Yes, Godfrey Farrugia’s ‘crime’ was one and one alone: that of cuckolding Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, for which he was never forgiven

Published: March 30, 2014 at 9:12pm
This is best said in Maltese: bniedem ahdar li jasal

This is best said in Maltese: bniedem ahdar li jasal

When I wrote in a post this morning that the humiliation of Godfrey Farrugia and of Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s ex wife, Marlene Farrugia, was almost certainly part of the deal Pullicino Orlando struck with Joseph Muscat (that would have been around two to three years ago, I would say), some of you expressed scepticism.

Can somebody really plan and execute his revenge with such consummate lack of conscience and scruples, hold a desire for vendetta and hold it so long?

The answer is yes. Both Muscat and Pullicino Orlando are of a piece. They understand each other on these matters: neither has a conscience about using and disposing of people as suits them, both are extraordinarily malicious and spiteful, and both are revenge-driven. The difference is that Muscat smiles as he drives the knife in, while Pullicino Orlando can’t conceal his anger and spite.

Would Muscat really have been willing to damage the health sector and hospital by giving Farrugia that portfolio when he knew he was not up to it, just to pay his debt to Pullicino Orlando?

Yes, of course – he’s made appointments that are far worse and cumulatively far more damaging, right across the board. The appointments are made to serve his specious purposes, not the role.

Either of the two would have done – Godfrey or Marlene. When he was appointing the cabinet, Muscat actually told them he would like to have either one or the other. Marlene thought that by ceding the cabinet post to her man, she was honouring him and doing him a favour. In reality, she just ensured that he was the direct victim of her ex-husband and his close friend Joseph, rather than she.

The only thing that surprises me is how Marlene Farrugia failed to anticipate this. She knows two things: how much her ex husband hates her and has never forgiven the betrayal or put it behind him, and how close he now is to the party boss and prime minister, who owes him big-time for all he did for Labour with the seat he won on the PN ticket.

How could she not have seen it coming, not have seen what they were up to, when the whole of Malta saw Pullicino Orlando running up the Auberge de Castille steps in his orange trousers, an honoured guest of Muscat himself, on swearing-in day?

Now, I suspect, she does see it in retrospect. The Malta Independent has put up a promo on its website:

In an article to be published in The Malta Independent Monday, Labour MP Marlene Farrugia speaks of the way her partner, former Health Minister Godfrey Farrugia, was “repeatedly humiliated” by the Prime Minister.

She also explains why she will continue to speak out in all fora available to her.

33 Comments Comment

  1. Clueless says:

    Pandering to the great unwashed:

    Immigrant children were never held in prison. Nor were adult immigrants. And it is only the men that are held in detention centres. Women and children are accommodated in open centres.

    But Jo needed a catch-phrase to put on tomorrow’s headlines, knowing that the newspapers will use it without questioning it.

    • observer says:

      True, immigrant children, including babies, were never held in prison – they were just laid down (not to say thrown) on the ground of the Police HQ yard.

      True, also, that Times of Malta has used the catch-phrase about prejudice as one if its headlines in today’s on-line edition.

      It irks me, however, when Jo speaks of ‘combating prejudice’ against irregular immigrants so soon after the infamous PUSH-BACK saga which had reddened our faces with other EU members.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Look how vile and bitter Pullicino Orlando is.

  3. Rosie says:

    It seems like some one is trying to conceal horrible character traits behind the innocence of two little girls, by portraying himself as a normal family man.

  4. La Redoute says:

    It’s shocking, but plausible.

    Muscat is incompetent and has no understanding of the role into which he has been placed by the unscrupulous and the gullible. Anyone who has any doubts should watch him trying – and failing – to properly READ a speech he hasn’t written himself.

  5. Marie says:

    Dear Daphne

    I was also rather sceptical about your post earlier in the day but unfortunately from further information I have gleaned it seems as though you are spot on. What a sad and sorry state our country has been reduced to.

  6. Kif inhi din? says:

    Can you Botox your own face? I mean should such a practice be allowed?

  7. il busu says:

    Marlene Farrugia will tell all on tomorrow’s The Malta Independent on how Jo repeatedly humiliated Godfrey.

    “L-aqwa kabinett li qatt kellha Malta” my foot

  8. Neil says:

    When a person acts cruelly and vindictively (publicly so in this case), towards the mother of his children, he is also acting so towards same children. And THAT is the measure of the man’s all-consuming spite.

  9. Gahan says:

    Go to 35:40 and see how RTK is still being used as a tool of vengeance against JPO’s victims.

    Why did Fabian Demicoli ask for JPO’s opinion?JPO is the chairman of the Malta Council of Science and Technology. At the end of the interview JPO said a lie. How could he did not know about the health minister’s resignation , when he surely was following the program and when the papers send SMS news alerts?

  10. P Shaw says:

    Does this mean that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando will be back in the limelight? Will the moronic and amateur journalists be asking him for his opinion on any topic, in particular, to counteract what Marlene and Godfrey Farrugia will be saying, going forward?

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    And why does he consider himself ‘a cuckold’? Hadn’t he already left his wife when she had another relationship? Why does he ruminate and scheme about his ex-wives? This man is in severe need of therapy.

    [Daphne – No, you’re confusing wives now. Marlene left Jeffrey for Godfrey, and when Jeffrey found out why and how, he stuck a gun in his mouth and threatened to kill himself.]

  12. Peppa Pig says:

    Who will be co-opted instead of Marie Louise Coleiro?

    John Dalli, Franco Debono or Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando (Smith)?

    • observer says:

      But it’s Joseph Cuschieri who has raised his claim for ‘recompense’ and ‘reciprocation’ with Jo, not those three creatures.

      Do not forget that – even if Cuschieri’s voice sounds no louder than a hungry cat’s ‘miao’.

    • Kevin says:

      How can John Dalli BA be co-opted to Parliament?

  13. ken il malti says:

    BNIEDEM AHDAR LI JASAL aka, a nasty little shit.

  14. Jozef says:

    It was also quite significant that Konrad Mizzi had his press conference in Zurrieq this morning, in the square just a few doors down from her clinic.

  15. Rahal says:

    JPO jasal li jpattija. Ghamel dan bil goff ma Gonzi u l-partit, ma Marlene w qed jipprova mieghek ukoll bic-cyber bullying alliance.

    Sociopath iehor.

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