LNG gas plant explosion today – an update
April 1, 2014 at 12:38am
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19 Comments Comment
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So scary.
“Ghal kollox jaslu in-Nazzjonalisti biex ifixklu l-gvern”
Hey no problem – we have a robot fenomenali – Konrad Mizzi. We can send HIM in.
You can rest assured that upon seeing this your typical Labourite from Marsaxlokk will be relieved: “We’re so lucky that such accidents only happen once every thousand years. We’re in the clear now. The Washingtonians got it.”
Your comment reminded me of a joke from the pre-terrorism age.
A nervous traveller read that the chances of there being a bomb on board a plane were 1:100,000 and that the chances of there being two were 1:1,000,000. So he took to travelling with a bomb in his suitcase to improve the odds in his favour.
What rank stupidity. These accidents have been happening with monotonous regularity and with fatal results without waiting for the prophesied interval of a hundred thousand years between them.
Let us all keep our fingers that Marsaxlokk won’t be next.
What a way to run a country just like a lottery but with death and destruction as the prize.
Unbelievable the lengths GonziPN will go to damage the plans of the government.
GonziPN has even gone so far as to sabotage an LNG plant in America.
The real reasons for entrusting Konrad with both hospitals and power stations are becoming clearer by the hour.
I admire Jo’s foresight.
Joseph Muscat wants to risk people’s lives to save his face.
Check YouTube for LNG tanker exploding on Chinese highway. It happened in August 2012.
Two explosions in two years.
And these incompetent idiots running the country want us to believe that such accidents happen once every 1000 years.
These idiots want to reassure us no such accident can occur, and still Konrad Mizzi hasn’t confirmed whether the ship in question is the Gemini, who the contractor will be, what terms of reference, what material supply audits, nothing.
How they expect us to remain silent when all they’re doing is keep everything from public knowledge is sickening.
Video: Tanker explosion kills five in China – Telegraph
The thing is that these people take the risk ratios literally. The ‘once every 10,000 years’ is just a risk assessment factor used for other purposes, such as insurance. It has nothing to do with the actual occurrence of the incident.
Perhaps someone in the field might give us more information about this.
I understand your explanation.
Trouble is how many can follow your explanation.
As Salvu l-Lajburist once said during an edition of Bla Kondixin: “Fiehmni bil-mod ghax jien Laburist”
Expect Gasan, Fenech and Edward Zammit Lewis’s friends the Apap Bolognas to win a tender for providing robots.
My mistake, got the names mixed up.
Ah, the King of the Switchers.
There is only one way that would give us a 10,000 year insurance.
Move every one out to a safe distance.
Explode the damn thing it as soon as it enters port and get it over and done with.
According to statistics it shouldn’t happen again before another 10,000 years.
As soon as the dust settles simply move everyone back in again.