Get out of the way, everyone – the boy who was teased in the school playground wants to show everybody who’s boss now
How many men in Maltese politics actually need psychotherapy?
This comment came in from KP this morning:
“This morning I was on my way to work on the tal-Ballal road heading to Naxxar, moving slowly in bumper to bumper traffic.
As I approached the roundabout leading out from Gharghur, I started hearing sirens wailing and obviously, in bumper to bumper traffic, panicked as I tried to see how to get out of the way to allow the ambulance or police to pass through unobstructed.
A policeman on a motor cycle arrived on the scene and kept driving right onto roundabout traffic to halt cars, which could have easily caused an accident.
The prime minister’s car followed with Joseph looking very smug and grinning like a toddler who has just discovered chocolate.
When I saw that he was responsible for the commotion I was furious.
What abuse of power and what arrogance.
He could have caused an accident, not to mention that him needing to pass through rush-hour traffic is not a fudging emergency.
Honestly, I’m just sick to death of his impropriety, selfishness, abuse of power and his inflated sense of self worth.”
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I don’t see why Muscat should be rushed to work. It’s not like he is a stickler for punctuality.
But perhaps they’re the only muscles he can flex.
Maybe he was late (as usual) for an important appointment.
Was there not a less congested route his entourage could have taken, or was this another opportunity to get in everybody’s face?
Lateness has never made him hurry. If he really wanted to avoid being late I’m sure he could have called up the bozza tal-plastik to take him wherever he needed to go in an instant.
Miskin, if he wasn’t escorted, he wouldn’t have reached the Presidential Palace on time for this morning’s swearing-in ceremony of his fellow prized turnips.
This is the kind of school boy masturbatory behaviour that Jo gets his ‘jollies’ from.
Shame he never took biology with that lovely teacher Vince Taliana.
That image has destroyed my day.
This is happening many times. I have witnessed this myself too. I’ve seen policemen in cars, fed up in traffic or just driving behind someone and they use that stupid horn which sounds more like a constipated vuvuzela and bully themselves through. I really understand this person’s frustration. Pure abuse of power.
Must be one of the few perks of living in the Deep South of Malta; we never see this behaviour of the PM of Malta.
Jista jilbes sjuts u ggiget tal-marka. Jista jwahhal bnadar mal-karozza tieghu. Jista jkollu skorta tal-pulizija.
Imma l-imgieba tieghu isservi biss biex turi bniedem b’sens ta’inferiorita u ta’ mentalita baxxa.
Hamallu fenomenali, as his health and energy minister might put it.
He must have been prescribed multiple ego boosts a day. That was his morning one. ”Look at me I can jump the queue, nah nah nananah”
Imagine him and his entire cabinet doing that all over Malta. But not the new president to be, ghax dik humble miskina.
Bugger the ministers. It’s the whole rotten lot – mayors councillors, personal assistants, drivers, it’s endless. They really seem to take this ‘taghna lkoll’ seriously.
One day or so after Labour won the elections, somebody wrote here suggesting that I should go to Calcutta and live in the sewers there.
Who would have told me that one year on, Malta would become the new Calcutta, complete with its own Madre Teresa?
The frown is back.
When excellence is unattainable, mediocrity is desirable to those whose only other option is failure.
@Finding Nemo…and it’s not that he works very hard, does he?
Maybe he’s got a punch-clock at Castille to show he’s in.
Joseph Muscat is a fine one to talk about making MPs punch in for parliament. Mr White Rabbit, but with a driver and police outriders.
I can confirm that he was teased in the school playground, not because he was bright or intelligent, like many other boys were, but because of his ideas and arguments.
He remained sort of sore about it. Now it is all coming out.
He was a nerd. Now we suffer for it.
WAS a nerd? The man is the king of nerds still. He is the polar opposite of cool.
With a face like that, at our school he would have been a good candidate for a wedgie pulled high and tight enough to blindfold him.
Probably he was heading to the gym at St Andrew’s, not to work.
For a nice lie-down on one of those benches.
Come on, grow up.
Do you really expect the Prime Minister (whoever he is) to wait in a traffic jam, so that some nobody is not annoyed?
[Daphne – Yes, Mr Loporto. All other prime ministers did, and when Mintoff was prime minister, there were no jams because people couldn’t afford cars. This is arrogance of the highest order. Other people’s jobs are important too, and they have an even greater necessity to get to work on time because some of them will be disciplined for not doing so. I know your mindset is fascist, but we live in a democracy. Prime ministers do no use the police to knock everyone out of the way so that they can get through in comfort. He can leave home earlier if he’s so hard pressed. or he can do what Gonzi used to do and work in the car. That’s what chauffeurs, mobile internet, phones and iPads are for.]
