Taghna Lkoll arrogance update: Mrs Muscat has a personal chauffeur. Who is paying?
The person who sent me this photograph of the prime minister’s wife unloading her children from a Y-reg car, which was left parked on the white-taxi stand at the Ferries in Sliema for around an hour while she went to Mothercare and a couple of other shops, has emailed again to say that the car was chauffeur-driven.
The chauffeur waited for her for the duration, sitting in his car in the taxi stand.
A Y-reg car has a specially-licensed chauffeur, as these are the ‘black taxis/limos’ that are used for call-out services. The difference is that Mrs Muscat seems to be using this full-time.
Who is paying for the Y-reg car and licensed chauffeur that she uses?
And more pertinently, why does she now think she needs a chauffeur instead of driving herself around? She is not the prime minister, but his wife.
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Some chauffeur indeed. He doesn’t even bother to help her out of the car, let alone open the door for her. He must be cheap…
Perhaps he thinks she is an ignorant twerp, just as I do.
The size of her butt indicates she’s following in hubby’s footstps.
Where can you find a large un-attached car antenna when you need one?
Reminds me of a maddening refrain from one of my son’s Sesame Street videos –
Waddle – Waddle – Hop – Hop
It really does not bear thinking about.
Not a very flattering pic, she seems to be eating at the same table as her feller.
Mind you, this is after one year. Who knows what she will look like at the end of this legislature?
Answer to your question: because she’s a mother with 2 children with employment at the office of the Prime Minister.
If all working mothers had to expect chauffeurs from the “employer” no working woman would ever find employment.
I don’t think we should be surprised. During one of her first interviews as the prime minister’s wife she said she’ll make the most of these 5 years.
So she gets a chaffeur driven car, Joseph hires his own car to himself.
Dan-nies jarmu l-ghaks.
Don’t forget that the family car is leased at our expense.Who would throw away 7000 euros away annually?.And keep the car after all that extra income.Arroganza bla limiti.
Mrs Muscat has been with a driver even when her husband was not the prime minister
I don’t imagine that’s quite what you meant to say, but I get your point.
I did wonder about that too.
You mean that Mrs. Muscat does not drive a car?
Might as well lap up the gravy while it is abundantly flowing.
“She is not the prime minister, but his wife.”
Could be read as:
“She is not Juan Peron, but his Evita.”
Ah, so she is not the prime minister?
Ugh – I can’t even add to that!!
Where’s Photoshop when you really need it?
The higher the rise, the harder the fall.
I don’t know when it will come about but inexorably it will and when it does I hope to be around.
I am also of the same opinion. The issue however is the nature of the fall. I suspect that the fall will be worse than the one suffered through Mintoff. Muscat is significantly worse.
Ma nahsibx li ser jmutu bil-guh, tafhux. Kif jixhed ir-ritratt qed jittrabba b’mod sew ix-xaham.
All this after just 1 year…
‘…Finance Minister Edward Scicuna this evening announced a 5 cent increase in excise tax on cigarettes but later on denied that there would be an increase and insisted that the government only wanted to address a loophole in the taxation system. A few minutes later, Prof Scicluna retracted the amendment and said that the issue would be left for another budget…’
Mhix fier, jaghmel kollox wahdu dar-ragel.
Spot the five certifiable nutters in this first batch;
I just want to share with you some insider information:
For the Brian May concert there were two thousand paying patrons, one thousand complimentary tickets and some other one thousand empty seats.
When the concert started, all the paying patrons facing the palace facade on both flanks, rushed to the empty reserved seats nearer to the middle of the square.
Why would the taxpayer be paying for the complimentary tickets?
Brian May and Kerry Ellis were great, but the organisation could not be worse.
Like the Fat Controller she has a ‘condition’ involving the anatomy between her waist and her knees. This is known as pearitis from the noun pear (langasa).
This ‘condition’ entitles her to have a chauffeur paid by me and others.
Miskina hi u miskin jien.
Ah, so things are going pear-shaped for Joseph Muscat in more ways then one. No wonder the hairs in his crew-cut are bailing out en masse. Jew, kif nghidu bil-Malti kollox qed jmurlu ghal-sorm*.
