The contract for the new power station hasn’t even been signed yet
There’s an argument going on right now on Xarabank about the various power stations and the issues surrounding them. For some reason, the Labour Party is represented by Cyrus Engerer, who has no official role and not even a seat in parliament, and by backbencher Deborah Schembri, while the Nationalist Party is represented by its deputy leader Mario de Marco and its secretary-general Chris Said.
Mario de Marco has just challenged Cyrus Engerer to say whether or not the contract for the new power station has been signed. After a few minutes of bluff and bluster, Engerer was forced to admit that no, it hasn’t been signed.
The Labour Party had said that within two years after its election to government, the new power station would be up and running. But 14 months into its term of government, and they haven’t even signed the contract yet.
There has been so much focus on the location of the tanker which will supply the power station with gas, that nobody has paused to say, hang on, what’s happening with the power station itself?
And purely as an aside, there is no better portrayal of Maltese hamallagni than a televised debate. A proper, civilized debate should be no different in tone or delivery to a discussion around a dinner-table. Why all the high-pitched tones, blatantly aggressive delivery, shouting, interrupting and talking over each other? It’s so ghastly and uncivilized. The vulgar Deborah Schembri is by far the worst. She was always so polite and civilized when representing the Divorce Movement – now she has taken to shouting and interrupting like a savage.
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Deborah Schembri is quite the vulgar harridan. What are they feeding her, by the way? And why did Labour send in a rather hapless Cyrus? He is way out of his depth.
The power station contract has not been signed because the winning consortium probably does not have a source for cheap gas.
It does not seem able to implement what was promised.
I hear that the government is tying itself up in knots to amend the specifications to address the winning consortium’s failings.
I would not be surprised if the runners-up are sniffing out a massive case of breach of terms. Something is very smelly here, and it most certainly is not the gas.
After !4 months we are very far from the new power station which was promised within 24 months.
Have the winning consortium paid the deposit of Euro 30 million for the initial studies, permits etc, as yet?
Haven’t heard a word about that as yet.
They should have as that is what has supposedly paid for this years cut in utility bills.
It’s either that or they will need to flog more passports. Which is why the government were so desperate to get the IIP up and running, in my view.
The question should be what is Deborah Schembri feeding herself?
A fairly attractive face buried in a mountain of lard.
Joe Azzopardi, on the other hand, is a really dull brain soon to be buried in a mountain of lard.
Cyrus Engerer and Deborah Schembri have been knocked out. Is this the best Labour has to offer?
What a duo Mario de Marco and Chris Said are proving to be. The PN is getting stronger by the day.
Same thoughts on Deborah Schembri.
They are in government and doing pretty much whatever they want. Why all this rage? They should be calm if transparency, honesty and truth are on their side, as they continually claim.
You would be forgiven for thinking that they are frustrated and desperate.
Carmel Cacopardo’s reply to Deborah Schembri, “Int ma tifhimx” was priceless.
Absolutely disgusting.
Why can’t they send that nice Franco Debono again?
We will now see if Joseph Muscat is a man of his word. He said very publicly that he will resign if the power station is not ready in two years, so I guess that’s the end of him in 10 months’ time. What joy – if only he was a gentleman and kept to his word.
L-ironija hija li l-hamsa li huma xi darba jew ohra kienu Nazzjonalisti u issa qed jirrapprezentaw tlett partiti.
Very well said. The PN has always been the school real statesmen graduate from. The rest have a choice. Join MLP or LP or Movement. If all else fails one can always work with Muscat.
They are being caught in their lies and inept, so desperation is setting in.
Do the minister’s advisers on energy actually know anything about energy? Seriously. Check them out.
Carmel Caccopardo told Deborah Schembri that she was incompetent to talk about the LNG and he is right.
She was only quoting what she was told.
She has no technical background which goes for almost all of the Cabinet and certainly the Prime Minister, who even confused Birzebbugia and Marsaxlokk.
LNG supply chain is being made erratic with the development of shale gas. Is this the reason the contract for the LNG power station is still in the freezer?
Deborah Schembri was polite as long as she was useful to attract the Nationalist vote in March 2013. After that she was allowed to be herself again.
Oh no, I forgot to watch Xarabank. Again.
Cyrus Engerer? Why on Earth didn’t they send Konrad Mizzi to do his famous Daffy Duck imitation?
