Vatikan le, imma China yes ta hi ghax dawk jixtru l-power stations u forsi hemm xi loose change ghal xi poverty campaign
April 28, 2014 at 3:37pm
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Kif qatt jista jkollna fibra morali soda jekk il-policies tan-nazzjon qishom qasab jixxejru ma kull rih! Rebha elettorali giet regalata lil-PL minhabba weghdiet u pretensjonijiet (u pozi). Imma issa konvint li min kellu jiehu taghlima hadha u ghal li gej jibza aktar ghal dak li ksibna minhajr laghqizmu u zvijar politiku.
Min qed jahseb li il-PL se jkompli fid-direzzjoni Ewropa se jiehu qatha jekk itellghu il-MEPs tal-PL. L-ebda paroli u dikjarazzjonijiet issa mhu se jikkonvincuni mod iehor.
Hasra li l-istat issa jrid juri bic-car lil kulhadd li hu lajk u jrid distakk mil-knisja. Hasra akbar hi li l-mexxejja politici spiritwali taghna ma hargux jiddefendu dawk il-valuri nsara taghna kemm kien hemm bzonn. Ma hemmx diplomazija f’din- Papa Gwanni Pawlu 2 u dan il-Papa ma bezghux min mar kontra l-valuri nsara. Hekk nistenna mill-Isqof ta’ Malta jekk irid ikun raghaj tajjeb.
Hasra li l-PN juri l-principji morali tieghu fuq stupidagnijiet bhad-divorzju biss. U d-dittatura tac-Cina fuq niesha u fuq id-dinja?
But we sent Michelle on a shopping spree Hux I think. Or maybe she took pics of clothes in Via dei Condotti so that she will show the hajjat for some replica.
U bil-gakketta ta’ Chairman Mao ukoll.
Perhaps the ambassador could explain China’s take on the Vatican, how the Catholic Church in China cannot absolutely have any links to Rome.
How Christians are removed from all social roles except for what central government deems suitable.
One could ask the ambassador whether the icon behind him fits the people’s republic taste and whether it fits government canons to the faith.
It fits perfectly with Mintoff’s ‘vangelu ta’ Kristu’. The more time passes, the more the Moviment is exposed for what it really is, a totalitarian, self-contained, closed circuit.
If you’re not IN, what exactly are you?
Is President Coleiro Chinese Catholic or Roman Catholic ?
Aren’t Chinese Catholics also Roman Catholics?
David, you’re simply obtuse.
And now The Times portal, almost behaving like the press office of the President, is saying that the President could not attend because she had to co-ordinate the organization of migration-meetings. The Times’ job was to ask the President why the change in versions for her absence. The President says one thing to RTK and another to The Times. About time that The Times, the President and the Prime MinIster start to respect our sense of self-respect in this saga of why Malta was represented by the Speaker and the PM’s wife.
A number of the comments submitted in The Times of Malta under this article are really shameful. They are letting out all the venom against the church. The veins of the sixties are still very vibrant. No respect whatsover. The steel soldiers are very much still on the march.
We’re now in the twilight zone.
No doubt she did press the guy for his views on the human rights situation in his country.
Perhaps it should be the Chinese asking the PL a few questions about human rights abuses.
In some respects, the Chinese are more open than Joseph Muscat’s Labour party.
It was the Chinese who reported that Muscat had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Communist party in China in 2010.
L-Ispizjar milli jkolli jaghtik (mhux ghax bhalissa ghandhom hafna x’jghatu l-ispizjara).
“The President of the Republic has had to reply to claims in the press – mainly in Church organ and the ever-obliging Malta Independent – ”
If you describe The Malta Independent as ever-obliging, what would you call Malta Today?
U ejja iddahquniex. Forsi ma tafux, imma iva ahna intelligenti aktar milli tahsbuna u tixtiequna. Bin-nies taghkhom tidhqu, imma b’ina le.
!. If the President’s Office is cutting back on expenses and did not want to hire a private jet, a phone call to Air Malta would have sufficed and several options would have been made available for the President to be back yesterday evening.
After all, several pilgrims who were there yesterday morning were back in Malta on Sunday evening.
2. Mrs Muscat does not hold any constitutional, parliamentary, government or official position. She represents only herself. That is why she had to enter the greetings queue as Mrs Farrugia.
3. Were the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Foreign Affairs also unavailable?
Aktar ma jhawwdu l-imhuh aktar l-imhuh jithawwdu u hadd ma jaf fejn qieghed.
Il-hasra hi li mhux kulhadd jaqra dawn il-blogs biex ikun jista’ jiggudika.
Aktar ma taghtu sahha lill-lp, anqas indumu fl-Ewropa.
Mistoqsija ghal-President ” Min jigdeb fejn immur?”.
