The government raised the price of petrol a month ago

Published: April 30, 2014 at 4:40pm

The government raised the price of petrol only a month ago, making Muscat’s ‘two cents off petrol’ press conference this morning even more ridiculous.

The price of gas in cylinders, too, was raised last December, and now he calls a press conference to tell us that he’s knocking off Eur1.30 until the end of September.

All this to make us rush out and vote for Miriam Dalli and Alfred Sant.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Tsk. Spoilsport.

  2. Marie says:

    Dear Daphne

    I cannot but reflect on the civil service ten years ago and the civil service today. Ten years ago Malta made it into the EU.

    Besides the political leadership this achievement was also a result of years of very smart and hard work by a cadre of competent committed civil servants who hailed from all political backgrounds, united in a cause that was much bigger than partisan pettiness.

    What a difference to the way the civil service is being denigrated today where even competent Labour stalwarts are being pushed aside for daring to question their incompetent masters.

  3. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat mhux ser jidhaq bija. Bik ser jidhaq?

  4. Imhaseb says:

    The surprise we are all waiting for will come after the EU elections, but I am am sure that there will be no URGENT press conference.

  5. Jozef says:

    Apropos Miriam Dalli, anyone noticed her animated vertical banner on Times of Malta?

    I doubt Sorayama made better use of an airbrush.

  6. Katrin says:

    He forgot to announce that a sack of rice fell in China.

  7. Gahan says:

    He fooled you on April Fools day and you didn’t notice and now he’s trying to fool you again at the end of April.

    I think he’s got bad news from the surveys. Tonight I will be going to celebrate 10 years of Malta’s Accession in the EU with a great and honest leader.

  8. Neil says:

    I drive a diesel car and might only only buy one gas cylinder between now and end September. But let’s say I’ll buy two just to be generous.

    This grandly announced measure in order to “give benefit to and stabilize” families will save my family a maximum of €2.60.

    That’s 1.7c per day, at least up until the end of September. 0.42c per person. Less than 2mils each, in old money.

  9. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Reminds me of the nursery rhyme about the Grand Old Duke of York who “marched his troops up to the top of the hill and marched them down again” to their destruction in battle.

  10. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Do these people think that all Maltese are morons?

    They may fool their sheep-like followers by lowering the price of petrol after raising it just a month ago, but some of us still have some functioning brain cells.

  11. Tessie says:

    Gas price frozen till September? And in October we start using our gas heaters.

    Wouldn’t the money have been better used in buying medicine and building the promised schools? Or maybe fix some roads? Or maybe train unemployed people? Joseph ic-cejca.

  12. ron says:

    Bija qatt ma dahaq.

  13. Cikku says:

    La daħaq u lanqas jidħaq, bija żgur li le. Nidħaq bih jien u tidħaq bih int . Min jidħaq l-aħħar jidħaq tajjeb.

  14. mazzun says:

    Anke bil-gurnalisti jidhaq!! Hadd ma jsaqsi domandi suriet in-nies. Domandi li ikunu tawhom il-bosses taghhom.

  15. Frank Theuma says:

    I do not eat “tonn taz-zejt” as I am vegetarian. Also, I do not drive and the lower price of petrol will not affect me. Nor will the firm price of diesel.

    As for gas in cylinders, I need it mostly after September to heat up my abnormally cold stone house.

    Not much of an earthquake there for me.

  16. Kevin says:

    “At least it’s not like your GonziPN when prices went up all the time. BIG JOE MUSCAT is true to his words” is the standard answer to the reasoning exemplified by this blog post.

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