John Dalli (consultant to the Muscat government): his behaviour continues to make the news

Published: April 25, 2014 at 1:03pm


The New York Times yesterday carried a story about Transparency International’s concerns that the European Union is failing to deal with corruption because of inadequate controls in its systems.

And of course, our very own John Dalli gets to feature in it. It’s worth mentioning that James Kanter is the journalist who broke the ‘Dalli Bahamas’ story in The New York Times last summer.

From The New York Times report:

In a 250-page report, the group, Transparency International, recommends tightening regulation of lobbying, reducing conflicts of interest, enhancing protection for whistle-blowers and curbing secret deal-making in sensitive policy areas like financial services.

Weak enforcement of the existing rules means that “corruption risks persist at the E.U. level,” the report warned, saying the risks contribute to public skepticism of “the commitment of politicians and bureaucrats to a more open and ethical style of government.”

A series of prominent scandals in recent years have included the resignation of a European commissioner in the face of suspicions he knew about attempted bribery to soften anti-tobacco legislation, and the prosecution of lawmakers for agreeing to large payments in exchange for proposing amendments at the European Parliament.

Read the rest via the link below.

2 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    John Dalli’s image will soon grace the Malta euro coin.

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