was called “Anglu”.

  22. lina caruana says:

    A perspicacious view of a vindictive personality disorder.

  23. Jas says:

    Doesn’t matter how careful they are, snake handlers eventually get bitten.

  24. kram says:

    Marlene Farrugia’s post on Facebook further confirms this, since Godfrey Farrugia was not only offered Social Policy but seems like he was also other ministries as an alternative which he refused.

  25. Gaetano Pace says:

    I have not the least doubt that the Labour Propaganda Machine has started to roll.

    I bet that by next election the duo Godfrey+Marlene will not be on the Labour list of candidates for elections.

    Soon the machine will start firing shots at them through the foul mouth of someone called Cuschieri and his ilk.

    Godfrey Farrugia`s letter of resignation was his last act of obedience to his chief to cover up his being fired with the diplomatic letter of resignation.

    Had the reason for resignation not been one of collision between Muscat and Farrugia, the reason for resignation would have been “for health and personal reasons”.

    The way it was penned, and the timing of Marlene`s blog release conveyed clearer messages than Joseph would have wished to be hidden and possibly forlorn.

  26. manum says:

    Reading this article makes me so sick, that puts me in a very serious state of anxiety. I cannot believe that there are people so dangerous.
    If people like this manage to acquire powers to rule a country, where can one escape to? Very frightening.

  27. combinaguai ):-) says:

    Marlene confirms on her Facebook page that Dr Farrugia wanted to remain Minister of Health, but this “was not the Prime Minister’s wish”.

    Marlene Farrugia

    14 hours ago near Sliema, Malta

    Ghall-kuntrarju ta’dak li gie insinwat dalghodu minn xi kelliema fuq one tv, Godfrey Farrugia ried jibqa’ Ministru tas-Sahha u ta r-rizenja tieghu biss meta gie accertat li dan ma kienx dak li l-PM jixtieq ,u offrielu ministeri ohra.Godfrey hass li la kienet ix-xewqa tal-PM li jwarrab, allura ma kellux triq ohra hlief ibaxxi rasu ghar-rieda tal-PM li xtaqu ministru izda mhux tas-sahha.

    Nirreferikom ghall-ittra tar-rizenja.

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