Something I forgot to mention earlier…

Published: April 26, 2014 at 12:27am

While yelling, shouting and interrupting on Xarabank earlier tonight, Cyrus Engerer said that the single greatest issue concerning people and businesses was the reduction of electricity bills.

“Even Playmobil told us how important this is to them, that it is the most important thing,” he yelled.

Mario de Marco and Chris Said missed a trick there, because the first thing that shot out of my mouth was, “Ah, so that would be why Helga Ellul, who helped set up Playmobil in Malta, worked there for 40 years and ran the operation for most of them, votes Nationalist and is standing for election on the Nationalist Party ticket – because Labour’s policies are better.”

Does that fool Cyrus Engerer even know that his rival candidate Helga Ellul was Playmobil?

21 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    This guy always reminds me of Dumbo. Not just the ears, but I could use him in my next sailboat race.

  2. bob-a-job says:

    The best thing to happen to the PN was the offloading of that underhand conniving conspirer Cyrus Engerer.

    Right on cue the PL was there to scoop the poop.

    The last person to cross the floor was Alfred Baldacchino and many of us remember what happened to his political career.

    • Guzi says:

      No, there was another switcher, Sandro Schembri Adami, who left PN, went to Labour to become a member of parliament on behalf of Labour, and we all know where he ended up.

      [Daphne – Sandro Schembri Adami did not cross the floor. He was never a member of parliament for the PN. The reason why he stood for election on the Labour ticket is because the PN rejected him as a candidate and he was extremely upset.]

      • Guzi says:

        I know, Daphne, but neither was Cyrus Engerer. Sandro Schembri Adami was the President of the PN Sectional Committee of Valletta when he resigned and announced that he will be running for the election with Labour.

        I clearly remember, when the news broke out, Austin Gatt turning to Eddie Fenech Adami and saying, well, problem solved, and then explaining that Schembri Adami wanted to be a PN candidate for the election and the party did not want him.

  3. P Shaw says:

    Did Cyrus Engerer ask (i.e. demand) the PN to nominate him as an MEP candidate, and when his demand was not met, switched sides?

    Being an MEP seems to be the ultimate goal (and envy) for a lot of Maltese amateur politicians.

    • bob-a-job says:

      No. More likely he figured he would stand a better chance among the mentally challenged (metaphorically speaking).

      Seriously, where would you place him on the PN list?

      Besides he’d run out of partners so he went where likely candidates were more plentiful and were showcased better.

    • Tabatha White says:

      PL Partit tal-Lanzit: Lanzit must be the only prerequisite PL has.

    • P Bonnici says:

      Being an MEP earns you a lot of cash and privilege, why is Alfred Sant contesting the MEP election? There is serious money to be made boy!

  4. Gahan says:

    Playmobil is a factory not a residence, so it won’t be saving on electricity bills.

    It is interesting to know that it is installing the biggest PV installation on the island, 3,000 panels with help from the European Regional Development Fund. It is bigger than the Dowty installation and the Malta Freeport Corporation installation.

    Would Playmobil, Freeport and Dowty have installed those vast amounts of panels had they not benefited from the ERDF program?

    They will be saving at least 5% from their seven-figure electricity bills with these PV installations.

  5. Joe Micallef says:

    Does that fool Cyrus Engerer even know that his rival candidate Helga Ellul was Playmobil?

    No. His hard disk features only naked men in compromising positions, and other such useful information.

  6. Observer says:

    Why is it that Muscat always likes to send ex-Nationalists to represent Labour in the media?

  7. rob says:

    Yes, Engerer is a fool but you don’t have a valid argument. Electricity bills are a huge concern for businesses.

    [Daphne – My argument was not about whether or not electricity bills are a huge concern for businesses (they are), but whether or not Cyrus Engerer should have cited Playmobil, of all businesses, as a champion of Labour policy, when Mrs Playmobil herself supports the Nationalist Party because of its policies and track record, and is standing for election on the PN ticket.]

    • madgoal says:

      While electricity bills didn’t go down for businesses yet…the major issues for people in the street should be jobs and income not expenditure.

      When people are earning good money they don’t mind paying a higher electricity bill. It’s when they are not earning any money that big problems come in.

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    L-ahhar li kellna dak it-tip ta’ nies jghajjtu u jwerzqu u jaqghu ghac-cajt kien fi zmien il-mibki Duminku Mintoff meta fid-dibattitu kienu jibghatu gurnalist ta` l-Orizzont, minn Haz-Zebbug, maghruf Laburist, propju biex jghajjat, iwerzaq, isabbat u jisfratta id-dibattitu.

    Dak kien 1970-1980. Illum ghandna lil Cyrus Engerer li wiret dan il patrimonju kulturali fil-qasam tal-media u x-xandir. Ma nazzardax nghid u D-DARDIR. Tahsillu rasu kemm tahsillu rasu lill-hmar, jinhaq jibqa.

  9. Jozef says:

    ‘….Issa saħansitra jidher li t-tqassim ta’ dawn il-mediċini qed isir minn każini laburisti fil-lokalitajiet, bl-informazzjoni li għandna tgħid li hekk qed jigri, per eżempju, f’Ħal Tarxien.

    Fejn klijenti li ma jinqdewx mill-ispizeriji fejn jgħidulhom li l-medicina tkun out-of-stock, qed jintbagħtu fil-każin tal-lejber, u jaqduhom id-deputati laburisti.

    Dan l-istazzjon fl-aħħar sigħat irċieva numru ta’ rapporti minn individwi u anke minn spiżjara li jinsabu rrabjati għall-fatt li dan l-indħil politiku fil-proċess tat-tqassim tal-medicini jista’ jwassal għal riskji kbar. Biss biss, it-tqassim fil-każini mhux isir minn spizjara kwalifikati….’

    Isn’t this factually criminal?

  10. Silvio loporto says:

    I stand to be corrected, but how come Playmobil are happy with the reduction in their electricity bill, as Engerer said, when I thought that the reduction for business won’t come into effect before NEXT YEAR?

    • observer says:

      Aha, my friend. You are completely missing the point that, among the many gifts and bounties that Mr World-Cup is plentifully endowed with, the foremost among them is that of prophecy.

    • Gahan says:

      Playmobil installed 3,000 PV panels with European Regional Development Fund aid.

  11. Joseph Borg says:

    Cyrus Engerer should know that electricity to industry and similar business is not going down.

    In my case the last bill which I had received from ARMS says ‘last reading 10775’ while the meter installed at my premises reads ‘10661’, so who is cheating who?

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