Video of the month

Published: April 25, 2014 at 11:03am

61 Comments Comment

  1. marks says:

    I had a bout of seasickness watching this.

  2. Gorg Borg says:

    That’s it. I give up…..

  3. osservatore says:

    What pure unadulterated amateur crap.

    Not only are they ripping off the Taghna Lkoll video (because they do not know any better) but they seem rather keen on making everyone else sea sick.

    The Labour Party input is so obvious: from the mayor of Zejtun (Labour) to the music by Elton Zarb, son of GWU Tony.

  4. M.Borg says:

    First prize for originality. Now why does this video remind me of the Taghna Lkoll pre-election videos, I wonder.

    At least those made an effort with their people selection. With this one, it looks like the people were simply plucked from the streets of the village.

    And why is the slogan/football chant in English? And this in Zejtun of all places – the fortress of Malta l-ewwel u qabel kollox.

  5. kev says:

    Zejtun Band on a boat in choppy waters.

  6. Censu says:

    Replete with swaying energy.

  7. True Maltese says:

    It’s like a horror movie. Did they choose the ugliest people in Zejtun to make this hideous video ?

    • Marika Scorfna says:

      To mention it as a horror movie, it’s up to you, you did not like it? like a horror movie? ok that’s fine with me… but I never never can accept the part of the ugliest people in Zejtun. Those ugliest people have a heart, a family, and in between of those ugliest people there is my 4 yr old son that is the best ever thing that happened in my life and the most wonderful and beautiful thing as well. So before writing stupid sentences, think. We might be ‘ugly’ in your eyes but in my eyes, we are the nicest people with a heart full of love. thanks.

    • Lonzu says:

      Mela kemm int sabih/a int?

    • Painter says:

      So they are not ‘true Maltese’ because they are ugly in your eyes? We are criticizing them because of the video, not because of their their beauty. Don’t sink that low mister ‘True Maltese’.

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    Inspired by ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ song :

  9. Brian says:

    Taghna Lkoll? Sick!

  10. Robert Caruana says:

    Produced at SUPER ONE…..same rubbish as TAGHNA LKOLL

  11. Gahan says:

    There’s the best composer Elton Zarb, it-tifel ta’ Tony tal-GWU.

    Did they drink Kool-Aid also?

    They can change “We are Zejtun Band” anytime with: “I believe in Joseph, because Joseph believes in me”.

  12. bernie says:

    Couldn’t make it beyond 2:07 … made me seasick.

  13. Don Camillo says:

    I had to take two Stemetil tablets for nausea.

  14. Antoine Vella says:

    Why was this video filmed on a pitching and rolling ship?

  15. Clueless says:

    Iz-Zejtun Taghka Lkoll

  16. Toni says:

    is the cameraman drunk or was he filming from a boat?


    incredible!. This is a website in English so I will write in that language.

    Apart from the utter and complete ridiculousness of this video (which does nothing to help Zejtun, believe me) why in heaven’s name is it ALL in Maltese but then the refrain is in ENGLISH.

    Kinda gives you all away, twits.

  18. A+ says:

    This reflects the majority of the Maltese electorate, the ‘other Malta’ as you put it. Hence, the massive MLP victory in the last general election and, unfortunately, the next one, and the following one

    • Alexander Ball says:

      Do you honestly believe that the floating voters will vote for Muscat again?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I do. So will the intelligentsia and the hip crowd. Labour has been a complete shambles in government, but the Nationalist Party is not providing us with a reason to vote for Simon Busuttil and have him as PM. I doubt whether they even want to do away with Joseph Muscat.

  19. R.Micallef says:


  20. L.Gatt says:

    What exactly is the scope of this never-ending parade of hamallagni?

  21. P Shaw says:

    Since this represents the redefined culture and arts of Malta, I expected an introductory message by the kitten. Did Elton Zarb forget about him?

  22. Min Jaf says:

    “Ezemplari tal-kultura Maltija”

    Indeed: dim, ignorant, quarrelsome, completely immersed in their close-minded village politics, detached from the real world, totally unable to work out the consequences of their decisions…

    • Scarlet says:

      It is nor fair to judge ALL people of Zejtun by this STUPID video. I live in Zejtun and I can assure you that there are more educated people than all of these crazy ones in this clip. You find hamalli not only all over Malta but all over the world.