Il-Palazz tal-President?
Tajba ,Ciccio.
Installing democracy in China . How about that for a cause, Marie Louise?
The government now takes orders from China and ridicules invitations from the Vatican.
The people have got the government they deserve.
They are slowly being spoonfed the totalitarian way of ruling the country and lining the regime’s pockets.
They are still unaware of what will come after the MEP elections and the years ahead under Joseph Muscat’s movement.
May God help us all. I hope to at least have our PN MEPs stand up for this country when communism rule takes over the country in full force.
Note the Ambassador and his wife’s dignified pose as opposed to the President’s family snap shot beam. Way to go.
Her first test and she FAILED miserably
Privitee(?)ra deserves a medal for his valiant efforts.
Is that a photo of George Abela in that picture frame on the wall at the right side?
‘…The hope of an eventual realisation of this alluring, dazzling, appealing way of life makes us emotionally and psychologically vulnerable. The further away we are from who and what we wish to be, and the more perplexed and desperate we become as to how we can set about to achieve our dream job, dream house, dream life, the easier it is for us to fall prey to the clutches of political party propaganda machines….’
‘…The general feeling is that an internal unelected core is running the country, and that the PM is being held to ransom by developers and businessmen. In short, after a landslide victory only a year ago, the overriding perception is that people have got their change, but only in faces…’
‘…In the meantime, as a backbencher on the Government side I urge my readers to think with their minds, ask themselves how best to use their vote if they want a better Malta and a better Europe, and then cast their very valid vote on the day….’
‘..This particular vote is as important as the one we cast a year ago. The only difference is that on 25 May, whichever way we vote Joseph Muscat will still be Prime Minister, and that the next election that counts is four years away.’
Marlene Farrugia this morning on The Malta Independent.
I have a couple of questions for the ex-shadow for energy and kontijiet, if she feels this electorate is targetted with needs turned into post Yuppie wants, who does she think embarked on imbuing the voter with a personal misgiving about their life; who ignored the signs of an unsustainable political manifesto?
And finally, if she was on board when MEPA was being torn to shreds, when excess in everything, car use, energy consumption, the gun toting lobby along with the squatters’ confraternity were being wooed to stick to their vitiated individualism worthy of Alabama, as people were being told it was perfectly moderate to sneer at any alien and Muscat’s vulgarity was passed off as the new way, what made her change her mind?
Dissent is welcome, that it not carry an agenda please. We’ve seen what that travesty of open politics did to the PN.
I see Muscat’s resorting to nostalgia.
The hypocrisy was saying gays shouldn’t be allowed to adopt and then refuse to separate issues and drive a rift between the minority and the electorate, Alison Bezzina.
There is such a thing as direct representation, one wonders what the electoral result would have been if Muscat was straight about passports, Enemalta, Marsaxlokk, hunting, MEPA, Muscat’s utter absence when it comes to work and gay rights.
Oh shock horror when all the gay people I know are utterly disgusted at being used to drive in the idea that this country needs a Lord Protector who’ll do away with parliament.
Gonzi was damned if he did, damned if he didn’t. The Brazil debacle eh? I suppose at least Muscat keeps quiet when it comes to investment volumes, preferring to quantify ‘investment’ by applicant, Three dozen he said last November, Sicilian delicatessen anyone?
Looking forward to his first Chinese tea ceremony. That might be when relations take a turn south.
At the Vatican, Malta was represented by the Speaker. The PM’s wife does not represent Malta at all.
[Daphne – Malta was not represented by the Speaker. The Speaker represents the Maltese parliament and not Malta. The President represents Malta, as head of state. Therefore Malta itself was not represented at all. Nor was the Maltese government.]
Isn’t Parliament the highest State institution?
There is something wrong with Joseph Muscat’s reasoning regarding his wife ,Mrs Muscat, representing the Prime Minister. If the Prime Minister had attended the ceremony, he would have been the leader of the delegation and consequently would have been the one to address the Pope and introduce the delegation. So Mrs Muscat should have addressed the Pope and introduced Angelo Farrugia.
She wasn’t Mrs Muscat at that point. She was Mrs Farrugia. That makes Joseph Muscat and Anglu Farrugia a gay couple by proxy.
No wonder Marilweez opted out.
Four partners in one marriage would have been really over the top even by PL standards.
Vera hawwadni ha nifmek.
Made in China!
Bassezzi . Vera waqa ghax-cajt tal-prima sfera. Protocol down the gutter. Seems like no one wanted to go and like kids were saying, “No, not me.”
Then Merilweez and Edgar give interviews saying that they say the rosary in bed together everyday. Jahasra.
Although the president should attend such important events, I firmly believe that this president is not fit for purpose.