Did you ever see Eddie Fenech Adami or Lawrence Gonzi pull this crap just for kicks? No, because they were not petty little despots, they were prime ministers.
About 3 years ago it happened to me….and we all know who was prime minister at the time. so yes it’s not only JM.
Does Mr. Loporto expect the Prime Minister (whoever he is) to show the middle finger as soon as he came back from Italy after watching a Milan game, and make an offensive comment towards the Leader of the Opposition?
Indeed, come on PM, grow up.
Muscat was in a rush to get to a photo-op. It’s the only sort of work he does. When he has a real opportunity to provide a story, he drives by with the windows up so that no one can assault him with any questions.
‘so that some nobody is not annoyed’.
Here we go again.
What does Fascism etc. has to do with being caught in a traffic jam?
[Daphne – Only fascist leaders and other assorted dictators behave like that, Mr Loporto. The only properly justifiable reason for putting a siren on and getting motorcycle outriders to force your way through heavy traffic is if you have a woman giving birth in your car (or similar). In democracies, prime ministers show how democratic they are by waiting in the jam along with the rest of us. Luckily for them, they have a chauffeur and, in the contemporary world, the tools to do all the work they need to do on the back seat. Prime ministers the world over read their paperwork and notes and make phone calls in the car. He’s not special. He runs a town of 400,000 people.]
Thank God it doesn’t,otherwise your contributor would by now be at the Questra drinking his pint of CastorOil, for being disrespectful to his betters.
Dear Daphne. As usual I agree with most of what you write, but this time I”m surprised that while basing all your arguments an arrogance, fascism and so on, you are missing the most important reason for all this.
Can you imagine how vulnerable these persons are sitting in a car in the middle of a traffic jam.
[Daphne – That can be said of everyone, Mr Loporto, and we don’t use outriders or force our way through traffic jams. If the current prime minister is afraid of being murdered by a hitman, then it’s we who should be worried about what he is doing. Otherwise, he is not more at risk than Gonzi or Fenech Adami or Sant before him. But he might well be paranoid like Mintoff, who wouldn’t eat anywhere unless it was a buffet from which others were eating, in case he was poisoned, and who ran up the steps to his office in case somebody attacked him en route. But the real reason Muscat does it is arrogance, not fear.]
And please don’t tell me because we are only a nation of a few thousands.
You yourselves wrote various times on the perverts etc that we have running around. So it’s better to be careful than sorry (maybe for some).
[Daphne – I don’t think perverts have the remotest interest in the prime minister, unless some new form of perversion has been invented about which I know nothing.]
Paolo Sorrentino’s previous work, Toni Sevillo is Andreotti in this one.
Andreotti never slept, he’d be at his office before 5.00am.
I live in Marsascala and have encountered Lawrence Gonzi numerous times on the Marsascala bypass while he was prime minister. Never did I see his car escorted by police or his driver causing havoc to avoid any traffic jams.
I like the way you try to wriggle yourself out ot the security issue.
Unfortunately you get no points. You tried hard but not hard enough.
[Daphne – Do you want another point, then, and a more specific one? I am far more at risk of attack than the prime minister is, but I don’t drive around with sirens and a police escort.]
I will not bore your readers by pointing out your inaccuracies, enough to say that your argument has enough holes to sink a battleship.
The number of assassination of leaders are innumerable most of which were committed by mental cases.
Do you suggest that being such a small country we are all up to scratch, up there.
Who ever thought that in my old age I would encounter perverts who crucify cats, and perverts who would help youngsters commit suicide.
No, dear Daphne this time I think you are wrong.
[Daphne – Mr Loporto, in your day there were far worse perversions. People just didn’t talk about them. At least nowadays women don’t cut off their children’s heads after flinging them downstairs and making them work like slaves while their clients burn them with cigarettes. And you don’t find prostitutes dead in the street with their throats slashed. And people don’t commit incest as routine or bring children into the world so that they can sell them to sailors and Maltese perverts for the night in that place we have since rewritten into history as ‘charmingly fun’ when it was a sink-pit of vice, cruelty and perversion – Strada Stretta. And girls no longer get married at 15. Shall I go on? Best not.]
If it were a question of security, then I suppose Daphne had better get a siren quick.
I’ve have found myself in the PM’s way a number of times this year. Somehow I never did so over the 20 years I’ve been driving.
I have taken a decision not to move out of the way to let Jo pass.
Just like Mussolini used to do. He wanted to give the impression that he was working around the clock so he used to leave his lamp on in his office whilst all the time he was frolicking around Rome and womanising.
