Countdown to the new power station deadline of 11/3/15: 10 months to go and they haven’t even signed the contract
April 25, 2014 at 11:23pm
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Is there is a video recording of Muscat saying that he will resign if the new power station is not ready in 2 years time?
Does this mean that Joseph Muscat will be resigning in 319 days?
No. It means that in 319 days we will have to resign ourselves to the fact that Muscat will not be resigning.
As far as I remember, Muscat had promised to resign if the water and electricity bills were not lowered and not if the power station is not built. The devil is always in the detail.
Muscat’s promise relates to the realisation of Labour’s energy plan, which includes the promise made on 8 January 2013 to deliver a gas powerstation project within 2 years from 9 March 2013.
1. Labour’s 2-year plan:
“Launched on the second official day of the electoral campaign, Labour announced that it would complete the project within a two-year timeframe and effect savings for private households next year.”
2. Muscat’s promise:
““If there is no interest in this proposal from the private sector it is really the Labour Party and Joseph Muscat who will be taking the biggest risk.
“He has said that he will be taking personal responsibility for this project. I think what this means is that he would resign,” Dr Cremona said.“That’s right,” Dr Muscat replied.”
3. The moment of the solemn promise, under the igloo in Marsaxlokk:
See here, from 1.17.50 onwards
“Jien qed niehu responsabilta’ shieha ta’ dan il-pjan.”
That trick free-electicity pyramid in the middle of H’Attard is looking more of a reality than this new power station does.
Lots of lies, deceit and fuckups during the first year. However, this will be biggie in the second year. No wiggle room here.
Kollu tort tan-Nazzjonalisti li qed izommu kollox wieqaf.
Skond kif inghad il-bierah minn kandidat Laburist ghall-elezzjoni tal-membri parlamentari Ewropew, il-hallieq halaq kollox f`sebat ijiem imma Joseph Muscat ghamel il-mirakli fi 12-il xahar.
Issa li kiteb l-istorja ta’ Malta mill-gdid jidher li qed ihajjruh jikteb il-bibbja mill-gdid. Ha naraw, il-bini tal-power station hux ser ikun l-ewwel miraklu.