This comment is significant – the investigators should take note of what it says
The following comment came in anonymously beneath one of my posts about Lisa Zahra’s tumblr blog:
I would like to point something out. I’m sure the police and others have noticed. Lisa’s last tumblr post was one week ago. I’m on tumblr myself and know that you can queue a tumblr post, which means you choose the picture you want to post and set the time and date you want it to post.
The fact that a few pictures were posted a week ago says a lot and tells me again that she had no intentions of dying, otherwise she wouldn’t do that, unless she just wanted to be creepy, which I doubt is the case.
She wrote a post once saying that she’s queuing posts because she needed to study, so I’m assuming it was the same reason she did it again this time round since she was going to have her O-levels soon.
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On March 18th there’s even a posted picture that says “How long before I’m just a memory?”
Yes indeed this would be a piece of fresh evidence that has to be looked into, investigated and brought forth as part and parcel of the ongoing trial.
It is in the interest of justice served and administered that such evidence is brought forth.
May I remark that such and similar evidence could be the subject of a fresh trial of the accused, (in case of acquittal or guilt verdict) always in the interest of justice done and seen to be done. Evidence is neither for nor against neither the accused nor the state as I had occasion to write about earlier on.