Brilliantly said!
Also known as “duckitis:” heavy-based long upper body on short legs.
Shame, shame and more shame, prime minister – this is pure robbery from our taxes. Isthu jekk tafu kif.
And who is the man that literally loiters on the corner of the street of the Muscats’ house with the Burmarrad main road?
He seems to be some sort of street minder always there. I’m surprised no one has mentioned him before as he sticks out – looks a bit like a funeral parlour character.
Makes sense. Muscat is busily digging his own political grave by the inept and abusive way he is governing the country. In the interim, the funeral director character is no doubt one more useless job created by Muscat at taxpayer expense.
Is he a guy who is mostly dressed in a suit? I have remarked about him to my husband, as we have been seeing him for quite some time now.
That dear Daphne is the leased car which Mrs Muscat uses in her spare time.
When she is ‘working’, if she does in fact work, at Castille, she makes use of a government car which is also chauffeur driven. Not to mention a PA, secretary, coffee boy, messenger, news paper boy, etc etc
What work does she do at Castille?
Are you saying she has two cars at her disposal?
And the Minister of Justice is driving around in his private car. Tajjeb ukoll!
Miskina ghandha r-ragel ‘temporarily blind’ ma jistax iwassalha hu.
The ministry for foreign affairs will have a new permanent secretary as of April 22, to replace the one appointed in March 2013, and who is now off to The Hague.
Yesterday she was introduced to the Heads of Departments, with the outgoing permanent secretary stating that she was not his or the minister’s choice, but the Prime Minister’s choice. Great by way of introduction!
So, this person was quickly appointed ambassador to Turkey, breaking the unwritten rule that the permanent secretary would have served as a resident ambassador.
No (career) ambassador or director general in the ministry was considered good enough for the post. This person holds the post of director, up to some months back she held the post of assistant director and before that she was consul general in Toronto.
Viva Malta Taghna Llkoll.
And they lease their own family car back to the government for her husband’s use.
Considering their personal ambitions and self-regard, the example of Pope Francis for his personal transport and residence would not be a value the Muscats share, so it seems. Their style is less servant, and more…shall we say…deification, more in the style of various political types no longer living.
“Who is paying for the Y-reg car and licensed chauffeur that she uses?”
The answer is: The same people who are paying the PM to make use of his own car as an official one.
Are you sure this is Ms. Muscat as the size of her rear is way much bigger than the one shown in a prominent magazine interview she gave some time back.
Well, rearviewer, of course it’s the zoom in the phone camera which makes rear sides looks bigger than they appear in lifestyle magazines.
This is the landscape version. The magazine was showing a portrait version.
Worth reading.
Well we should not be surprised that the wifey follows her husband’s trends. At the end of the five years at the helm of Castille, Tweeting Joey will be getting over 70,000 euros from tax payers’ money for leasing his own car to himself. Daylight robbery.
And the gullible applaud him.
Excellent piece in the Malta Independent today. I’d like to see how any of the usual commentators who jump to criticise anything you write (just because it is you who write it) can find fault with that.
Daphne, well done for your opinion piece in today’s Independent especially when you state:
“It is the sight of bad behaviour rewarded, and the sense of frustration at the sheer injustice of it. That is exactly what is offensive.”
That is the reason why the appointments of Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono in public posts make me so angry. They are being rewarded for betraying their voters under the Gonzi government. Rewarding them with public funds is immoral and offensive.
I agree with the praise on the opinion piece in The Malta Independent.
I would like to add another observation which had been made here by Daphne before.
The compromising situations in which politicians get themselves may give rise to ‘brown envelopes’ full of dangerous content, of which, the Dom Mintoff/Lorry Sant case is a prime example. Had it been only Dom Mintoff who was being held at ransom by Lorry Sant and his brown envelope full of spicy pictures, it would not have been a problem. But as it happened, all the country was being held at gunpoint in that case.
I love this photo.
It has life and motion in it.
The focus point has it’s own gravitational pull and I feel like I am being suck into the black hole.
