6,400 people voted No. 1 for Norman Lowell

Published: May 25, 2014 at 6:07pm

Norman Lowell

And another 700 people voted for his political colleagues Arlette Baldaccino and Antoine Galea.

We don’t have skinheads in Malta and 7,000 is a pretty big chunk of people to vote for a nutcase with outlandish views. And here I don’t mean his views on racism, but his general off-the-wall behaviour and thinking.

58 Comments Comment

  1. Osservatore says:

    “We don’t have skinheads in Malta” – yet.

    It is not the hair-style, but the frame of mind that makes a skinhead and this is more worrying as it is a powder keg waiting to explode.

    What is really interesting is how well Lowell has fared when compared to Alternattiva Demokratika. To add any further comment on this would be superfluous.

  2. Peter Mallia says:

    At least you know what these guys stand for, Daphne. With Simon Busuttil, to be honest, I am not so sure about anything.

    After a year as leader I still haven’t figured out what he stands for.

    • ken il malti says:

      I, unfortunately have been too ill today to follow all this and it is a shame, as it has been a beautiful day where I live.

      I know I might hurt a lot of feelings but, I’ve said it once and I will say it again: Simon Busuittil is the wrong person to head the PN.

      The guy is too lightweight in dealing with the PL and he comes off as too feminine in his approach to politics.

      With Busuttil at the helm the PN will shrink and shrink to oblivion.

      I am sorry to say this but I must say it.

      • Oooooops says:

        I concur

      • michael seychell says:

        How easy it is to attack a person when you do not have the guts to show your name, albeit you have every right to do it.

        Simon Busuttil, like any new party leader, started as being a lightweight, or rather an inexperienced speaker. I remember myself when I became Assistant Secretary of the Metal Section of the GWU Secretary led by Lorry Sant. The first few days I found it so difficult to talk in public even during a conference of a few members, yet in time I addressed large conferences and even public meetings.

        You must have not attended for any public meeting more so his last general meeting outside the P.N. headquarters. The difference in Simon Busttil’s case is that he is not a loud or rather a shouting/screeching speaker, like Mintoff and his followers were/are including Joseph Muscat.

        Another difference is that Busuttil will never insultany of his opponents, but it seems that some people prefer the Mintoff/Lorry Sant/Alfred Sant/Joe Muscat type of foul-mouthing.

      • ken il malti says:

        Michael, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

        Getting angry at me or anyone else for their opinion does not change the facts.

        Ask your self, did Simon Busuttil produce a victory for the PN in that election two Marches ago?

        Is there any chance that will change for the next future election?

        My opinion is “NO” not with Simon at the helm and if he keeps going on this course it will be a massacre for the PN in the next election, the only thing that might ameliorate this without Simon or the PN laying a hand is that Jo and his amateur team will screw up the economy so bad, with unemployment to record levels that only a fool will vote for the PL.

  3. Gahan says:

    Most of those 7,000 Lowell voters are young factory workers who are jealous at the migrants taking their jobs in the rubbish collection business, the building industry as labourers and in the hotel industry as dishwashers.

    • Another John says:


      [Daphne – Ah yes, you posted a comment here some days ago saying that you would be voting for one of the fringe parties. Going by what you say here, you must have voted for Norman Lowell. How mad and irresponsible. I question your values – and I don’t mean your political values, either. If you wanted to make a point by voting for a fringe party, could you not at least have picked one that hasn’t based its entire raison d’etre on being horrible to other people while violating fundamental human rights?]

      • Another John says:

        Daphne, i see eye to eye with you on many issues. I have been on this blog for yonks. However, when it comes to the unchecked African immigration into Europe, we part ways.

        I’m genuinely concerned, even worried. And I do not think it is just me. I’m concerned not in terms of Malta only but of all of Europe.

        If you or others are not concerned, well, what can I say. But I have been thinking long and hard and things are not looking good.

        This issue needs, one way or another, to be honestly addressed.

      • Floater says:

        This time round, my vote floated towards Ivan Grech Mintoff. Not that I totally agree with him and his neutrality and his pulling Malta out of the EU. But there again, I could find no one that I totally agree with.

        He was the one who came out against gay adoptions, even if in another capacity. And is against federalism and further powers to the EU. So….

        PL: gay adoptions and the way it was introduced putted me off. Their main candidate is an atheist, and also came to know that Schultz is for abortion.

        PN: well, even if they had a point, raising a vote against Malta in the EU putted me off. And I bet, this did not go down well with many people. A strategic blunder that back fired.

