When the news appeared on this website last Friday, some people didn’t believe it
March 4, 2014 at 11:43am
And they wrote in with insulting comments, asking how far could I possibly go in my invention of lies to disparage the government. Unfortunately, they didn’t believe me either when I said that I quoted one of Malta’s most reputable estate agents, and that I had got the information from him.
People who are accustomed to dealing in lies, as the Labour Party does, imagine that everyone else does the same: all is fair in love and war & c & c.
But read Vanessa Macdonald in Times of Malta this morning.
I don’t blame people really for not believing it – it is quite outrageous.
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Henley Estates claims it is a separate company, yet:
With hindsight:
It appears that Malta has slipped from the grip of “Taghhom ilkoll” into the grip of “Henley taghhom ilkoll”.
‘..Agents were also told that as the property was only being purchased as a pre-condition for citizenship – rather than as an investment or for residential purposes – the sale was more or less guaranteed…’
I’m rather tired of Henley and Partners contradicting Muscat, aren’t these ‘citizens’ supposedly investing in Malta?
At this rate perhaps Muscat could co-opt someone from Henley and Partners in the next re-shuffle.
Saves time and resources.
I mean how brazen-faced can one get?
Imagine Lawrence Gonzi indeed Alfred Sant, Fenech Adami or Mintoff having this company going around spreading these false rumours, against the interests of our country.
My head’s spinning. I shall now go to the gym, sirens wailing.
”When an otherwise rational person holds an irrational belief in the face of significant evidence against it, cognitive dissonance is usually involved. How the mind facilitates this is a study in self-preservation, and it typically involves a mental tendency known as confirmation bias.”
It is no comfort for those who did not cause the state of affairs to come about and who pre-election saw past the empty promises and accusations, BUT the inquisitive mind at least gets to know the WHY and HOW.
And now, as sure as night follows day, there will be some “reinterpreting the evidence” by the machine who has in one year managed to change the definition of words such as ‘transparency’ and ‘meritocracy.’
This is not about what is really going on but the need of those who believed that they were getting a better government and their eagerness to avoid the stress of unlearning, the possibility of regret and the shame of having been wrong.
”And so, in the interest of cognitive harmony, otherwise reasonable individuals believe vaccines can cause autism, human actions have nothing to do with climate change, smoking doesn’t cause cancer, and the test, obviously, was wrong.”
Go figure!
And, of course, Times of Malta did not upload a comment pointing out that the story had appeared on this blog first.
I still do not believe it.
It could only be true if Henley and Partners were aided and abetted by a corrupt government and were acting on such a government’s behalf.
It cannot be otherwise.
Joseph Muscat’s Labour in government – The Gi(f)t That Keeps On Giving.
This is yet another incentive for Henley & Something to be shall we say, expedient in their vetting and approval of the IIP applications.
“Estate agents confident Henley Estates won’t take lion’s share of high-end property market’
Famous last words.
It was obviously easier to blame Daphne rather than come out from under their denial blanket. If I were a betting person I would put my money on the fact that if the percentages are somehow minimally tweaked these people would just say that Daphne was wrong because it was not as she stated after all.
After all when the world was supposed to end, on 21st December 1954, and it did not, the cult members insisted they had saved the world with their prayers. And if anyone is even thinking that we are not surrounded by gullible people, do think again. This time however stuff your ears with cotton wool and open your eyes.
“And that’s the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think everybody else does too.”
― Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner