Jobs for the boys – and their ‘friends’

Published: April 13, 2014 at 1:02pm

Not only has this government made a priest – and a monsignor, no less -Malta’s permanent representative at UNESCO, but based in the Cittadella in Gozo so that he doesn’t have to leave his comfort zone, but Monsignor Joe Vella Gauci’s girlfriend, Fabienne Grech, has also been given a job as ‘principal, Office of the Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO’ at the Ministry of Justice, Culture and Local Government, under Lovely Owen’s watch.

There, she busies herself promoting her long-term ‘friend’s’ activities. And as with the ongoing teacher-pupil-murder debacle, everybody sticks their heads in the sand because Malta is the islands of asexual pasturi where all is cute and nothing is untoward like it is in nasty and dangerous ‘barra minn Malta’, unless it involves money, when we think such behaviour is perfectly understandable and the only reason we object is because we’re not getting the money ourselves.

Fabienne Grech

Fabienne Grech 1

Fabienne Grech 2

26 Comments Comment

  1. Public consultation says:

    So the Environment Minister told The Sunday Times that as Environment Minister he had not been consulted on the planning and development policy on Outside Development Zones (read: the countryside). The countryside accounts for about two thirds of the Maltese land territory and is the first thing that comes to mind when one speaks about the environment.

    This is totally U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E.

    Or if one were to believe this claim, then this is a sign of total I-N-C-O-M-P-E-T-E-N-C-E.

    There was a PUBLIC CONSULTATION on the revision of the ODZ policy which ran for a couple of months in 2013.

    Didn’t the Environment Minister submit his comments in that public consultation exercise?

    Even the smallest member of Maltese society had the right to participate in the public consultation, why didn’t the Environment Minister and his Ministry make their submissions? Surely their submissions would have carried a lot of weight.

    How can the Environment Minister be credible – or if he is, how can one take the government seriously – when one notes that the AGRICULTURE sector falls under his Ministry? Agriculture is administered by a Parliamentary Secretary within the Environment Minister’s portfolio.

    So if one takes into account the fact that the ODZ policy deals in its essence with agricultural land and developments, then how can one believe that the Environment Minister or his Ministry were not consulted?

    So is the Minister saying that his Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture was not consulted on the subject of ODZ planning and development policy?

    Does the Environment Minister speak to his Parliamentary Secretary?

    Hey, the Environment Minister looks so tired.

  2. Makjavel says:

    Why isn’t Fabienne Grech not at UNESCO?

    Isn’t this supposed to be Malta’s Permanent Delegation.

  3. Louis Amato-Gauci says:

    That apostrophe in “it’s” is a cultural crime. Perhaps the Permanent Delegation of Malta to UNESCO could hire a proofreader for its Cittadella office.

  4. Melissa says:


  5. Persil says:

    Mela veru Malta qed tinbidel.

    Mhux ahjar li kieku inhallu l-mons jaghmel ix-xoghol ta’ Alla biss, biex ikun jista iwettaq il-missjoni li dahal ghalija?

    Fejn hu l-isqof?

  6. observer says:

    No wonder Vella was kicked out of his ‘pastoral duties’ at the Gozo Cathedral almost immediately following the installation of Mons. Mario Grech as the Island’s bishop.

    Can one just imagine the suffering that Mons. Grech’s predecessor had been going through for the time that Vella was in office?

    Pastoral care of souls indeed!

  7. Jozef says:

    Does this Flores have to leave half the truth out of everything he writes?

    Bendy bus, bendy bus, bendy bus. Sounds good. The system required an opposition willing to take up the challenge and work for consensus on restricting half the cars on the island away from our streets. Dipstick.

    And no, it’s not the Italians who are obsessed with referenda, that would be the Swiss, and Britain remains, with the US, a hardliner on Ukraine.

    So referenda are something to denigrate eh?

  8. josephujin says:

    Have Maltese fonts been banned by UNESCO in a bid to promote culture?

  9. Lomax says:

    She can, at least, write “its” well.

  10. ken il malti says:

    One can re-build the bastion walls again with the amount of corruption that this PL government has foisted on the nation in such a short time.

  11. anthony says:

    Now, after Jo’s Damascene conversion blindness and all, we expect that such obscenities will come to an end.

  12. TROY says:

    Sewwa jaghmlu la ahna hsibna li jekk immexxu bil-‘fair’ se nigbdu l-poplu warajna.

