A self-serving liar for a president

Published: April 28, 2014 at 10:25am

President Coleiro said yesterday to Newsbook (the news website operated by the Catholic Church in Malta) that she chose not to go to the Vatican for the canonisation ceremony yesterday because she couldn’t find flights to get her back in time to meet a UNHCR delegation which arrives today and leaves tomorrow.

Now Newsbook is running another story in which it interviews people who were at the ceremony yesterday and flew back last night.

newsbook Coleiro

41 Comments Comment

  1. Reaching the sky limit says:

    Since her excellency took office, it seems that she became one of your regular targets. Simply not on!

    [Daphne – If she didn’t wish to become the target of scrutiny and criticism, she should not have accepted the highest position in the land, but should have stayed in bed with Edgar and a string of rosary beads.]

    • billy goat says:

      Attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq il-persuna tal-President. X’gharukaza.

    • manum says:

      @ reaching the sky limit

      Iddahhaqx nies bik. Taf x’inhu simply not on, il-kummiedji li qed jigru go dan il-pajjiz min partit li hlief idahhaq mhuwiex.

      X’ tippretendi li hadd ma jghid xejn u kollox jibqa ghaddej? Il-wicc tost ta’ whud huwa tali li meta huma jkunu fl-oppozizzjoni jistghu jaqilghu li jridu fuq kullhadd anke gideb, u issa triduna naghtu rispett lejn president li ghandha storja politika wisq interessanti. Mhux hekk tghid!

    • Chris says:

      Hang on. This is a story on newsbook.com? Daphne is simply sharing.

      I’m no Christian but if the Head of State is invited to a major international event of this nature don’t you think it should need a mighty good excuse to defer to the Speaker of the House?

      [Daphne – Thank you for pointing that out, Chris.]

    • albona says:

      Attakk fahxi. Arresta l-kulhadd.

    • giraffa says:

      Lying through their teeth is the hallmark of the Labour Party – always was and always will be. If Marie Louise Coleiro Preca doesn’t like such comments, she should be honest with the people. Maybe then she will earn the respect of the rest of the country.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Did she feel threatened by the fact that her husband’s antecedent now has competition?

  3. Manuel says:

    It is unfathomable to think that the President of the Republic does not find a place on Air Malta. It will be an absurdity to think that those with an ounce of intelligence would believe the reply given by our President.

    Like her king-maker, Madame President tramples on the intelligence of the people thinks that everyone in Malta is either naïve or gullible.

  4. pablo says:

    Mareelweez was probably directed, yes, directed by OPM not to attend. We have two presidents, the one who hates ceremonials and the other who needs and feeds off the self importance that ceremonials provide. And both draw a salary from our taxes.

  5. gigi says:

    Jien ma nafdax lil xi hadd li naqbdu f’gidba. U ghalhekk daqshekk se nafda lil president, f’kollox.

  6. Charly says:

    Why all these bunch of liars, as soon as they open their mouth need to twist the truth ? Why.

    • Catsrbest says:

      Because their immorality has no limits.

    • Tabatha White says:

      There’s Helena Dalli twisting and convoluting in Times of Malta this morning.

      Looks like the Nationalist Party wasn’t “on the wrong side of history” after all and they ended up holding the stink bomb that rebounded back to them.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Ghaliex huma qabda hawwadin, u minn ihawwad irid jigdeb biex jghatti t-tahwid.

  7. RF says:

    The PM this morning stated that he government was indeed represented: by the Speaker and his wife (Muscat’s). This is not acceptable as neither has a government role. The Foreign Minister was also planned to attend and dropped out at last minute. Will the President now come clean? Her creditability as at stake. Was this all the pushy wife’s doing?

  8. canon says:

    The President started the presidency with a lie.

  9. Butterfly says:

    My relative also arrived yesterday from Rome.

  10. In The Know says:

    If Coleiro Preca had attended this momentous occasion this past weekend as a member of the distinguished audience of VIPs representing their countries, it would have stolen the thunder from a proper state visit to the Vatican with all its pomp and ceremony and media coverage (albeit local media of a small island, not global media with millions of viewers/readers).

    So she decided to miss out on this event to wait for her proper visit to the Vatican, which, I would imagine the elves in the office of the president would be organising for the coming weeks/months.

  11. Pandora says:

    The fact the President was caught lying does not tell us anything new about her character. What journalists should be pursuing is the reason why she lied.

    A lie goes hand in hand with a hidden truth, and I believe the public has a right to know what this hidden truth is.

    I watched part of the celebrations yesterday and I thought the absence of appropriate representatives for our country was a diplomatic faux pas (or rather an intended snub?). Just embarrassing.

  12. Doone says:

    Mela Justyne Caruana tuza l-bozza biex torqod naqr’ohra u tilhaq il-flight xorta wahda imma l-President ta’ Malta ma sabietx titjira li tehodha u ggibha lura fil-hin ghal impenji ohra.

  13. anthony says:

    The President has to understand that she is no longer a common politician but Head of State.

    She is no longer representing gullible, moronic PL voters but the entire populace including myself.

    I strongly object to being represented by a liar.

    If the symbolic head of the Republic is caught out lying systematically and compulsively, then the country is really and truly doomed.

  14. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Bare-faced lying and being caught out have become the stomach-turning “dish of the day”, of the month, of the year and of the next four years.

  15. ciccio says:

    Well, at least the President came up with an excuse – or is it a lie? – about why she did not travel to Rome for the canonisation of two Popes.

    Did anyone bother to ask the Prime Minister why he stayed home?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Why bother? The answer will be one of the following:

      1. I was putting the twins to bed after giving them hot chocolate and gingerbread.

      2. I broke my leg while dancing with the twins.

      3. I was mowing the lawn in my dad jeans.

      • ciccio says:

        I thought the answer would be another ‘tu quoque’ retort: “Ghax ma tmurx tara x’ghamel Simon Busuttil? Jekk Dr Busuttil ma ddejjaqx jaghmel hmistax l-Awstralja ‘ixewwex kontra l-pajjiz’, nahseb li ghandi d-dritt ma mmurx ghal-Kanonizzazzjoni taz-zewg Papiet.”

        In fact, I think they should ask him the question when he is with his driver in his Alfa, like this one:


  16. Jinx says:

    Couldn’t she have hitched a ride in a bozza tal-plastik?

  17. Neil says:

    Why do these people all seem to think they can make public statements that are clearly untruthful, and they will just be taken at face value by the media and public alike?

    Muscat and most of his ministers do it all the time, and now the newly installed Labour President is at it too. It’s quite surreal.

  18. John Grech says:

    If the authorities want the respect of the people, they should respect them first and not treat them like idiots.

  19. verita says:

    When did the President’s ADC try to book the flight?

    And why is the President herself answering these questions rather than her media office?

  20. Maltease says:

    She probably didn’t want to miss the Valletta FC game..

  21. herbie says:

    Hey, we do have an acting president system, don’t we?

    The acting president could have received the delegation until the actual president returned.

  22. Julian CT says:

    A blatant lie like this, from the head of state of our country no less, augurs really well for this presidency. She should hang her head in shame for slipping at the first post and not stepping up to represent us as is befitting of her current position.

  23. Gee Dee says:

    Spot on, Herbie. That is why we have an acting President. By this way of reasoning no Acting President is needed.

  24. kram says:

    Forsi ma riditx tithallat man-nies issa li lahqet!

  25. Sparky says:

    Is she President yet or not? This morning I was surprised to see ex-President Abela’s portrait on a wall near the reception desk at the Birkirkara health centre.

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