The Italian prime minister’s wife travels second class and queues along with everyone else
April 11, 2014 at 11:11am
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But Agnese Renzi is only the wife of Italy’s Prime Minister. That is the difference. She’s no Michelle Muscat or Elena Bagollu.
As the old song goes –
“Once. Twice. Three times a Lady”
In September 2013 I formed part of the official retinue of a royal visit to Dublin. The royal prince was from a Eurasian country.
HRH was invited to preside over an important national concert and was received at the concert hall by a high-ranking cabinet minister with a nationally-sensitive portfolio. There were no police outriders for the minister; there were for HRH.
The minister stood there with his PA and greeted us all in the foyer where we chatted for a few minutes. HRH and retinue were escorted through the doors into the hall; the minister queued up with his PA, ticket in hand, to be let in with all other ticket holders. He then joined us for champagne at the interval, and went back to sit in the audience – no front rows or anything, halfway down and halfway up sort of thing.
One of the royal retinue turned to me and said – that’s democracy for you; we pay their salary and they’re there to serve us and not the other way round! All along, the minister was chatting with audience members and everyone else, none of the typical Maltese frozen officious smile and not genuinely looking at people.
All the Labour ‘do you know who I ams’ should all learn a good lesson. With them it’s all about what they can take, bum, use and abuse.
Because now they are nies importanti and they have to show it . Pretentious pricks…. The lot of them.
And that’s the ‘Italian’ prime-minister’s wife… Can Malta sink lower?
Dik ghax miex min taghna hiiiiii.
That’s how it’s done. Here everyone thinks that s/he deserves a red carpet.
Mieghiex bhal-hamalli taghna.
Italy is corrupt and dysfunctional but it is still far more democratic and refined than Malta which manifests no European mentality.
She is also a teacher and that is saying a lot when we compare this PM’s wife with ours.
She in not a “teacher” as any teacher in the USA. She is an ancient languages (Latin) and literature professor, one of the more appreciated roles in the Italian culture. She is much more elegant than many important “ladies” in the world. Elegant is not kitsch. A kind of elegance than in the USA few people can understand.
Unlike Mrs Muscat and Mrs Zammit Lewis The Italian Prime Minister’s wife is not a chav.
It takes class to know where one’s place is.
Biex inkunu qed nghidu kollox jidher ftit staged…
I could not believe my eyes when I read somewhere that Erin Tanti told the police that when he saw her jump, he closed his eyes and jumped too… He knew it was 4 a.m. because he looked at his watch after he jumped.” (the Maltese version of the report reads:
“Tanti spjegalu li f’ħin minnhom ra lil Lisa Marie taqbeż. Hu mar fit-tarf, għalaq għajnejh u qabeż warajha. Wara, pprova jqum iżda kien muġugħ u ma setax jimxi. Lis-Surġent qallu li jaf li dak il-ħin kienu l-4am għax ħares lejn l-arloġġ wara li qabeż.”
Where his eyes closed or not? Or did he have a stop watch and wanted to see how long it took to reach the bottom?
Would a person intending to kill himself be bothered about the time?
Was he still wearing the watch when he hit the rock? Was it still working after such a great fall? Or is it, like him, indestructible?
Yes. And he fell 40 metres and hit the rocks at a speed of over 100 km/h but suffered only insignificant injuries.
Besides there must have been a very strong breeze which carried him several metres away from the cliff’s edge.
Erin Tanti must either have miraculous powers or else he is lying. Cliff Dingli never jumped off Dingli cliffs.
This lady who is also a professor prefers to stay behind the scenes. The Italian media pointed that out as soon as Renzi was appointed. She’s the total opposite of our prime minister’s spouse.
On the other hand, was there anyone from the previous administration ready to do what Mrs Renzi is doing?
Well, I can personally vouch for the fact that when he was Minister for Culture, Francis Zammit Dimech would not even accept a drink from the bar in the interval of an MADC Shakespeare production. He absolutely insisted on paying for it himself.
Don’t blame these misfits because they don’t know any better, but blame those idiots who voted for them.
And she refused to give up her teaching career, remaining in the family home with their three children.
Berlusconi’s Panorama tried to make a big deal once of her using her husband’s personal car fitted with an electronic pass on its dashboard to access restricted traffic zones.
She made it a point to issue an apology saying it won’t ever happen again, that whenever she’d need to use her husband’s car, the pass was coming off.
And can she carry off that tussle of black hair.
Intercepted by the press having just finished a teacher’s two day exam session.
The versions keep coming.
And did he expect her to go into a frenzy and throw herself off the cliff then?
Our prime Minister’s wife thinks it appropriate for her to use state-paid cars and chauffeurs, because deep down she really is a common person with who has never seen or had anything in her life.
Now she wants to make the best of all the opportunities life is throwing at her.
Now that’s what I call class ! The Italian prime minister has not only upstaged Muscat in age , but also in civility – among other things ; and I’m being kind.