Now, Muscat doesn’t really do the second part. It would be hard for a man who looks like a butch woman to do that – there are not many people who are into that, male or female.
But what he can do is cut through traffic using tax-payers money to do it too, that is, instead of waking up that little bit earlier like everyone else. In other much larger countries, that can actually be seen on the world map, this is not done.
Indeed Renzi goes to work BY BIKE (Eddy Privitera-style caps needed) as does Boris Johnson. It is only dictatorships (bar the US, where security and urgency can be justified) where exaggerated things like this occur.
Bear in mind that Malta has the population of an average mid-sized town which would make Muscat the equivalent of a town mayor. Add to that that it is an irrelevant island in the Mediterranean and you begin to understand the utter folly of all of this.
The only things he has in common with Mussolini are his unimpressive origins, his genetically unfortunate chin, and his quite obviously ambivalent sexuality, from which last problem the need for over-the-top macho talk and behaviour stems.
Like Mussolini, he is the leader of a declared movement. Grillo is the leader of Movimento Cinque Stelle but at least he is a comic.
Even Mintoff used to do that. I was told so by people who actually saw it happen.
Mintoff favoured sitting in the front seat and usually moved around without police outriders. It was perfectly possible to run him down, but few were equipped to do so, so he was perfectly safe.
Mintoff? Never.
Mintoff increased the price of fuel almost five hundred percent in a few years.
There were hardly any cars on the roads. At midnight you could drive from Valletta to Sliema without coming across one single car.
I remember driving from Marsascala to Mellieha in under twenty minutes during the day.
At night time it took longer because all the street lights were turned off and unless you drove at twenty mph you would end up on a centre strip.
I exaggerate when I say that all the street lights were turned off.
I remember counting three lights in operation between Valletta and Luqa airport one night. One in Floriana, one in Marsa and one in Santa Lucia.
Mintoff had his own private escort of MLP thugs on top of the official police escort.
I well remember the incident when a young sailor somewhat the worse for drink was trying to thumb a lift back to his ship.
Unfortunately for him he touched the radio aerial of a car in which Mintoff happened to be travelling. In next to no time the heroic brutes beat up the incapacitated sailor to within an inch of his life when he was barely able to walk straight because of drink and totally incapable of lifting a finger to defend himself.
This twerp is influenced by Mussolini, talk, pose and actions.
Just have a look at the front page photo of yesterday’s Times of Malta.
Have the new electricity rates been announced? Other than the Super Minister Konrad Mizzi once again stating the vague electoral pledge that rates will go down by an average of 25% I have not seen the new rates published.
Also, since rates are supposed to be reduced from 31st March, shouldn’t all the meters have been read on that day?
I hear a number of people complaining about this happening all the time. Apparently it has become a habit. He doesn’t use it for real emergencies, but as his everyday way of getting to work through the traffic.
It also happens on the way back home to Burmarrad (where traffic is always a problem, especially in summer). He wants to show everyone that he’s the boss now.
How many real emergencies do you know of that have involved this particular prime minister?
The bullied schoolboy has found a way to get back at all Malta by using his position of power, given to him by short-sighted and egoistic individuals, to trample on all our rights and liberties.
He is so much in love with himself and with power that he will have no qualms to go for an early election in the next two years, should he feel he needs to show off his support to his restless colleagues. He is a misguided and short-term person who haa no strategy and vision for Malta.
And he will surely find his Brutus. Actually, I am sure one of the newly appointed ones will develop into a Brutus.
Or Muscat could face a Robespierre – Convention scenario.
“Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry.”
Winston Churchill
Can somebody explain this constitutionalised confusion?
They first get excited about some “novel concept” (I am reminded of the living wage), and then when they are asked how it will work, they back track.
A President who interferes with the business of government?
The President acting as consultant to the Social Policy Minister, but the Minister decides and executes?
What next, the President attending the cabinet meetings?
Why is it that this cutting edge, largest-ever cabinet of ministers needs Super consultants everwhere? Are those cutting edge cabinet members that incompetent?
This points to another half-baked idea by the Prime Minister in order to shut Marie Louise Coleiro up while she climbs the stairs upstairs. This reminds me of the Marlene/Godfrey Farrugia voluntary work arrangement and the concession to Franco Mercieca to continue seeing patients in breach of the code of ethics…
The problem is that they want to appear avant-garde/progressive, which means uprooting things to their liking, going down as ‘firsts’ in Malta’s political history. No real substance there.
IF there IS any substance, you can bet your bottom euro that somebody within the same ranks is going to get jealous well enough to sabotage that.
