Regular readers of this website will remember Miss Lolita Pusang of the Philippines and her Facebook target Anglu Farrugia

Published: April 27, 2014 at 10:30pm

Sent in by H. P. Baxxter:

Lolita Pusang and anglu farrugia

5 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Readers should also remember this one:

    “Aw Lolita, ser niltaqa’ mal-Papa Frangisku. Unur ghaliha li naghmel san f’isrm il-Partit Laburista f’isrm il-mexxej Josep Muscat.”

  2. anthony says:

    For those interested in Lolita Pusangs, Rome is the place to be.

    All you have to do is drive from the Vatican along the via Aurelia to Civitavecchia and back and you are guaranteed thousands, literally.

    Rome is caput mundi in more ways than one.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    “The Philippines ia like a well-oiled engine. Everything runs smoothly, everything is nice, just and fair.”

  4. rjc says:

    Doesn’t say much about security in the Vatican when an imposter is allowed to get so close to His Holiness.

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