A cargo of green soap for Franco Debono

Published: May 31, 2014 at 1:44am

green soap

The government’s Law Commissioner is acting as legal counsel to one of the men caught smuggling cannabis resin (it later turned out that they had been cheated by their dealers, who gave them green soap instead) with Bastjan Dalli, whose brother John is the prime minister’s consultant on health reform.

And speaking of John Dalli, his total disappearance from public life and the media, literally overnight, should be ringing alarm bells.

11 Comments Comment

  1. rjc says:

    Regarding your last sentence, could it be that Dalli’s usefulness as a thorn in ex-Health Minister Dr Farrugia’ side is now over? Mission accomplished.

  2. Disappearance says:

    Speaking of disappearance, I wonder what happened to Caqnu’s illegal structures. All that bull and helicopters flying low and armed law enforcers and evacuation of MEPA offices. All gone quiet now. This is a bizarre administration.

    • george says:

      And still illegalities are going on in Caqnu’s continuous development sites.

    • ron says:

      That was only a “messa in scena” because the EP elections were approaching. Now you will not hear another word about it until another important election is near.

  3. The chemist says:

    I wouldn’t say cheated, it could be the oldest trick in the book. Drop your load with a tracking device overboard before coming in to land, second boat picks it up, if you have an informer in your organisation will become pretty obvious once you berth as the boys in blue will be waiting. Only the dumb get caught.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Does anybody remember the small lights following the Tirrenia as it approached Valletta port.

      It could have been welcoming parties sent by MTA but I doubt it.

  4. edgar says:

    They bought the boat a few days before going to Tripoli and they paid cash after trying it out for a few hours.

    They left Marsaxlokk in the night some time in December and returned a couple of days later.

    They were smart people and anybody who believes that these guys went all the way to Tripoli in a 30ft boat and did not bother to check the stuff that they were buying will believe anything.

    The boat was confiscated but was given back to the owners a few days ago. Who knows hbieb tal-hbieb?

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Sapun tac-cavetta kien biex jinfethu hafna bibien.

  6. Is this going to be a repetition of the case where a person who smuggled drugs into Malta was found not guilty because he had thought that he was smuggling emeralds, and then he was found not guilty of smuggling emeralds because he had smuggled drugs?

    He was lifted high of the shoulders of his friends following this wise verdict.

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