The Muscat government’s special consultant gets a passing mention in The Economist’s Charlemagne column

Published: April 25, 2014 at 10:56am


How clean is the European Union? To its critics, Brussels is a cesspit of waste and fraud. To its supporters, it is often a check on rapacious governments at home.

There is no shortage of scandals. In 1999 the Santer commission resigned over fraud, mismanagement and nepotism.

In 2011 some MEPs were caught negotiating payments for proposing legislative amendments on behalf of journalists posing as lobbyists.

In 2012 a still-murky affair over tobacco regulation brought down the health commissioner, John Dalli from Malta.

Yet, as one Brussels lobbyist puts it, “We don’t have a Jack Abramoff,” the American influence-peddler jailed in 2006 for fraud, corruption and tax evasion in a far-reaching scandal involving American Indian casinos.


5 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    “…John Dalli from Malta.”

    Thank you John!

  2. ciccio says:

    “The Muscat government’s special consultant gets a passing mention in The Economist’s Charlemagne column”

    And Malta gets a passing mention as well.

  3. Min Jaf says:

    John Dalli was also very prominent in a TV feature entitled EU: CORRUPTION repeatedly broadcast on Euronews yesterday.

    Malta’s hitherto good reputation reputation has not only been shot down by Joseph Muscat and his cronies, but it continues to be internationally dragged though the mud.

  4. P Sant says:

    And with all that talk of corruption pre-March 2013, PL still has to nail one – I repeat one – BIG FISH. And this, 13 months down the line.

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