A historic moment in the Auberge de Castille courtyard yesterday
May 1, 2014 at 3:33pm
The prime minister and the minister of health and energy announce a two cents (eight mils in old money) decrease in the price of petrol.
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The salute to Europe before adopting the Renminbi?
What a difference these 10 years have seen.
It was historic 10 years ago.
Today, it’s tragic.
I think that in this whole incident you are the nearest to the truth. By the way, where is the finance minister ?
His buddy Cameron will be impressed, not.
Enter the king of bathos.
As other readers have commented, I can’t believe this was the news the Prime Minister has been building up for. He must have something up his sleeve.
With all the savings I will make, I decided to book my first luxury cruise in the Caribbean.
Jaqaw hasbuna mejtin bil-guh dawn? Min hu geddumu fix-xghir jahseb li kull qamla tghodd ghall-povri sudditi tieghu.
French peasants were starving while the Sun King (le roi soleil) was busy spending enormous sums building the sumptuous palace at Versailles for his enjoyment.
Eravamo meglio quando eravamo peggio.
BTW, I’m still waiting for my POYC amlodipine and the door-to-door distribution of medicine was not the ahbar kbira announced by the PM. My hypertension is spinning out of control now. What if I blow an artery?
Be on the safe side and don’t even think about Joseph before your pills arrive.
My friend,
If I were you I would buy a box of Amlo, this does not cost the earth. You are doing more harm to yourself by taking nothing. You are in risk of a stroke.
If I may put in my two-cents’ worth, this is really a momentous occasion. And the prime minister could not time it better: it coincides with the 10th anniversary since Malta joined the EU.
“Field of Miracles” has quantified this measure in a post on this website, estimating its value at Eur 2.4 million, equivalent to one million Maltese lira.
See post by “Field of Miracles” here:
I think that after 10 years, we have finally found the “Miljun Lira flus kontanti” which Joseph Muscat and MEP star candidate Alfred Sant, both of “Partnership l-Ahjar Ghazla” fame, had said we would derive from EU membership.
Love it! Your two cents’ worth.
In seven years Konrad Mizzi’s wife Sai will receive from public monies as much as this “ahbar kbira” has given to the whole of Malta. Where was the press conference when she became Muscat’s “special envoy”?
Next on our reductions list will be the price of tuna and corned beef. What a bunch of clowns.
Ara veru Alla xħiħ; balla suf u żewġ pari saqajn kien jagħmel żewġ mogħoziet oħra.
Ghax ma dahhalhomx f’……….
If we pool our 2c savings, will we have enough to hire someone to teach Muscat basic deportment?
On entering Castille in March 2013 the new Labour administration said that on the desk in the OPM’ s office they found a copy of the Economist and the article about elections in Italy, entitled ‘Send in the clowns.’ They were deeply offended by this. How simply prophetic it was !
A few questions that should have been asked yesterday.
1. How much did this press conference cost?
2. Prime Minister, Minister, don’t you have anything better to do?
3. A 2c saving per litre on petrol means I will save a total of 9 euros by September. How does that justify a press conference given by the prime minister and the minister for health and energy when unemployment is rising and people are dying in the corridors of our hospital?
4. What are your immediate plans for reducing unemployment?
5. Prime minister, we are told your wife presented herself as Mrs Farrugia to gain access to the Pope. Can you confirm or deny this?
6. What happened to the 10-year agreement on fuel costs for the new power station?
7. Why hasn’t the contract for the new power station been signed yet?
8. The new power station will not be operational by March 2015 at this rate. Are you going to resign?
9. Minister, what number do potential investors ring if they wish to get in touch with Malta Enterprise’s representative in Shanghai? Has she found an office yet? What are her postal and email addresses?