        AD: I think Euro greens are for abortion.

      • La Redoute says:

        Roberta Metsola and David Casa represent Maltese voters and not Malta. It is no coincidence that they polled most of the first count votes for their party.

    • Painter says:

      True, but some of them are also people with very good jobs and they support Imperium Europa because they are racists, xenophobes or simply stupid.

      I have uncles, aunts and cousins who support either PL or PN but I never thought that a cousin of mine would be a supporter of Imperium Europa.

      The thing is, he is a software developer with a very good pay and developed his love for Norman Lowell and his friends simply because he was influenced by the far-right mentality somehow, so these immigrants (or ‘zibel iswed’ as he would call them) are not even affecting him in any way whatsoever.

      If you see his Facebook, you will notice that the posts on his wall along with the terrible Maltese are all things some uneducated ‘hamallu’ over the age of 60 would post. All his posts consist of foreign-biased news articles about how Muslims are ‘taking over Europe’ and bashing both major political parties.

      It was a big surprise to me because I never thought that he was that kind of person, considering he is a very gentle and caring guy.

      • Another John says:

        How patronising and shallow.

        [Daphne – You’re just touchy about it because you voted for Norman Lowell yourself. Yes, you voted for a psychiatric case who was ‘let go’ by the bank for which he had worked for years after he was suspected of having embezzled large amounts of money.]

    • La Redoute says:

      If your cousin can’t spell, why are you surprised at his racism?

      • Painter says:

        @ La Redoute

        I’m surprised because he is a well-mannered person and studied hard to become a software developer.

        He is not one of those layabouts that do nothing but complain about mundane things all day but someone who should know better than supporting someone who clearly needs to have his head examined.

    • Anthony Ianello says:

      I am a Maltese citizen that resides in London. I want to point out that even here in the UK and France people are voting for parties that are against this uncontrolled immigration that is crippling Europe.

      So maybe Mr. Lowell’s views are considered to be extreme, however I am witnessing first hand that European people do not want any more asylum seekers and people from outside Europe flocking to the EU, that at the end of the day do not integrate and hate our way of life.

  4. jerry says:

    And if he change his attitude, language and approach I am sure he will double or triple his votes.

  5. gianni says:


    Here’s somebody who has voted for all the fringe parties (including AD), taken a picture of his ballot sheet, and uploaded it on Facebook.

  6. Nokkla says:

    I’m much more shocked that people actually voted for Alfred Sant, the same person who abstained from voting in the EU referendum, the same person who said that joining the EU would be the end for us.

    Voting for Sant for me translates to sheer madness. At least Lowell has always been consistent in his beliefs.

    • Mark Mallia says:

      Alfred Sant is the only candidate from all those who took part who I know for a fact is going to do a good job because he believes in Malta, and not for the good salary!

  7. Peppa Pig says:

    If I am not mistaken, Imperium Europa has done better the AD on the whole.AD should get the hint and Malta should better beware.If Malta got more solidarity re burden- sharing in the past year, then maybe IE would not have got all those votes.

    • Dissident says:

      AD should raise a white flag and retire from the Maltese political scene. They achieved nothing and never will, well at least not until the post-war baby boomers and a few other generations are buried.

      All they’ve been doing in the last 25 years is taking away PN votes, thus hindering Malta’s efforts to become a proper EU country

  8. ghalgolhajt.com says:

    Essentially Nationalist protest votes … I don’t think anyone can take this nutter seriously.

    [Daphne – You are wrong in thinking that. The vote for Lowell is a conscious vote and not a protest vote. The most surprising people take him seriously and do not analyse his aims and views in the context of his psychiatric problems. There is a general assumption that anybody who is not actually in a straitjacket or under the care of a psychiatrist is to be considered normal – vide Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, both of whom manifested clear signs of psychiatric difficulties at various points over the last few years but were nonetheless treated as normal.]

  9. Rumplestiltskin says:

    7000 people on this small island voting for someone whose favourite book as a teenager was Mein Kampf is more than a little creepy.

    • It-Tezi ta' Mario says:

      You can say the same about the people who voted for Muscat, who needs Mario Vella’s support in a public debate but then calls himself progressive and liberal.

    • Dissident says:

      I wouldn’t worry so much, 90% of them are just illiterate retards

  10. edgar says:

    Rumplestiltskin, you can also add the 51000 votes that Alfred Sant got and that gets even more creepy.

