“I found Lara Boffa in my chocolate bunny” (and it must have been a BIG one)

Published: April 25, 2014 at 10:30pm

Jeffrey Venice

The unsavoury chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology is forever posting photographs of his children on Facebook to prove to the world how much he loves them.

But instead of spending Easter weekend with them after his catastrophic foray into post-divorce marriage, he spent it with his state-paid personal assistant-cum-mistress in Venice.

He and Lara Boffa were spotted at the airport together, destination unknown, and then the fool went ahead and confirmed it on Facebook.

10 Comments Comment

  1. pm says:

    Is he a follower of the Italian “moda”? Natale con io tuoi, Pasqua con chi voui. (Christmas with your inlaws, Easter with whoever you want).

  2. eve says:

    Kif tafdah?

  3. ciccio says:

    Funny – he’s always so keen to post pictures of whatever he might be up to, but he never mentions Lara Boffa.

  4. Wot the Hack says:

    He got to Venice a bit late. The carnival was over two months ago.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    A complete nutter.

  6. el bandido guapo says:

    We are all so saddened by the fact that you only discovered this amazing restaurant on your last night in Venice, Jeffrey.

  7. Wilson says:

    What is that III behind his name? Is this the return of JPO in some form or other?

  8. Joe says:

    What’s with the III behind JPO name?

  9. thehappyone says:

    And so what? Would you go to the same restaurant night after night?

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