Allaħares kien Gonzi li għamel xi ħaġa hekk…we’d never hear the end of it.
Yes, the Prime Minister is arrogant and malicious, and this is evident from his love of authoritarian regimes like the former one in Ukraine, Azerbaijan and most of all: China.
You forgot to mention the worst regime on earth that of North Korea – which incidentally, Joseph Muscat also adores.
What a bloody w@nker.
What does Maltese law state regarding police sirens and blue lights?
Does one have to give way?
If not, then I’m not planning to move my car in such a situation unless it’s an ambulance, fire truck, or an obvious emergency.
Minflok jhallas hames ewro sabiex jaqbez il-queue ghamel uzu mis-sireni tal-pulizija u xejn aktar. Forsi kien diga tard bhas-soltu ghal xi appuntament u ma ridtx ihalli lil kulhadd jistenna hafna. tgal-mishija dawn l-affarijiet.
Saw them too next to Kenedy Grove. His whole posse was driving fast on the the wrong side of the road, I had to swerve not to hit them.
The equivalent of a gorilla thumping on its chest. But at least a gorilla does not have the power of persuasion through speech.
Last time he was going to the gym at 9:00 am so he’s not always in a rush…
“How many men in Maltese politics actually need psychotherapy?”
Just politicians? The country is emotionally screwed up.
Meanwhile in real developed countries:
When Eddie Fenech Adami was prime minister I used to live 10 doors away from him.
I never heard any police commotion or sirens when he came and went. Come to think of it the only commotion in the streets I ever heard was on Black Monday, and the police, 2 doors away, were silent on that day.
He did the same thing last Saturday at about 9am in L-Iklin. His outriders and his car came at full speed with sirens screaming down Geronimo Abos Street which is a 35k/hr zone.
Teased in the school playground? Really? Any first hand witnesses?
I cannot vouch for the teasing as only I attended Sixth Form with him. I can certainly vouch for the 16-year-old nerd acting like a 12-year-old mummy’s boy.
Just one look at his face and you can tell that this man Muscat is the poster boy for deficient genes.
The mind boggles as to how someone like him ever got elected to be prime minister. But then ‘deficient genes’ probably explains that too.
Bill Millam
Los Angeles
I lived in Africa half my life. One sign that you were in the Third World was the military-style cavalcades that always escorted the President wherever he went, no matter what the occasion.
The smaller and poorer the country, the bigger and flashier the cavalcade.
I think it’s a ‘guy’ thing. Old men buy big fancy sports cars to compensate for their deficiencies. It’s the same with cavalcades.
It’s not only the PM who’s doing this. The Sunday before last, a minister’s car (I think it was GM14, if I recall correctly) did the same thing after Labour’s meeting in Birzebbuga.
There was a traffic police escort for the ministerial car dashing past the very slow-moving traffic. I guess the minister wanted to get home before his Sunday lunch got cold.
[Daphne – GM14 is Manuel Mallia’s car, so this really figures.]
I happened to be in the area when I saw a ministerial car drive down a one-way road….thank goodness no vehicle was coming up the street.
Something similar happened a couple of weeks ago while driving along the Birkirkara bypass. GM14 again.
Lately I watched Muscat on TV as he was leaving parliament. He was asked by a journalist about President George Abela and his stand about not signing the controversial bill.
He was so smug and rude and his entourage were just listening and admiring his stupid, arrogant answers.
I felt that if they could, they would have clapped.
Many past prime ministers had to deal with questions from journalists but I have never seen such an arrogant attitude.
[Daphne – Well, that’s why he’s in power, because there are more hamalli who like that kind of thing and tal-pepe people whose IQ has been severely decimated through inbreeding and think this sort of thing wonderfully attractive, than there are people who recognise hamalli for what they are when they see them, and know not to put them in power.]
Over the past couple of weeks I have observed a number of cars also passing through the Republic Street and St John Street, during the hours when vehicular access is not allowed.
Last week there were a number of cars parked in St John’s Square and this morning a flashy four-wheel drive was driven through South Street, down from the La Vallette Statue.
It appears that most of these cars belong to the Taghna Lkoll Brigade, who now feel that they can do whatever they like.
While we mere mortals, children of far lesser Gods, must reach Ordinance Street by going through St Mark’s Street, up St John’s Street, into Strait Street, down Melita Street, all the way up to South Street and then going up to Hastings before reaching Melita Street, the Taghna Lkoll Brigade presently sojourned at Palazzo Ferreria, merely drive down the pedestrianised area from the Auberge de Castille and some even park in Republic Street.
