Tourism Minister Zammit Lewis wasn’t at the school sports day. His official government car was being used by his wife.

Published: April 11, 2014 at 10:47am

Edward Zammit Lewis 9 April 2014 San Anton School_1

Edward Zammit Lewis 9 April 2014 San Anton School_2

Elena Zammit Lewis (left) with Michelle Muscat

Elena Zammit Lewis (left) with Michelle Muscat

I have received several telephone calls and emails to say that Mrs Zammit Lewis was not accompanied by her husband, the tourism minister, at her child’s school sports day.

She was chauffeured there in the tourism minister’s official government car, GM23, and both chauffeur and car waited outside the school for her for the duration of sports day, then chauffeured her back.

Mrs Zammit Lewis was accompanied on the spectators’ seats by the prime minister’s wife, Mrs Muscat, whose children are at the same school, and not by her husband.

34 Comments Comment

  1. daisy says:

    Wow. But who the hell do these people think they are? This is getting out of hand beyond belief. How these people try to take a dose of humility otherwise we’ll be worse than bollywood.

    • Ketchup says:

      The ‘nouveaux riches’ – posing and grabbing.

    • Connor Attard says:

      The irony of it all is that they often accused the PN of arrogance during their long tenure on the Opposition benches, and pledged to rid the country of such abuses.

      We got ‘change’ alright, but change isn’t necessarily for the better, as most of the switchers found out – the hard way.

      “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” – Confucius

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Too late.

  2. francesca says:

    it’s all about good breeding, Daisy, and these people have none. Uneducated people know no better.

  3. Calculator says:

    Just makes it worse, doesn’t it?

  4. Carmelo Micallef says:

    Barbarians gorging themselves on their spoils of ‘war’.

  5. S says:

    Disgusting behaviour.

  6. Sonia says:

    Buontempo’s wife regularly uses her hsband’s GM21 chauffeur-driven car to collect at least one of her sons from school.

  7. Mallia says:

    Well as long as they don’t accept a €400 homemade clock everything goes in the mythical land of Taghna lkoll.

  8. il baks says:

    This clearly shows why they wanted to be in government at all costs. This gave them the privilege to be clearly identified as ‘high class’ individuals who can abuse of the privileges conferred on their spouses by their government roles. This is disgusting and is happening everyday all the time.

  9. M. Cassar says:

    Parsimonious prima donnas with a sense of entitlement beyond belief, surrounded by staff so stupid that they do not flag the use of everyone’s taxes for private functions.

    Unfortunately these women probably think that calling them prima donnas is a compliment! Kudos to the intelligence of the Maltese voter.

  10. Min Jaf says:

    Tghid xejn, almenu ma marrux bl-Alfa ta’ Jo u bl-iskorta tal-pulizija. Pero ma ghandi ebda dubju li ser naslu ghal hemm ukoll.

  11. simca says:

    And we are encouraged to pool our resources by sharing cars with friends and colleagues.

    Arroganza FENOMENALI.

  12. Coronado says:

    Is she the Howard Street Raphael Farrugia’s daughter?

    [Daphne – Graham Street, not Howard. And yes, she is.]

  13. C Mangion says:

    U iva, it’s okay hi. Issa it-tern taghna hux. Haqqna, le? Entitlement like this makes me vomit.

  14. TinaB says:

    What a disgusting lot!

  15. Chicago Bears says:

    Up until 7th March 2013 all ministers’ cars had two number plates each: a GM12 plate to be used only when the car was on official government business, and an ABC123 plate for when the car was not being used on official government business.

    I am sure they still are given these two number plates but the taghna lkoll arrogance knows no limits or boundaries.

    Had this been done during the previous legislation all hell would have broken loose. Different times, different standards and a total lack of respect and accountability towards those who elected them.

  16. Jozef says:

    Well, at least we won’t get her plonking half the family X3 on one of the pavements blocking passage whenever she popped over to her husband’s office in Birkirkara anymore.

    A husband who, optimistically speaking, won’t carry on with his private practice.

  17. Timon of Athens says:

    Imsieken, ghax veru qatt ma raw xejn.

  18. Jozef says:

    Someone tell the minister that tax avoidance isn’t tax evasion.

    If, as in this case, white cement isn’t taxed, whereas the grey mix is, I’m not evading tax if I go for the white mix.

    By his reasoning all cars should be taxed at the same rate, whatever the technology, engine size and green credentials.

  19. observer says:

    Prior to the 2103 elections some of us (more than 18,000 in fact) were so sure that Jo and his comrades were right about abuses by the previous administration.

    They decided that such things should definitely be brought to an end – and voted accordingly.

    But they found out that, as the Maltese saying goes “Min jitkaza jaqa’ fl-gharukaza”.

    Again, may I refer to the final scene in “Animal Farm”.

    That was the end of the book – here we are still thirteen months after its beginning, and apparently still so far from the last pages.

  20. Brum says:

    This is how “chavs” behave when others have to pay the bill. Can’t see what the fuss is about, would not have expected anything different from them. They ought to remind themselves they are still NOBODIES!

  21. etil says:

    This is what Mrs. Muscat meant when she said that ‘we are going to make the most of the 5 years in government’.

    The Maltese taxpayers are paying for this arrogant crowd of bummers.

    Hopefully the electorate will be more careful at the MEP elections, at least to send a message to the Muscat government. If not, I dare not think what will become of Malta.

  22. Silvio loporto says:

    Why should a prime minister’s wife not share her husband’s official car?

    [Daphne – Because the prime minister’s wife, unlike the president’s, has no official role, Mr Loporto. The prime minister’s wife is an ordinary citizen with no public function. The prime minister’s car is not a family car – oh hang on a minute, it is, and they’ve leased it to the government.]

    Are we going back to the times when a woman”s place was in the kitchen, and she has to travel by bus?

    [Daphne – No, Mr Loporto. The prime minister’s wife simply carries on doing what she used to do before she became the prime minister’s wife: drive her OWN car.]

    Or are we trying to imitate our Arab friends, for whom woman are “Second division”.

    The only Arab country where women do not have to walk behind their men, is in Iraq, where woman are made to walk three paces in front of their husbands. Because of the danger of land mines.

    [Daphne – A complete non sequitur.]

  23. pale blue my foot! says:


  24. Harry Worth says:

    How ironic !

    With all the mayhem that they had stirred up when the school was being built in 1989 – 1990

  25. El Pibe says:

    Dr. Zammit Lewis was present at Sports Day. He made a brief appearance. Does not excuse the way the car was parked mind you.

  26. tosca says:

    Is that ELENA ta’ Zammit Lewis?

    Has she done something to her face?

  27. marianne mercieca - mosta says:

    Are we sure the occasion was the sports day of their childrens’ school? An occasion ment to praise their children but we can see the usual egoistic mothers who take an advantage of the situation and put themselves in the limelight. I can see how exhibitionist Mrs Muscat is from the way she is dressed for an occasion like the “sports day” of seven year olds.

  28. Gringo says:

    Don`t these farts get a ticket for parking on the double yellow lines?

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