Photo of the week: the Health and Energy Minister ma’ hafna nisa fenomenali

Published: April 27, 2014 at 7:53pm

One of them must have grabbed him where she shouldn’t have.

Konrad Mizzi

34 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Worth says:

    … And he very well deserved it.

  2. il-Ginger says:

    Knob twists knob

  3. laugh and the world laughs with you says:

    God knows I needed to laugh a little…thank you.

  4. zunzana says:

    You could not have chosen a better comment for this photo. . Thanks for ending my weekend on this hilarious note.

  5. Ġameż says:

    This photo explains the “Enerġija Pożittiva” campaign. It looks like someone shoved a live wire up his arse.

  6. ken il malti says:

    He is a popular lad with the old ladies.

    It is like meeting Big Bird from Sesame Street for them.

  7. Charles says:

    Or shoved something up his backside

  8. AE says:

    Qiesu dahlu zokk f’s***u

  9. Peritocracy says:

    They seem to be clamouring for their medicines.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    You cannot not feel for this pathetic Konrad Mizzi whose reaction, when confronted, is invariably that of an altar boy caught humping another altar boy in the church’s toilets. Trash.

  11. milton says:

    No no sinjura…hekk trid tifthu halqek.

  12. curious says:

    M’hemmx xi zewg nudisti hux wara dawk in-nisa?

  13. Jozef says:

    Some mothers do have ’em.

  14. observer says:

    “Ouch, who did that?”

  15. ciccio says:

    I think that one of the ladies has just shown the Energy Minister a 10-year fixed-price power purchase agreement.

  16. Joseph Caruana says:

    “Ara, blow like me! Cheap energy produced!”

  17. El Nino says:


  18. Joe Fenech says:

    “Blow me like this and I’ll deliver your medicines personally to your doorstep”

  19. ciccio says:

    “Miriam, I said pOdOlOgisti fenOmenali.”

  20. P Shaw says:

    When he talks during press conferences, he comes across as though he is lip synching.

  21. Mandy says:

    It’s almost better than the “gostra man” photo.

  22. say it straight says:

    Seems to be like a first-hand experience of a par idejn sodi for Konrad.

  23. The Phoenix says:

    “Josephine, idek minn hemm! Shame on you.”

  24. rjc says:

    At least two of those women are not from Vittoriosa.

  25. Calculator says:

    Don’t be too hard on him. Must be lonely with his wife and children on the other side of the world. He needs all the attention he can get.

  26. Peter Grech says:

    Judging from the facial expression on the photo, it looks like one of them grabbed his family jewels

  27. Silvio loporto says:

    I have it from reliable information that he was shouting: Cin Hous Fang Hol. That’s Chinese for “Min imissu jiehdhu”.

  28. U Leeee says:

    “Ersaqlu lura Tessie ghax ha jibilghak shiha!”

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