We are so lucky to have such a distinguished gentleman as prime minister
March 5, 2014 at 12:26am
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Wicc il-hdura – tad-daqqiet ta’ harta
Bottom centre pic. Blow it up and put it on a few billboards. The little man needs a lesson.
Such distinguished jowls.
Fair play to the journalist for not even bothering to walk round to the Prime Ministers side.
Live and learn I suppose.
Just thinking ….
What if there is some element of truth in the following link ?
Maybe , just maybe , our prime minister had an invite to Arcore to watch the game . Berlusconi was not at San Siro for the game .
He’s been overtaken by events lately. High risk strategies usually tend to.
Arroganza assoluta.
Joseph Muscat was touring the countryside in his chauffeur-driven Alfa Romeo
Suddenly, a donkey jumps out onto the road, and they hit it full on and the car comes to a stop.
Joseph Muscat says to the chauffeur: ‘You get out and check, you were driving.’
The chauffeur gets out, checks and reports that the animal is dead.
‘You were driving; go and tell the farmer,’ says Joseph Muscat.
Hours later, the chauffeur returns totally plastered, hair ruffled with a big grin on his face.
‘My God, what happened to you?’ asked Joseph Muscat.
The chauffeur replies: ‘When I got there, the farmer opened his best bottle of whiskey, the wife gave me a real country style feast of a meal and the daughter took me upstairs and made love to me.
‘What on earth did you say to them?’ asked a puzzled Joseph Muscat.
‘I knocked on the door, and when it was answered, I said breathlessly to them, “I’ am Joseph Muscat’s chauffeur and I’ve just killed the jackass.”
Nice adaptation – like it!
excellent – was in tears with laughter
He was in class with Franco Debono. That explains it.
Kemm hu pulit hux. Veru eleganti.
He’s just a very bitter, angry man.
A very dangerous concoction when mixed with power.
Why he should be bitter and angry beats me. He won the elections with a 9-seat majority.
Could it be that he really feels he is not fit for purpose? Also that he knows there is a limit to putting the blame on others for his failures and he is worried about that.
He is bitter as he thinks that he can get away with murder and can fool people. BUT unlike his parents we aren’t fooled by his antics and we are all exposing them. So he is livid.
“Spock” – tkompli turi mill-liem spectrum politiku gej ghax ghadek timxi b’wahda mill-mentalitajiet patetici li telfittkom l-elezzjoni li ghaddiet – dik tal-ucuh.
Komplu uru kemm intom nies tat-tieni klassi u nies li l-injoranza fikom tispikka, tibrilla u tiffjurixxi.
Mentalita patetika tal-ucuh? Mela diga insejthom il-billboards, Sur Borg?
Il-wicc huwa xhieda tal-personalità, u l-personalità tiddetermina l-ghazliet politici.
Mela iva, l-ucuh importanti.
The third picture says it all, the hdura is oozing out of his eyes. What a horrible man.
Actually that third picture is reminding me of ” The Exorcist ” . Scarier actually because in the film it was acting , and here it’s real . Maaa , mhux qed tibza’ Mr.Borg ?
Probably the prime minister thought that by using his encounter with the NET reporter to attack Simon Busuttil in his retort, NET would:
1. Either not air this news item and the episode. In which case, Muscat would have thought that his bullying has worked.
2. Or if they air it, this will only damage Simon Busuttil and the PN. In this case, the PM must be thinking with the mentality of the viewers of his party’s Super One, who would cheer at a reply like that with the typical “Hekk, hu go fik, Simon.” We’ve seen this attitude before, even in the “highest institution of the land.”
In actual fact, the prime minister said nothing that is new from Labour. They have been using these tactics since the 1970s and 1980s.
Thankfully, NET news published this episode, and the only conclusions that we can reach are about the prime minister himself, and an insight into his character.
Has the word ‘gentleman’ been redefined whilst we were not looking perhaps?
Gollum, anyone?
Another PR disaster for Muscat. He was obviously quite livid at the presence of the NET crew and allowed his ire to spew out in a really pathetic ‘attack’ on Simon Busuttil. Total amateur, running the country.
He has an all-consuming inferiority complex, and a chip on his shoulder the size of a Californian Redwood. I bet he thought his rapid ascent from ‘SooPair Waan’ hack to PM would cure him of both, but it didn’t.
Joseph Muscat is a very well balanced man. He has a massive chip on both shoulders.
Ilha gejja. 0.22.
Il-bniedem ma jindunax kif hu tal-moghdija taz-zmien.
Il-poter hadu akkost tar-rispett, u ghax ried hu, ma jafx mod iehor. Qatt ma rajt bniedem jintilef daqshekk malajr, hlief Franco Debono.
Forsi fi zmienhom San Alwigi ma baqghux jibghatu studenti jaghmlu volontarjat l-Cottolengo jew Palermo. Jinkeddu ghax neqsin mill-istima tan-nies. Mur ghidilhom kif trid tirbahha.
Delusions of adequacy.
X’redikolagni, bniedem bhal dan ihammrilna wiccna qieghed.
First row, third picture from the left. That surely is rage.
Another one with furrowed brow – no wonder they feel so affinity for each other.
Mark Sammut gives the game away in the first line and doesn’t realise it.
Have you ever seen the cartoon ‘The Incredibles’? Syndrome, the brat turned evil, who wants to rule the world, reminds me of Muscat. He is a redhead, has a huge forehead and chin and has the furrowed look too.
Ghandek ragun C. Borg, ghax issa in-nies ta l-ewwel klassi saru l-laburisti tal-qalba.. Mhux ta’ l-ewwel biss, izda ta’ t-tieni, u ta’ t-tielet, ahtaf u ahleb Guz. ghax kollox ghalina, ghax Malta taghna lkoll.
Aha, beginning to buckle under pressure. Just imagine if he was in charge of a big country, not a small to medium sized city.
Yep, unforeseen circumstances seem to trouble him no end.
Waqat il-maskra.
Hafna. Ilu jevita lil-Simon Busuttil, m’ghandux argumenti jregguh u maqful f’nassa li ghamlulu ta’ madwaru.
Dom Mintoff kien jizvoga fiz-zwiemel u meetings ta’ tlett sieghat, dan lanqas jitkellem ma jaf. Kollox miktub ghal-elezzjoni, hu kemm rikeb u issa ghajnejn pajjiz fuqu.
Malli tqum l-ewwel wahda serja naraw x’isarraf. Miskin min jehel ma’ rasu.
L-investiment barrani naqas b’500 miljun fuq is sena l-ohra, Issa gejjin li n-nies qed tirregistra ghax zied ix-xoghol u thajret tirregistra. Il-gideb joholmuh.
Wicc ta’ dittatur bhal dawk li qed jaghmilha maghhom.
Bottom centre pic: is he practising Toni Abela’s smirk?