      • Min Jaf says:

        The comment was directed at the Maltese in general. Of course there are decent people at Zejtun, as there are elsewhere, but the majority of Maltese fall into the category set out in my original comment.

        The way they all fell over themselves in their rush to swallow the ‘gamblu jinten’ dangled before them by Muscat prior to the last general election is clear evidence of that.

        That those people are also self-serving and totally unprincipled was then amply demonstrated by their actions after that election.

  23. The Observer says:

    The remake of ‘Taghna Lkoll’ video clip?

  24. H.P. Baxxter says:


  25. Twanny says:

    The only way this video could be justified is if it was made by the opposing band club to take the piss.

    “Kazin bi storja glorjuza” … u dal-video waqqahhielu.

  26. ciccio says:

    Futur li jaqq ghadna.

  27. nev says:

    Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you will never walk alone. Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool….

  28. philip says:

    Il-lostrina what a kool t-shirt. Tini wahda hi.

  29. paola freri says:

    Ara jekk jigbdux il-video tas-sena d-diehla tal-festival tal-kanzunetta ghall-Ewropa.

  30. Steve says:

    wow…this is catchy.

  31. Silvio loporto says:

    Sure makes our illegal immigrants feel at home.

    How about Gieh ir-Repubblika for whoever thought of such a video.

  32. Kif inhi din? says:

    Energija pozitiva. Fenomenali.

  33. c says:

    Minghajr iz-Zejtun Band il-poplu ma jistax ikollu d-demokrazija li kellu fis-snin tmenin. Biz-Zejtun Band il-holm tieghek isir rejalta’. Ivvutaw Zejtun Band fl-elezzjoni ghall-Parlament Ewropew.

  34. bookworm says:

    Frazi wahda jonqos: ‘l-ahhar grad’.

  35. Natalie2 says:

    My goodness, thanks everyone for the lovely comments, really enjoyed them, hilarious. At least the video served a purpose. Maaaaaaaaaaaaa xi dwejjaqqqqq

  36. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Why do Maltese women hold their babies as if they were votive offerings to Baal?

  37. PWG says:

    National malaise. Anything goes. Mhux kullhad zewg bajdiet ghandu.

  38. C Falzon says:

    It seems they filmed it aboard the Concordia as it was going down.

  39. N Gatt says:

    I thought I was listening to a Malta Taghna Llkoll video – can this get any worse?

    2014 but still no clue. Come on, grow up people – but don’t judge all of Zejtun because believe me there are more people with more education than these Concordia passengers – hahaha, can’t stop laughing.

  40. Painter says:

    To what lengths are people ready to go to show off with their beloved każin? And are they really using the ‘Tagħna Lkoll’ beat as the background music?

    I remember this one guy from school not long ago and he always used to boast about Żejtun and how awesome it is, saying that all it needed to obtain perfection was a McDonald’s.

    Once he claimed that the man with the best computer in Malta lives there.

    I wonder what he has to say after watching this video. Perhaps their każin is not the best after all, at least not when it comes to advertise themselves.

  41. p.calleja says:

    Kopja tal-video u t-shirt ….please ☺

  42. M.E says:

    Ghalkemm tidher fuq il-flokkijiet, Santa Katerina s-semmiet darba biss. Gieh lil qaddisa jew nuzaw lilha ghal skopijiet ohra?

  43. CAPPU says:

    Just to proof the difference between the band clubs in My Village. Beland was the first band in Zejtun and now we’re considered to be Pro. especially compared with Zejtun Band.

  44. Cgatt says:

    Jahsra you still cant take the big loss!! With daphne the mist obviously… Anyway not worth wasting time here!! Enjoy

  45. Sister Ray says:

    1:56 spot on. The bloody lot should go forth and multiply.

  46. Zejtuni says:

    Simply an 80s era video – shame that this video is giving a bad impression about Zejtun people.

    Note that not all Zwieten have same political views and cohabit very well.

  47. M Borg says:

    And let’s not forget that the Malta Taghna Lkoll video was, in turn, ripped off the Obama campaign video.

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