Just watched a very embarrassed Konrad Mizzi trying to reply to Net News reporter’s questions regarding recent reports that out of stock medicines are being distributed to chosen clients through Labour Party clubs.
He was at a complete loss.
After a barrage of questions he gave up, spurted out ‘Thank you’ and dashed off.
Three cheers to the Net journalist who is learning fast, in the nicest, subtlest and most well mannered of all. Keep up the good work. I bet they loathe hitting him under the belt where it hurts most according to Dr. Muscat PhD.
The behaviour of the government’s representatives says it all.
They are desperate.
They are just flogging a dead horse.
And another point is that both Cyrus Engerer and Deborah Schembri came from the Nationalist Party but ‘defected’ to Labour: recycled trash.
Deborah Schembri is nowadays looking more and more like the great tenor, Luciano Pavarotti.
She is failing at being a good politician. She is not prepared at all and as Carmel Cacopardo said, ma tifhimx.
Yet she screams more and the faithful applaud, which just about says it all.
319 days and counting to Konrad’s power station ..
Not only are they slow at signing contracts, but there is nothing on the Gasol website about what is going on – they are the lead contractor in ElectroGas Malta.
Indeed, Gasol seem too busy trying to buy up West African gas companies.
As for other websites, zilch there too. Because the whole thing is supposed to be up and running by next year, one would have assumed that something would be in place by now to inform people. is directed to a casino website at Portomaso (sort of makes sense as the whole thing seems rather a gamble). And I bought just for the hell of it.
What have Glimmer Ltd, the owners of Portomaso Casino got to do with ElectroGas Malta? The directors of this company own the the site.
That Gasol company seems to be trying to do many things, without any success. I am starting to get worried about that company.
Kemm ikkalmat Deborah. Nobody reads Daphne.
good one :)
“Now she has taken to shouting and interrupting like a savage”.
Once she has mixed with the hamalli, she has become one of them. Birds of a feather flock together.
Cyrus Engerer and Deborah Schembri, like all turncoats, have to scream and yell twice as loud.
And the mantra that the PN did nothing in 25 years coming from the mouths of those who sat and sucked at the breast of the PN for 99% of that time is just beyond beautiful.
I have serious doubts about this issue. Who is going to be the electricity provider – Enemalta, China with its majority shareholding in the Delimara power station or the Electrogas consortium with its new power station?
Enemalta has been left with only the interconnector, since the Delimara power station has been sold to China.
What are Enemalta and China going to do with the power generated from their energy sources – namely the interconnector and the Delimara plant, since Electrogas has been promised power supply exclusivity for 18 years?
The interconnector will be used to provide cheap rates to the continent. There’s already been some grumbling by the new Chinese shareholders that salaries are on the highish side.
This is nothing but classical Chinese strategy, undercut market prices, send competitors into a spin and take over.
Or at least, that’s what the plan was. This latest development must be linked to the US offensive on LNG unit price, leaving everyone to wait and see. Believe me, this won’t go away.
Muscat fancies himself as some high risk high reward gambler, problem is he misunderstands the game. This is not APSO, Ghaddafi’s dead and China’s strained internally beyond recovery.
Choosing to remain outside the European project, which translates into a common energy strategy, will cause exactly the above, no one will think twice to offload this tiny insignificant place. The EU gives us a place at the decision making table, something which, alas, Muscat interprets as an occasion to veto.
So be it.
Trid tkun pulcinell ta’ prima kwalita biex tkun Nazzjonalist (suppost) u taqleb Labour u thalli l-partit juzak u taqa fir-ridikolagni b’dak il-mod.
Imma dak li jigri meta jkollok obbligazzjoni.
Right now on Euronews, yet more about John Dalliance.
I do not give a damn about my electricity bill. I will keep by my budget and what Joe would spare me I will invest in lighting up more and consume according to my budget and convenience not Joe`s or Konrad`s.
I am sure our power station is doing a fine job and is geared to be linked to the European grid.
What I am keenly looking forward to is the departure of Joseph Muscat, March 2015.
Beppe Fenech Adami said it right “Ghadkom lanqas zrara ma tfajtu fl-art fil-power station il-gdida”.
It’s like expecting a cat to bark. It’s NEVER going to happen. They’re too far gone.