  11. Painter says:

    In my opinion 7000 is very worrying because this number can potentially double within 5 years. Just think of those people who would vote for Imperium Europa but couldn’t because they aren’t 18 years old yet.

    Some of the comments on Times of Malta are also scary:


  12. Peppa Pig says:

    Once burden- sharing and more solidarity from other EU countriesre irregular immigration becomes a reality,extreme right- wing parties parties like Imperium Europa and their cranky founders will lose their raison d’etre.

  13. M. Cassar says:

    Logic would tell you that when one votes for a politician one takes into consideration his track record, his successes and failures as well as what he stands for.

    Then one looks at the number of people who voted for Alfred Sant and one thought comes to mind…those who said that empty vessels make most sound were on the right track!

  14. Betty says:

    This is a result of the ambivalence of the PN and the politics of convenience towards immigration during their last 10 years.

    There has been a total lack of proper education and poor media coverage in properly discussing this hot issue.

    It is also enough to learn now, the poor advice that the PN had from its egotistic ex-ambassador to the Council of Europe, Joseph Licari, and now we are suffering the consequences. The European Court of Human Rights has ruled against Malta on at least two cases.

    Unfortunately a lot of those who voted Imperium Europa come from PN families of all categories ranging from bankers, engineers and university graduates who are not the stereotypical Nazi skins. Some ex-BOV employees have a lot to say about Lowell the manager and family man.

  15. True Maltese says:

    I think that the real issue in this election is the weakness of Simon Busuttil as leader. If he stays on it is not for the PN’s sake but to favour Labour. The PN needs Anne Fenech as its new leader urgently.

  16. M. says:

    Il-Maltin imn*jkin.

  17. Conrad Zammit says:

    @ Daphne – So all Europe is going mad . The Far -right has gained a lot in the MP Elections especially France , UK , Lega Nord in Italy there is also a chance to have an Npd member from Germany. Not to mention Victory in France by Marine Le Pen

    [Daphne – Nowhere did I say that those who vote for the far right are mad. I said that Norman Lowell is a psychiatric case, which is different. He is not in the same category as the parties you mention. It is our Labour Party which is in those categories, and there you have it.]

    • Conrad Zammit says:

      @ Daphne , I don’t see how you can compare Marine Le Pen to the same category as the MLP. She does not like socialists as I followed her a lot. She attaked Hollande a lot during her speeches . A party similar to Lowell in Greece Golden Dawn as I remember well won 3 seats not to mention NPD in Germany ! I think this is a very strong message to the E.U . I think you should follow the Far Right very well as all of them have strong stand against illegal immigration !!!

      [Daphne – The Malta Labour Party is not socialist but far right.]

      • Conrad Zammit says:

        Since when the Malta Labour Party falls under one of these:


        I see the MLP the complete opposite at times they are not conservative but liberals. Far right opposes these!!

      • silvio says:

        Nearly right, but not far right but just leaning to the right.

        Now at last you get your answer.

        That was what my P.N. was years back, and that is why persons of my age are moving away from the P.N.

        [Daphne – And that is also why you were replaced by people like me, when the PN moved to the centre under Fenech Adami, making it possible for the PN to obtain clear majorities after 1987. You didn’t move away from the PN. You moved to Labour, which is different. And you moved to Labour because you are more comfortable with autocracy.]

  18. El Pibe says:

    I think the way media have handled Lowell and his party has actually helped them in their campaign. They are mostly ignored, so they go onto Facebook and spout their hate-filled drivel there.

    Immigration is a very populist topic, but the Far-Right are more than just that. The media should be giving Lowell and his party more air time and column space to explain their sadistic views on what should happen to the disabled and gay people, what they’d do to the people who adopt children from Africa, whether they think women can have a decision making role at the top end of politics etc. Maybe then a few of the 6700 who voted for Lowell and co. will realise what they are voting for.

  19. Subkult says:

    Nixtieq nikkumenta fil qasir dwar il kitba li tassocja l-Skinheads man Nazi/faxxisti . Dawk it tip ta Skinheads huma faxxa zghira ghax il maggoranza ta tip ta hajja ta l-skinheads hija favur il klassi tal haddiema. Il maggoranza assoluta huma anti faxxisti.

    Huwa ta thassib enormi li Imperium Europa igibu daqs dak ammont ta voti,ghax b’hekk in nies waqaw fix-xibka ta Lowell li inqeda bil biza mil Afrikani biex ikkabar ic-chance ghal pjan infami tieghu. Dak li l- ‘elite’ tas socjeta Maltija Europea jakkwistaw il poter u jimplimentaw il ‘Kredo’ Nazzist/faxxist.