They’re reclaiming Valletta back, it’s their territory, use and abuse.
Litter everywhere, shoddy patchwork wherever paving had to be taken up, the usual bricks or chairs to reserve some parking space and oil stains all over the place.
Bins overflowing with rubbish, garbage bags left to fester and junk food remains outside all take aways. The signal is they can.
One can imagine what standards they envisage finishing and interfacing Piano’s project with the ambient surroundings, a miserable looking ‘newsagent’s’ leans against the entrance at the bottom of the newly opened steps.
It’s also clear they have no intention of clearing the entrance of that shanty town on the external bank of the ditch.
The sign of an inferior mentality, any sense of place sending them into a crisis, paupers in spirit that they are.
Instead of taking on the spatial suggestion, Ferreria and the block opposite parliament in dire need of a facelift the first, refinement the second, they’ll plonk a hotch potch of stalls posing as some market.
The ultimate insult, letting the sale of fake everything, next to parliament. Indeed he’ll take the peddlers with him across the city, his real entourage.
No one’s saying gentrification is mandatory nationwide, but ffs, nor is the lowlife aesthetic something to allow to fester.
I cannot understand why the Maltese have to limit occasion to religious piety and reduce daily time to cacophany. Then we labour under the illusion we’re generous, no we aren’t.
Definitely not to ourselves.
It’s obvious to me that he is simply showing how he has total control of the police.
Ejja Guz, get on of these. Manuel can provide your due diligence.
Don’t put any ideas into his head. With wheels like that anyone can show who’s boss.
This must be the best cabinet ever. It has a European Union Commissioner and a President of the Republic serving as consultants.
I think the description which best encapsulates Joseph Muscat’s in-car behaviour is Small Dick Syndrome.
The smaller the dick, the bigger the noise a man tries to make, especially if the man is a bit of a short dick himself.
This is of course very similar to the “small dog syndrome” – it’s poodles and Chihuahuas which bark constantly and are the most aggressive dogs of all breeds.
All he needs to complete the equation is one of those noisy aftermarket silencers stuck to his Alfa Romeo 159’s behind. I think it would really suit him.
There were two instances when I pulled to the side when hearing police sirens only to find out that it was Muscat passing by.
I was livid and swore that I shall never pull to the side if I had to hear a police siren. I shall start being civil again when Muscat stops these antics.
Malta Taghna Lkoll. He should be treated as everyone else. Afterall that was what he was elected on.
Ghalfejn ma cempilx ghal helicopter? Veru jixraqlu jkun f`bozza.
It is so funny when idiots speak of Jo’s security concerns.
Do they realise he is a nonentity?
He is vulnerable. Yes. very vulnerable to his own incompetence.
Like his recent shuffling of the deck chairs on the Titanic charade.
People, like me, who think he is of nuisance value only would not even dream of hitting him with a feather duster.
He is not worth the inconvenience.
We just make fun of him and take him for what he is.
A scam.
Is it illegal to use the emergency sirens for that purpose ?
Is it illegal not to move out of the way when the police are using their sirens to make the traffic move to the side for the PM to pass ?
Ask John Bundy. He made it a habit of checking out our ambulances for a while to investigate if they were on an emergency or not.
Proverbs 10:9 (NIV). “The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.”……
”Tell the truth the first time and then you won’t have to remember what you said.”
That’s a quote attributed to the famous Speaker of the House (U.S.A. House of Representatives) Sam Rayburn. That’s basically what God’s wisdom is trying to teach us in this passage.
Be a person of integrity. Then, when someone finds out your secrets, you can feel secure knowing that you have lived for godliness.
However, a perverse and deceitful person has to constantly worry that someone will find him out.
There is no security or assurance in crooked paths, only the certainty of getting tripped up and caught.
When the secrets of evil that have been whispered in dark places get shouted from the rooftops, those who have lived for the Lord can be secure, knowing that what gets shouted about them is said with the voice of God:”Well done, good and faithful servant!”
What will our Prime Minister’s reply be when God shall ask him,” Are you worthy of entering into my Kingdom?” Will he try and lie his way out, reply ‘no comment’ or I have to catch a plane, or ‘Why don’t You see what Simon Busuttil did?’
And this goes for everyone who is deceitful, a liar and plans evil behind people’s back hoping he will never get caught.
I can confirm this. I was going out from Gharghur to Birguma, and I heard the sirens. As I got to the roundabout, the policeman on the motorcycle passed, with Jo exactly behind him.
The cars in front couldn’t move, thus blocking Jo as there is a centre strip in that part of the road. Not bothering at all, he just waited for a bit, effectively closing my path to drive round the roundabout.