Exactly. She’s making hay while the sun shines and enjoying it while it lasts. After a long wait of almost 25 years it seems like they’re all out to party, just like kids in a candy shop.
Those Italians have really learnt nothing from us Maltese.
But then neither did Agnese Landini name her three children after parts of the solar system.
She chose for them the name of the patron saint of Italy, of Jesus and of the greatest heroine in the Old Testament.
Fortunately our country is the size of a large caravan park. If it were any bigger the premiere dame would be going shopping in a LearJet 60.
Michelle Muscat li kien ghalija anke tidher hi minnflok il-prim ministru, daqs kemm hi defsa.
Truly inspiring. Let’s forget the Pope often uses cheaper forms of transport.
Qisha l-mara tal-prim ministru taghna l-istess!
Qisha hadd ma jista ghaliha, prima donna l-istess!
I’m sorry, imma ma tigbidni xejn.
This is precisely what automatically makes you take a liking towards the person concerned although you needn’t necessarily know anything relating to her character.
Humility, such a strong word. And sadly, so lacking within the government bigwigs and their spouses.
Mrs Muscat, please note.
No need for Michelle Muscat to look as far as Italy. All she has to do is follow Mrs. Fenech Adami’s or Mrs. Gonzi’s example.
Perhaps by the time you see it they would have realized their mistakes.
The qualification for an academic post in European and Comparative Law is a degree in biology, the one in biology is a degree in chemistry etc etc.
Well done, Daphne. You are number 13. Keep up your good work.
Fourth if you consider only Maltese sites, before The Malta Independent and HSBC.
At last something positive on this website about Italy
There’s another positive piece of news, they saved over 3,000 boat people in this last week , without making much theatrics.
Does anyone have an idea when a ruling is expected? Such an important piece of information was not reported by the media.
What I find rather strange is that the whole lot of this inept and incompetent mob (even the one and only who is a full professor is the epitome of mediocrity) are behaving as if the bonanza is not going to last for very long.
Making hay while the sun shines.
This is strange after such an electoral landslide.
Do they know something we do not know?
Everything is misplaced in Malta. Where there is protocol, we do our best to make do without it so that we look ‘humble’. For example instead of having the president’s inauguration mass at St. John’s Cathedral, we make use of a tent.
Then where people should act normally they put on airs and act like royalty (not exactly but you get the meaning).
Jew nejja jew mahruqa would go on the same lines.
Tales like Goldilocks would exist to teach children that there is a “just right” and that is precisely what protocol and a code of ethics stand for: to provide liberating structures so that the main business of the day can get done efficiently by all.
The more highly defined the protocol and ethics, the more transparent and efficient the governance, because the underlying notion is that only a highly sophisticated understanding of the technology of governance can deliver an appropriately finely tuned “just right” simplification to the end user.
Simple at one end does not translate to simple at the other. Most times, simplicity for the end user is only possible because a high degree of understanding and communication of trending, innovative, current and maintenance elements have intertwined across levels of governance and administration. And this as a result of appropriately targeted investment in human capital.
But the Labour focus is not on applying any process of learning here beyond the superficial.
Interesting to note that there must have been absolutely no transfer in the process of any of the traditional storytelling, not by their parents and not by them to their own children: whole layers of perception missing – directional pathways taken on widely differing parallels by the hundreds of thousands that make up the electoral split. The parallels would be those of existence, and societal developmental progress at non-perpendicular transversals.
Deep-rooted principles not seen cannot ever be recognised, named or referred to. Pragmatic shouldn’t mean stupid. Existential shouldn’t mean devoid of a positive value system.
The residual “roadmap” flavour, before any detail general or specific is entered into, is that it’s all about skimming off the top: that with Labour the fundamental motivation in applying itself is “haxi.” Instead of bridging gaps gently together, it sets about to recreate and affirm them, whether in ignorance or blatant disregard, furthering the distance between them.
On the developmental parallel this may go somewhere, but it’s not forwards or upwards, it’s backwards and downwards.
Real social justice by any governing party would need a stark recognition of the gaps for what they really are and a ruthlessness in fair and able address.
Saviour Balzan must be livid seeing that you are in the 12th place in the Alexa ratings, only one place underneath Malta Today. I believe this is the highest ever your ratings have been. Congratulations! You deserve it, given that this website has the best news items that others won’t even dare touch, let alone publish.
Wait till Daphne revamps the blog, let’s hope she doesn’t employ the services of a web designer who thinks tiny headlines in white set on a photograph can be legible.
And those colour identified sections, sport is yellow, local’s blue, art is purple….Lucas parts catalogues were over that sort of thing in 2008.
Italian Prime Ministers’ wives have never been in the limelight – neither are any other European prime ministers’ wives except for those of Britain, and then not because they seek out the press but because the press seeks them out.
The only one who has become a sort of US First Lady is Michelle Muscat, of course the wife of the least significant PM in Europe.
I am not particularly fond of Italian politicians generally but when I think of Renzi, his wife and Napolitano and compare them to Jo, Me-shell and Marilweez … well.