A message from MCAST’s communications and PR manager in response to my post earlier about Labour’s on-premises campaign today

Published: May 7, 2014 at 6:45pm

Good evening,

MCAST reiterates its position that it does not tolerate partisan political campaigning on its premises. Immediate steps were taken to remove the posters which were put up and measures will be taken to ensure that such an incident is not repeated.

Caroline Balzan
Communications and PR Manager, MCAST

17 Comments Comment

  1. sceptic says:

    Daphne, I happened to be passing by the airport today at around 4pm. A convoy of cars with blue flashing lights followed by SUVs with tinted windows followed. I suspect we sold some passports.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Tahsbek is-Saudia Arabia.

    • La Redoute says:

      If that’s the case, then where’s the money going? The fees are supposed to be paid into a social and development fund but none has been set up yet.

    • Ta'sapienza says:

      No, that was the Chinese delegation .

    • albona says:

      Why de hack are they not buying Bulgarian passports? They’re both cheaper and better. Either Bulgaria needs marketing hints or these schmucks signed up and had the deposit paid before Sofia, jumped on the bandwagon after Malta had already burnt all the unwritten diplomatic bridges.

  2. Antonia Borg says:

    How bizarre. Indeed, your blog has become our main source of information, but did such an institution actually need to consult it to realise what’s happening in their front garden?

    [Daphne – Oh no, of course they knew what happened. That message was sent in to reassure readers that something was done about it. That’s good communication practice.]

  3. observer says:

    That’s the way things should be.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    The MCAST is a government institution and follows government policies which, quite rightfully, state that no campaigning should be done on the premises.

    What is rather disgraceful is that the government is itself going against the policy of its own schools. I’m sure the people running the PL campaign knew they were breaking the rules but, as Simon Busuttil said on television this evening, they consider themselves above the law.

    • etil says:

      Cannot say I blame them seeing that the people are still in a trance and accepting everything. Not so during PN governments.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    Gosh, this comes across like a crate of beer on a desert island.

  6. Cikku says:

    Mhux li huma ‘l fuq mil-liġi imma li saru allat. Nażżarda ngħid li l-PR ta’ Ivan Grixti issa laħaq sar li qassam il-leaflets li ried.Billi ġabbru kollox issa troppo tardi. Nittama fl-inteliġenza tal-istudenti li ma jinxtrawx b’tazza Red Bull.

  7. Melissa says:

    What about that huge trailer-like thing right next to one of the MCAST college gates?

  8. PWG says:

    A transfer is in the offing, not for the communication but for the acknowledgement.

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