Lit-tfal ma tghidilhomx li l-Ewropa “ggieghlek tkanta”. It’s as if you are sanctioning bad words. U l-qatgha f’wicc il-PM x’hin jara t-tfal hija imprezzabbli.
(Tifel: X’ridt issir meta tikber?
Joseph Muscat: L-izghar Prim Ministru…. imma mbaghad indunajt li ma nafx niggverna!)
Lit-tfal ma tghidilhomx li l-Ewropa “ggieghlek tkanta”. It’s as if you are sanctioning bad words. U l-qatgha f’wicc il-PM x’hin jara t-tfal hija imprezzabbli.
(Tifel: X’ridt issir meta tikber?
Joseph Muscat: L-izghar Prim Ministru…. imma mbaghad indunajt li ma nafx niggverna!)
“L-EU ggighelek tkanta” What a Freudian’s slip! Jaqaw l-oversight u l-kontrolli tal-EU huma restrittivi wisq?
Ma nahsibx li c-Cini ggaghlek tkanta imam iktar iggaghlek t**xi lill-poplu.
That’s Joseph and his British humour.
Joseph Muscat says he wanted to be a painter, but then realised he couldn’t paint. Now where did I hear that story?
Did you notice the way Simon Busuttil explained what Europe Day is? His eyes started to glow. Muscat was just sarcastic.
“L-EU ggighelek tkanta”
Thank God for that otherwise Muscat’s first year in government would have been significantly worse.
Simon Busuttil and Tonio Borg show how genuine they are in the selfie photo; the other two are practising the smile.