    Nahseb li ta min wiehed jara kif ha jigu indirizati certi issues biex ma tkomplix tikber is sahha ta dawn in NAZI.


  20. Salvu says:

    The Ajkla achieved the best vote increase performance in all European Parliaments elections held over the weekend.

    An increase of 1500% is at least worth a mention.

  21. tal misthija says:

    Nahseb li din id-darba il-voti ta’ protesta marru kollha fuq dawn il-partiti bhal ta’ Lowell ghax jafu li mhux ser jaghmlu xejn. Fl-istess hin jirredikolaw lil partit rispettiv taghhom. Infatti l-Alternattiva ma zididtx ghax f’mohh l-elettorat ghandha chance akbar li titla.

  22. Anthony Ianello says:

    Let’s start realizing the problem we have with uncontrolled immigration.

  23. My Thoughts says:

    I am one of those who voted for Lowell. (In previous elections I always voted PN).

    While I know that the guy says a lot of crazy stuff and is cuckoo, I decided to vote for him because of the disillusionment with both major parties and AD.

    Call it a protest vote if you want. Call it extremist and racist if you want. But as long as illegal immigration is not tackled by action (not just words), the vote for the far right both in Malta and in the rest of Europe is bound to increase with time. It is a genuine problem that is not being addressed by the major forces in society – just talk only. Far worse, through inaction and the type of talk that is being said by the main parties/forces in society, the problem is being made worse.

    Scream as much as you want and call us racists as much as you want, but unless you tackle the problem, you have no God-given right to consider people who voted for Lowell as stupid, extremists, etc. Vox Populi, Vox Dei. (If you try to place us in some category of people for your own peace of mind, e.g. low-earners, low-educated class, keep in mind that at least myself I have a PhD degree in a science subject, have high income, and come from a family background where religion is a dominant force).

    The more you try and push your arrogant views on society, the more people will fight back by backing the far right. The more you try and put the issue on the back burner, the more you try to depict people who vote for the far right (due to a lack of another alternative) as stupid and irresponsible and push them to the fringe, the more you try to push such people as me to a corner, the more you are actually helping the far right movement.

    The more you try and legislate and push for supposed freedom and compassion without addressing equally-important issues such as security and peace of mind, the more you are going to lose in the long run.

    Europe is currently in such a sad state (This comes from someone who totally believes in the EU dream, who came to vote despite an MLP threat of prison for those who came to vote from abroad in the EU accession referendum).

    I have lived for a number of years in the UK and have seen what the real multiculturalism is. I just don’t want the type of false and irresponsible multiculturalism brought about by liberalists, with all its consequences, to come to my country. But unfortunately the current trend in the EU is just allowing this to happen, and anyone who dares to raise or mention issues such as illegal immigration is immediately labelled extremist, far right, deviant, etc.

    The more you keep doing this, the more in the long run things will work against you. Remember that history repeats itself. Currently the pendulum might be swinging in your favour in terms of pushing for increasing liberties, multiculturalism, accepting illegal immigrants with arms wide-open and giving them all they want, etc. But the pendulum will eventually swing back… (and you are indirectly helping in making this happen).

    Thanks to you, I see it as a real possibility in a future EU, burdened and full of illegal immigrants with all the cultural baggage they bring with them that goes against our society (their treatment of women, pushing for sharia, mutilation of female genitalia, to name a few), that a future European-wide Hitler will arise buoyed by people that have no option but to adhere to the far right.

    It’s something that you don’t want and I do not want, but as long as you don’t address our concerns and you continue treating us as fringe, extremists and what not, voting for Lowell is the only thing that I had left. And we are running headlong to such a scenario.

    That’s it from my side. Now prepare your axes and attack me and my arguments, try to assassinate me just because you don’t agree with me — it’s the only way that you know how to deal with us; it’s the only way you know how to ‘discuss’ things; continue along this God-given path of yours, continue looking down on us and consider us inferior, continue with your absolutist way of thinking.

    Vox Populi, Vox Dei.

    • Backing Thoughts says:

      I, too have voted for Mr. Norman Lowell, and share your thought platform. I too consider myself well educated, with a PhD in engineering and an active career in research.

      Not much to add to your comments, my friend, indeed self-righteous, God-chosen folks will do much research on fools like you and me ready for the right moment to throw a rock covered in a steaming cow pat to our heads.

  24. Conrad Zammit says:

    This is what our modern governments are trying to feed us :


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