Joe Mizzi uses moles, spies and infiltrators – and he boasts about it

Published: April 2, 2014 at 7:30am


The Malta Independent reported yesterday that the Minister for Oil Exploration and Buses has said that he will have what he called an “inside man” on the exploratory oil rig which will be test drilling off Malta.

I’m sure the test-drillers were delighted to hear about it from that news report.

The “inside man”, Mizzi told parliament (of all places), has yet to be identified, but when he is, he will “report directly to me”.

49 Comments Comment

  1. GiovDeMartino says:

    Joe Mizzi publicly declared that he knows the exact spot where oil can be found.

    • Phenomenal Twats says:

      Who voted for these people? Let’s line them up and shoot them at dawn.

    • silly says:

      Yes, the G-spot.

    • JoeS says:

      He declared that on Xarabank….I am sure somebody can get part of the recording of that particular Xarabank show and post it on here.

    • Randon says:

      The last time Joe Mizzi told us that he knows where the oil is was in 1998, when Sant was prime minister and he was ‘ministru bla portafol’.

      He had commissioned the Madonna taz-Zejt well in Kercem, Gozo.

      He was so convinced about finding oil in Gozo that he ignored the Petroleum Production Act and directly funded the Kercem well from public funds.

      That well cost Maltese taxpayers 30 million euros, for nothing.

    • Melissa says:

      Post-doctoral in oil exploration?

  2. cikku says:

    Gejja xi iced bun ohra. Il-gopps jivvintawhom.

    • Ta'sapienza says:

      Tghid mhux xi Peter Gatt li kien kritika kemm felah lill Gonzi .

      • Randon says:

        Actually Peter Gatt had been very critical of Joe Mizzi’s fantasy oil well in Gozo (Madonna taz-Zejt well).

        I do not recall Peter Gatt criticising ‘Gonzi’ but he did lay waste to projects that defied geological sense.

  3. Censu says:

    Ulla. Haffer hawn.

    • Phenomenal Twats says:

      Qulla Madunnecc, xi zupp qitt tughmel hemm foxx l-alla li halqek. Go bekk wer yu kumm fromm.

      • verita says:

        I just cannot believe that this has been allowed to be seen here Shame on whoever wrote it.

        [Daphne – For heaven’s sake, can’t you see it’s ironic.]

      • verita says:

        Sorry you don’t blaspheme for ironic’s sake.

  4. Stephen Forster says:

    I have never known a government representative to be placed onboard a drilling unit.

    Any person this regime chooses will have zero input into the drilling program, probably zero experience on a drilling rig, probably zero well control experience, absolutely no responsibilities at all as far as the client or drilling contractor will allow.

    He will be what is normally called an “oxygen stealer”, taking up valuable bedspace on a small semi-sub rig and generally being seen by all for what he is.

    I would love to see his daily reports to the beach. He will be a liability on the drill floor, a liability hanging around the companymans office, a liability to the poor suffering camp boss.

    He will end up asking banal questions on which he has no knowledge, competence or experience. And what of his relief? Is he going to stay onboard the MODU for the entire well campaign, because they usually work rotational on rigs.

    The only time I have known government reps to be onboard, they worked for the NOC of the state and were onboard FPSOs to monitor production targets.

  5. botom says:

    Before the election Joe Mizzi said over and over again that he knows exactly where oil can be drilled out and that if he does not find oil immediately once a minister he will resign. Mizzi has now been in office for over one year and still no trace of oil nor of his resignation. This man is a joke.

  6. QahbuMalti says:

    Great job sitting on an oil rig waiting for something interesting to happen – what a waste of money. What’s this chap going to do all day? Check drill heads?

    • Phenomenal Twats says:

      They’ll fly Justyne Caruana out to him with seng-witches in her plastik bozza tal-Armata: the Joe Mizzi Spy Relief Mission.

  7. M. Cassar says:

    Nice to see that egomania is alive and well. The ‘as yet’ unidentified ‘man’ bit is a good joke. Yes sure we believe you, just one suggestion: saying ‘inside person’ would have made you look more hip.

