A nostalgic photograph of 10 mils – 20% more than Muscat’s two-cent rohs fenomenali (not allowing for inflation)

Published: May 1, 2014 at 7:51pm


29 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    The mils themselves are more valuable than the rohs fenomenali.

  2. P Shaw says:

    The clowns in government should start labeling their press conferences in the same way they used to give a decorative name to each budget during the eighties.

    Yesterday’s press conference could be labeled as “Il-press conference tat-tieni Anglu Gabriel”.

  3. Freedom5 says:

    While it’s good news Baxter is adding 190 staff , a year ago it was announced that they are shedding 97. Why is it no reporter asks questions . It seems no one bothers to google before they attend a press conference .

    • M. Cassar says:

      When the ‘off with their heads’ scenario becomes a possibility, Googling is not desirable.

  4. watchful eye says:

    Is it at all pertinent to observe that Enemalta, unlike normal practice, has NOT issued a press release with the changes to the gas prices.

    I am purposely not referring to fuel prices since these will be effective 1st July. But I am to believe that the new gas price of the 12kg cylinder is effective as from today. Or is it not? Hence no press release as is normal.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    Let’s be fair to KMB – take inflation into account and you’ll find that his ‘rohs tat-tonn taz-zejt’ was a much better deal than Joseph’s.

  6. ken il malti says:

    Were those coins minted by Jo’s beloved “soldiers of steel” ?

    He is too young to remember those rusty soldiers of the Mintoff era.

    Or is that the name of a gay bar that he hangs out in ?


  7. Joe Fenech says:

    This whole issue is a perfect example of a politician whose head is firmly stuck in his arse.

  8. ciccio says:

    Gvern tal-habba gozz.

  9. Gahan says:

    Yesterday I attended the celebration organised by the PN of the 10-year anniversary of Malta’s membership in EU in St George’s Square. The Square was not full, but there was a considerable good audience.

    It was heartening to watch MPs mingling with the crowd.

    Today there was a PN fundraising marathon, and €309,000 were raised.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

  10. Ketchup says:

    Now I can carcade if my favourite team wins the World Cup.

  11. Spock says:

    At St. Vincent de Paule Home for the Elderly, certain nurses are lobbying for Labour candidates with patients who have mild to moderate dementia. The flyers of PN candidates are immediately thrown away before being distributed, unlike the ones of PL candidates.

    The patients are not allowed to watch Net TV but only Super One, and the only newspaper distributed is L-Orizzont.

    Can someone investigate these and many other similar abuses, please?

  12. kev says:

    That’s two mils too much.

    2 euro cents = 8 mils Maltin.

  13. ciccio says:

    I first read about the news that Jo had reduced the price of petrol on The Malta Independent online. At about 10.00am on 30 April, TMI published a headline stating that Jo had called a 10.15am press conference at the Auberge de Castille, and soon afterwards, they updated it saying something along the lines that “and the big news is a reduction in the price of petrol by 2 cents.”

    My first thought was that Libya’s oil production and exports had returned to normal, and that the agreement signed some time last year by Jo with his Libyan counterpart, Ali Zeidan, had come into force. But there was no reference to Libya in the press conference coverage.

    Did any of the journalists ask about the progress on fuel purchases at special prices from Libya?

    Konrad Shame on Him Mizzi was very confident that Malta would be buying cheap fuels from Libya by the beginning of 2014.


    “Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi said today that it’s highly probable that Malta can buy oil products from Libya at preferential rates as from the beginning of next year.”

    This was Konrad Mizzi in September 2013.

  14. Rahal says:

    Tell them the truth. How could Enemalta afford to reduce the price of fuel when it is bankrupt? Even if it is bankrolled by the Government, it is obliged to recover its fixed costs over a period of time?

    Enemalta has huge debts which are not being repaid.

    Living a big lie.

  15. Tim Ripard says:

    I know it is late in the day but the only comment to make on this eight mil price cut is “massive”

  16. jack says:

    Ahh the mils coins – made out of the cheapest and thinnest sheet metal, you could literally bend it in your hands.

  17. T. Cassar says:

    I had a nice dream where the prime minister gave us all €7,000 allowance per annum for our car like he took for himself.

  18. pythagoras says:

    Arithmetic test problem for class 4 pupils:

    Grandpa did not receive his free medicine because it is out of stock and he has to pay for it himself. It costs €9.50 per packet.

    He uses petrol in his car on which he has started to save €0.02 per litre after the government indulged in a reckless orgy of largesse.

    If grandpa’s car covers 8km per litre, how many kilometres must grandpa drive to save enough money to buy one packet of pills?

  19. H.P. Baxxter says:

    All together now:

    “Aghtuna x-xoghol, aghtuna nieklu, aghtuna dak li ggielidna ghalih.”

    Bla bla dee bla tum tum dee dum dum…

  20. Gina says:

    And then some European countries were considering removing their one and two cent coins from circulation because they were more expensive to produce than they are actually worth.

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