    Lawrence Gonzi lanqas il-huh Michael ma lahhaq xejn, ghax beza mill-kritika.

    Mhux bhal Joseph ghax li kien ghalih anke l-qattus tal-mummy jaghti job.

    • anthony says:

      Spot on, Troy.

      In the Maltese psyche, honesty is tantamount to weakness and incompetence.

      Min hexa mexa etc.

    • gaetano pace says:

      Ma harget ebda stqarrija li tghid li ma’ Jo ma tahx job lill qattus tan-nanna. L-aktar jekk in-nannu kien laburist bhal papa.

  13. Jozef says:

    Gvern li jitkixxef.

    ‘…Din iċ-ċirkolari tinkludi żewġ formoli. L-ewwel formola titlob id-dettalji personali tal-ħaddiema bħall-isem u l-kunjom, l-indirizz, data tat-twelid u n-numru tal-mobile u telefon atd-dar tal-ħaddiema. Barra minn dan, il-formola titlob ukoll dettalji dwar il-ħajja privata bħal jekk humiex single, miżżewweġ, separat, divorzjat jew joqgħod ma’ partner.

    Iżda l-iktar inkwetanti hi t-tieni formola li tistaqsi lill-ħaddiema dettalji dwar familthom. F’din il-parti hemm sezzjoni dwar il-qraba tal-ħaddiema, u sezzjoni oħra speċifika dwar it-tfal tal-ħaddiema b’erba’ postijiet għad-dettalji sa erbat itfal. Il-ħaddiema huma mitluba jiktbu l-isem tat-tifel jew tifla, id-data tat-twelid u saħansitra l-karta tal-identità tagħhom.

    Minbarra din l-informazzjoni, il-ħaddiema qegħdin jintalbu wkoll dettalji, kemm-il darba għandhom dwar ir-residenza tas-sajf, inkluż l-indirizz…’

    If Evarist can, so will Konrad.

  14. Jozef says:

    If Owen Bonnici was driving up the ramp outside the tunnels towards Marsa, there’s more investigating the police commissioner could do.

    That ramp carries the two lanes at the bottom converging into the one lane as it flows into the raised causeway.

    Reports say the car was stranded in the curve, that’s exactly where the lane becomes one, leaving two well marked hard shoulders on both sides.

    There’s a camera right outside those tunnels, I’m sure it’s placed to capture traffic flow well into the apex.

    Let’s have the footage.

  15. Jozef says:

    ‘…Sitting back in an armchair in a dimly lit room, with the shutters closed and the curtains drawn, Dr Muscat said he was on the mend but his eyes remained extremely sensitive to light…’

    OK Ariadne, so who threw the shutters and curtains wide open then?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      “For the first time in my life I was crying in pain.”

      A Spartan childhood. And Ariadne auf Nexos.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Baxxter, would you grace us with another side-splitting rendition here please?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        What, Joseph Muscat doing 300?

        ” – Ara Gowzef ibni, fuq l-Olimpu, dak missierek Mintoffzeus. Qimu ghax ahna lkoll uliedu. Dak jaghtina sahha, qlubija u d-driegh qawwi tieghu imexxi taghna. Issa mur ghal din it-taqbida epika, flimkien mal-Moviment. U rrid narak gej lura jew rebbieh jew merfugh minn erba’ rgiel, stendut fuq billboard.”

    • La Redoute says:

      The interesting story there is why the tent supplier got away cleanly.

  16. MC says:

    What about her grammar?

    ‘…the conservation of ITS cultural heritage.’

  17. M. Cassar says:

    Now why would a security guard, who is found guilty of a number of crimes including driving while drunk, injuring two people, damaging three cars, assaulting a police sergeant, be given a suspended sentence, only six months suspension of his driving licence and three years to pay a fine of Eur 4,000?

    And the cherry on the cake, the court bans publication of his name.

    And not a peep in the newspapers that the court thought it was appropriate to oblige him to sort the accused’s relationship with alcohol.

    Why should a person who has committed a crime be allowed to keep his security guard licence?

    A security guard is a position of trust and instead of the courts protecting the public it protects the perpetrator and sends him back a position of trust and authority without missing a beat.

    His lawyer, Albert Zerafa, must be the epitome of persuasion…mmm.

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