Another photograph of the Speaker and Mrs Farrugia in the line to meet Pope Francis
April 28, 2014 at 9:57am
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Judging by her facial expression and the angle of her face, it looks like she’s checking or using her mobile phone.
Judging from the timing of these two photos, my wild guess would be that it was actually the prime minister who phoned his wife. She told him that she is temporarily Mrs. Farrugia and he replied “Ghaddini ma Anglu”. That’s when the second photo was taken.
She could also be looking at Anglu Farrugia’s mismatched socks.
‘Mrs Farrugia’ will surely put this picture at the top of the family album.
More to the point :
What is Mrs Farrugia doing? Is she texting or preparing to take a selfie?
Is she texting? And what were they planning to tell the Pope? “Hawn hi, diss Michelle ta, wife of prim minster. He borrow her to me.”
So she too was playing around with her mobile.
Maybe she had other attractions to play around with during the two-hour long ceremony – and did not have time to dedicate to messaging back home.
I do not get the impression – don’t ask me ‘why?’ because I bet you do know – that she was really interested in what was going on while she was acting ‘Mrs Farrugia’ in the VIP sector. She, therefore, had perforce to find some distraction to while away the time.
She was probably texting her real husband, telling him of her lack of excitement. You know, the twins are absent. She couldn’t parade them in front of the Pontiff and use them as a vote-catching exercise for her husband’s party.
Mrs. Farrugia will tell the pope, “Hawn hi, illum jiena gejt. Orrajt, kif ahna?”
U ejja Daphne, mhux xorta… Bartolo or Buhagiar. Farrugia or Muscat. As Shakespeare said, what’s in a name? Mhux xorta. L’aqwa li ltqajna mal-papa.
Mur gib lill-kbir Lawrence gonzi jitkellem hekk.
Judging by her facial expression, I would say she’s thinking “I have to queue up?! How outrageous! This would never have happened back in Malta! A person of my status ought to be able to waltz their way past everyone!”
Mrs Muscat must be reassuring her husband that she is in the safe care of a par idejn sodi.
“Hawn Mer, jien qieghed mal-mara ta’ dak li taghni sitt tiri, ta.”
X’misthija ta’ Gvern
Who the hell died and made her queen?
About 2 meet #POPE w @angluhannibal. Eggzited LOLz!!! #POSITIVENRG #EJJAwasalna!!!11
#wasalna #EJJA, kBaR konna w niqbghu ahna l-Maltin# Viva l-papa.##
Maybe she was looking for her rosary beads, for the pope to bless.
L-aqwa il-velu u l-libsa sewda tal-bizzilla.
Nispera li anglu kellu hin bizzejjed biex jdhid il-Papa kemm ghamel xoghol siewi meta kien spettur tal-pulizija taht il-Labour.
Lili kien dahhalli l-biro f’idi.
The problem with the Muscats is that they don’t understand protocol. This stems from a lack of discipline and regime.
Problem is they’re dragging Malta in this ethical void.
The problem with the Muscats is that they’ve been promoted far beyond their limited competence, thanks to voters who are as ignorant, opportunistic and unprincipled as they are.
Before the general election, Anglu Farrugia publicly claimed he had been betrayed by Muscat, but now he’s prepared to be Muscat’s doormat in return for a position and privilege.
So in her now infamous speech which she delivered in impeccable pidgin, she pooped all over the church. Now she queues, wearing a black veil if you wish, to meet the head of the same church.
I imagine that it could be one of the One Direction boys for all she cared, as long as she gets to meet someone fejmiss like her.