  8. spacecadet says:

    Joe Mizzi uses moles, spies and infiltrators – and he boasts about it – sounds a bit like you though doesn’t it! LOL

    [Daphne – I would call you a moron if I hadn’t yet had my coffee. I’m a journalist, not a cabinet minister. ]

  9. daisy says:

    Didn’t this man promise us that after 6 months we would be pumping oil since he knows exactly where the black gold is? He’s been there 13 months and they haven’t even started looking yet.

  10. Magister says:

    This minster lacks vision and intelligence. No wonder Dr. Sant made him a minister without portfolio during 1996-1998.

    • Angus Black says:

      Joe Mizzi is just fine. Nowhere in Labour’s pre-requisites for ministers are ‘vision and intelligence’ listed.

      All that is needed is unconditional loyalty to the party. Anything else is irrelevant.

  11. lablaba says:

    Forsi kien qed jgħid għaż-żejt li għandu fl-armarju tal-kċina. Taqbdux miegħu miskin għax intom fhimtu ħażin.

  12. R.Borg says:

    Iz-zmien isajjar il-bajtar!
    Iz-zmien jaghtina parir!
    Min jistenna jithenna!
    Iva, iz-zejt ghad jitla’ f’wicc l-ilma.

  13. Kevin says:

    So, who’s Moneypenny?

  14. alfred zammit says:

    He knows where the oil is. Bhas-soluzzjoni li kellu ghall-Arriva mela.

  15. Antoine Vella says:

    But why should Joe Mizzi the Transport Minister need an “inside man”? Is he suspecting that the drilling company will strike oil and not tell him about it?

    And another thing. I wonder if Mizzi knows the meaning of “inside man”. It’s not his representative, as he probably means, but someone who is employed by the drilling company (hence ‘inside’) but secretly works for him. An undercover agent.

    And he’s blabbing about it to the media. Il-veru vaż.

    • Alexander Ball says:

      It’s exactly because there is no inside man but he wants them to think there is.

    • La Redoute says:

      This is the man who advertised his plan to ride on buses undercover to find out what it’s like to be a passenger.

      Because, you know, he’d NEVER ridden a bus before, so he had no idea what it’s like.

    • Tabatha White says:

      You mean somebody who is revealing inside information he shouldn’t be?

      To a government minister who invites breach of confidentiality openly and publicly and brags about it?

      Why am I not surprised?

      I think this has been happening for far too long in sectors far more delicate and personal.

  16. botom says:

    Kindly allow me to remind your readers of a joke which you published some time ago and which I am told is very popular on the Opposition benches.

    It is more effective in Maltese.

    “X’inhi id-differenza bejn Tejologu u Joe Mizzi?”

    “Tejologu hu professur ta’ Alla u Joe Mizzi injorant tal-Madonna”.

    That says it all.

  17. Anthony says:

    Political Commissars.

  18. Alexander Ball says:

    I don’t know if you have the bogey man in Malta. Be good or the bogey man will get you. For bogey read inside. Pure fiction.

  19. charles says:

    The reason China bought Enemalta’s debt was simply to bind the Maltese government into giving exclusive oil and gas drilling rights to a China-state-owned company such as Sinopec or CNOOC.

    Remember that China does not have enough oil in its own territory and has been buying such drilling rights and even buying oil drilling companies to get access to oil & gas in foreign territory, including the USA and Canada.

    Take note of today’s date and remember that you read about this here first.

  20. Rosie says:

    Be quiet all of you, you cannot comprehend the genius of MR. MIZZI.

  21. Makjavel says:

    If that’s the case, then we should assume that he also had people on the inside at Arriva, and maybe they were responsible for sabotage.

  22. Gaetano Pace says:

    He must have grown tired of playing at cops and robbers. So now he is trying his luck with spies.

  23. Knejjes says:

    Dear Daphne, I’m sure that Joe Mizzi won’t need an inside man on NPR (the name of the rig) as there are lots of Laburisti working on it already and the superintendent of the rig who happen to be Maltese and from Birzebbugia but resides in England is a Laburist too.

    So definitely he has a lot of inside men on the exploration rig.

    I know all of this because I used to work with most of them on another rig (NHF) which is stacked near Filfla.

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