Sack Reis

Published: April 26, 2014 at 12:18am

Sack Reis

The German newspaper Die Welt reported on Muscat’s very temporary eye damage caused by poor light filters in a tent. The piece is called ‘Sack Reis’, which is idiomatic German shorthand for something of no importance.

The full expression is: cancel the headline story; a sack of rice fell over in China.

11 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    God, we need them to run our country. Or at least to have Helga Ellul as deputy PM.

    • Kevin says:

      Now there’s a thought. I’m sure she’d make a great party leader with Dr Metsola as a deputy. From the way things have been degenerating over the past year, Malta needs two (gentle)women running the show.

      • Gahan says:

        Helga is like Margret Thatcher, if she sets her penetrating sight on an idea it would be difficult for ANYONE to divert her from it.

        We need a lot of determined people like her. If only she could speak Maltese! (She understands the language).

  2. Harry Purdie says:

    Who said Germans don’t have wit and a sense of humour? I know one who is ‘full of it’.

  3. Tabatha White says:

    Key word in that paragraph: “vermutlich.”

  4. verita says:

    And what happened to the police enquiry ? It does seems to be taking a bit long ? No wonder Nexos ( you know who i am ) is involved

  5. Guzi says:

    How dare this German newspaper make fun of our prime minister? Let’s boycott Germany.

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