10. What has she done so far to justify her phenomenal salary?
11. Prime minister, do you deny that you are still doing business with World Bank blacklisted operator Shiv Nair?
12. Before you were elected, you met with Shiv Nair regularly. Do you still do so?
13. Minister, do you fly to China regularly? If so, who pays for your flights?
Re: No 8 – they seem to be already twisting the promise to resign: http://www.independent.com.mt/mobile/2014-05-01/news/pm-asks-soldiers-of-steel-to-prove-themselves-4822138880/
It might be time to bring out the recordings…
It would also be good for somebody to ask the prime minister what deals he has made, and with whom, about the prices of fuels.
Did those deals involve any financial transactions in Renminbi?
Is this where Jo and Edward Scicluna will help the Chinese Renminbi become an international currency?
Oil purchasing in China’s currency, maybe?
Is this why Jo is “looking for “opportunities”” with countries like “Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait through bilateral agreements”?
Is this why according to Jo, “There could be an opportunity for Malta because China plans to go international with its currency”?
Additional reading:
And in other recent events:
Heard this on One Radio this morning. I think it was some kind of discussion programme with the topic apparently being Malta’s 10th anniversary as European Union member. I caught the tail end of it, so I was not aware if there were any guest speakers or who they may have been.
“Illum l-1 ta’ Mejju, għaxar snin anniversarju minn meta Malta saret membru tal-Unjoni Ewropea, u bħala Partit Laburista kburin li dejjem ħdimna u ivvotajna għaliha, mhux bħal ħaddieħor li astjena.
Ngħaddu biex nieħdu l-kummenti ta’ Dr.Alfred Sant’.
My reaction was “Dawn bis-serjeta jew! “
Someone get a recording. Scum.
Goes to show how much they will distort and manipulate the truth to suit their means.
U c-cuc Malti jiblahha.
After a year, we’ve already gone back to the Mintoff days, where 2c price decrease on tuna and a 1c5 price decrease on corned beef were pompously announced in parliament by the prime minister or the finance minister.
U biex minghalieh jghid xi haga business-like, hareg jghid li price stability helps you plan ahead. Very true – imma mhux b’ 2 cents rohs.
Hallina, Joseph.
Bhallikieku l-flotta ta’ trakkijiet, vans u kwalunkwe ingenju iehor jahdmu bil-petlor. Dak planning.
Ara l-gass sa’ Settembru rabtu, meta r-ristoranti jibdew bil-heaters u jibda nizel il-bard. Bravu t-tifel.
Hallina u kif. L-aqwa li gholla l-licenzji ta’ kwalunkwe trakk u van kummercjali.
Basta jboss. Il-bniedem jimpika, u jekk se jibdiha mal-pajjiz, roddu s-salib. Daqt jghid li ma nistghux nifhmuh.
Or to put it another way, buy 72 litres of petrol and get one free. So I calculate that with my Prius, after about two months of driving, I will be able to drive from Lija to Mellieha and back for free.
I would love to drive to the Auberge de Castille to thank Jo personally but if I did that, I would pretty much be blowing six weeks of savings on petrol. Anyone else made vehicle fuel efficiency/new price of petrol driving plans given the relatively cheap price of petrol now?
Actually Joseph Muscat is asking himself “What is Konrad saying?” while Konrad was announcing the joke of the century.
Muscat takes pleasure insulting the intelligence of the people and sadly the people still support him.
Alfred Sant kull ma ghamel fil-gvern 22-il xaghar. Joseph, int b`kemm ser taghddieh? Tinsiex tirrezenja. Zomm il-weghda li ghamilt mal-poplu Malti li jekk ma tlestix il-power station f`sentejn.
Mela forsi b`sitt xhur? U importanti li taghmel konferenza stampa b`urgenza meta tipprezenta r-rizenja tieghek.
Your misspelling in the first line is sweet irony.
And all this circus was to announce a price decrease of two cents MORE THAN TWO MONTHS IN ADVANCE. It comes into effect in July.
What a joke. If your weekly stop at the pump costs you €50 at current prices, you will now save €18 by the end of the year.
Two cents – I struggle to even speculate on what’s going on inside Muscat’s mind to rationalise such actions.