Well done for your newspaper column today, Daphne. One of my concerns is exactly: what kind of messages are we sending to our young? This is very disquieting actually.
And as you said in another part of your blog recently, I too disagree with the PN for endorsing the nomination of Ms. Coleiro Preca as President of the Republic.
How could the PN forget what many of its MPs of that time and many, many PN supporters had to go through during those years of terror while Ms. Coleiro was general secretary of the MLP, cosily sitting in an office at the Macina?
Dr. Busuttil gave in to the cosmetic politics of Joey Taghna Lkoll.
The Malta “Taghna lkoll” was (not anymore) a very strong and impressive phrase which implied too many rights, expectations and matters in our society.
I however also think that generally speaking, in political terms, the short phrase has confused rather than clarified matters. It has been used too loosely and certainly left purposely unclear / undefined / unexplained, for obvious reasons.
Genuinely-speaking terms, I believe it was meant to provide a fair, just and equitable right among all Maltese and which meant to put everyone in the same playing field.
If the “taghna lkoll” is continued to be used for political advantage to the party in Government (as opposed to the benefit to everyone), so it has done more harm than ever. In such context, this phrase implies the imposition by the might over the weak, resulting in nothing but injustice and arrogance.
This is irresponsible by whoever abuse in politics with such meaningless or rather deceitful perception and expectation.
They come in all shapes and sizes, the cars I mean.
Re your article in today’s Independent , if memory serves me right, way back in 1989 when world history was in the making on our shores thanks to the Bush /Gorbachov summit , the present President of the Republic , then sec.gen. of the Socialist M.L.P, with a handful of other lefties marched up to the USA Embassy brandishing a petition to protest against the eventual presence of the USA Warship that was to bring President Bush to our shores……and bugger the peace initiative!
It is hoped that her sense of history and dignity has improved with time and that the US has a short memory.
Suspicious to say the least.
Can you please send me your email?
[Daphne – dcgalizia@gmail.com]
You are paying for it
“Dr Vella said the Maltese government would be supporting Moldova in its relations with the EU.”
The irony of it.
Let’s hope Phyllis Muscat doesn’t use the same company to set up the lighting for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting – it would be great for Malta’s reputation if she blinds 40 prime ministers.
“The Xarabank presenter confirmed that Dr Muscat had warned him and Mr Vella prior to a televised debate between then Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat. Dr Muscat had said: “For every blow that we feel you are striking at the PL I will strike you back twice.”
The Government’s Head of Communications, Kurt Farrugia, confirmed that the conversation had taken place but said he could not remember the exact words.” (The Malta Independent)
I wouldn’t call that a warning but a threat.
Not just that he will strike back twice, but added that he will strike them back ‘under the belt’ – which for me it means ‘unfairly’. He is nothing but dishonest and debauched.
xi dwejjaq ghandkhom … haha
Almenu mhux kornuti u kuntenti … bħal kull mingħalih kien għamel xi opra meta vvota għal “Tagħna Lkoll”.
John, the car and the chauffeur are being paid with your taxes too. I suppose you are happy with that.
Ma hemmx x`taghmel ghax hemm min ga twessa hafna minn kullimkien.
The ‘qroqqa’ moves in and the peacock flees.
How would ONE news have dealt with this story if it was Gonzi’s wife, while PN were in power?
Why are NET news not doing the same now?
Probably the chauffeur is somebody who was on a Labour billboard.
Or someone who stuck Labour poster on said billboard.
Times of Malta comments today
Jo Henri • 7 hours ago
so the privacy of hunters should be respected according to Mr Perici Calascione, but the peace and quiet of the early morning should not be respected, and people living in the vicinity of hunting grounds are not to be respected…am i getting it right ??
It was either me or her http://www.independent.com.mt/articles/2014-04-10/news/peacock-escapes-from-san-anton-gardens-4586733568/
That’s a big derriere on the photo.
Utterly shameful. We never had one report of any such behaviour from Kate Gonzi. We are lumped with the trash the majority voted for.
Can I have your email address, please?
[Daphne – dcgalizia@gmail.com]