Muscat said that he’ll be announcing ‘big news’ (ahbar kbira) in the next few days. They’re going to be 3D-printing the new power station.

Published: April 27, 2014 at 10:59pm

Now we know why the government hasn’t even signed the contract for the new power station (despite having selected the consortium before the general election) when it has only 10 months to go until its scheduled commitment to have it up and running.

China is going to be 3D-printing it.

china printing

konrad 3D

17 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    10 full-sized, detached single-storey houses are equal to one Maltese medium sized three bedroomed house.

    Meta jgħid li ġej b’xi aħbar kbira mal-ewwel nieħu qatgħa u nibda nħossu dieħel!

    Waħda kbira jiġifieri kuntrumbajsa oħra kbira .Se jġib FSRU , imma se jdum naqa’ oħra biex ilesti l-power station.

  2. ciccio says:

    Labour needs to start with the 3-D printing of the lower bills first. Has anybody received a bill with a 25% discount as yet? The independent media should be willing to pay money to publish the first bill with reduced rates.

    And then the government should 3-D print a few tens of millions of euros to make good for the extra deficit which they are going to accumulate as a consequence of the reduction in tariffs, if they ever materialise.

    • QahbuMalti says:

      When you receive your first bill with the reduced tariff you are going to know ‘big time’. Joseph Muscat has outsmarted the PN on PR for months on end and there is no sign of him slowing down.

      Wall to wall radio advertisements, paper advertisements and billboards have already announced the reduction.

      You wait till you receive your first bill in a couple of months – a bill showing before and after and the great almighty reduction that will change your life.

    • pauline says:

      ghax ma tghidx li l labour qed inaddaf il mandra li hallew il pn!!!!

  3. canon says:

    We are witnessing a barrage of government propaganda on Net Televesion. I understand that Net TV has to do it for much needed hard cash. But at least the propaganda should be counteracted on the same medium.

  4. just me says:

    “Ahbar kbira” to try and steal some votes in the MEP elections.

  5. ken il malti says:

    I think the key words there are:

    Cement and construction waste.

    Cheap materials.

    • observer says:

      Ready to withstand earth tremors, gales and floods.

      Remember, Ken, that human life in China is very cheap – very cheap indeed.

  6. random says:

    The ‘big news’ event prior to an election may have to do with oil exploration. At least that is the usual pattern of announcements when an election (MEPs) is looming on the horizon.

  7. Manuel says:

    Coming from this incompetent PM, “ahbar kbira” should read “haxja ohra kbira “. We will have to wait and see.

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    3D Power station tahdem bl-energija pozittiva.

  9. ciccio says:

    Daphne, on 25th April you published the meeting which had taken place on 14th April between Konrad Mizzi and the Chinese Ambassador in Castille. That meeting had been hidden from the public, and reminds me of the secret Memorandum of Understanding that Joseph Muscat had signed in China in 2010.

    It was one day later – on 26th April – when Joseph Muscat announced in Gozo that some “big news” would be revealed in the “coming days.” It could be that when Muscat found out that the meeting of 14th April had been publicly revealed, he thought it would be wiser to start leaking some news.

    Watching this interview here, I suspect that in his answer to the question about Sai Mizzi Liang, the PM is hinting to some agreement – call it a Memorandum of Understanding – that will be signed with China on some initiative, probably health – maybe even related to Gozo.

    Mind you, if this happens, there would be a serious conflict of interest, because Sai Mizzi Liang shouldn’t be negotiating issues on energy or health. It was Konrad Mizzi himself, when the controversy about his wife’s appointment broke out, who had given assurances to journalists that she would not be dealing in matters for which he is a Minister.

  10. Stephanie says:

    Can anyone here explain to me why Air Malta had two adverts in newspapers yesterday selling off all its shares in Osprey Insurance? Offers are being accepted through the Department of Privatisation at the Ministry of Finance and the deadline has been extended till 30th May.

  11. U Leeee says:

    Truly rahal mentality. Qisna bis-sorpriza tal-kazin tal-banda waqt il-festa issa ukoll.

    The Kinder Sorpresa approach to government.

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