Another question I would have asked Muscat at his press conference fenomenali:
Il-vot tieghek kont poggejtu fi frame. LIt-tfal tieghek kif bi hsiebek tispjegalhom ghaliex kont ghamilt hekk meta huma u eluf ta’ tfal u kbar ohra, mhux l-inqas int bhala prim ministru, qeghdin jiccelebraw is-shubija ta’ Malta fl-unjoni Ewropea?
Oh and, of course:
Upper Barrakka gardens were closed to the public because of an official function to mark the 10th anniversary of Malta’s EU membership.
1. Do you deny that your daughters were among those present?
2. Do you deny that your parents and parents-in-law were among the guests?
3. How many of those present voted yes in the referendum on EU membership?
He’s a liar, period. Muscat has no core beliefs. He pretends he does to encourage the gullible. What he says depends on the situation but it can never be what he believes. That makes him a perpetual liar.
Liar! The photocopiers have all been hacked and you Nationalist scum are producing hacked copies of ten-year old newspapers with this lie that Joseph Muscat was against EU membership. We all he was always for, and even voted in favour.
Someone’s hacked Muscat’s PhD thesis to make it look like it was ghost written by someone else. Does Bristol university know that its servers aren’t secure?
“Minn naha tieghi jien iddecidejt li mhux se nkun qed nivvota ghax ma rridx incappas idejja ma’ referendum li huwa ghodda politika u li ma ghandu xejn nazzjonali fih.
Il-vot inpoggih fi frame.”
Journalists from the independent media should ask the prime minister to show us the frame with his vote for the EU referendum. It must be a collector’s item, but it should perhaps be donated to the history museum.
That quote reveals a lot more than you think, ciccio.
It is the exact same logic that he is using regarding the spring hunting issue. He will either try avoid a referendum, as he’s already suggested, or indeed hold one and not respect its result, simply because in his eyes, it is not a democratic tool.
From a populist viewpoint, the PN should really take a definite position on this issue. They have nothing to lose – literally – but potentially a lot to gain.
Just a reminder: the referendum was won by a 19,000 majority.
Keep in mind that there was nearly half of the electorate who swallowed the Partnership fictitious proposal – hook, line and sinker.
Now surveys show that 75% are in favour of Malta being a member of the EU.
I heard today on NET TV a presenter repeating a stupidity: “Membru SĦIEĦ” (A full member) – but this membership has no shades of grey. Either you are in or you stay out.
This is like the “25 years under the PN” repeated lie.
Notice how the PN dressed down the Labour podium, with one exception Simon Busuttil speaks from notes while Joseph has not one but two teleprompters.
The crowds are the same size.
If Simon Busuttil makes a speech from a truck, Joseph Muscat has to follow suite.
From what I observe, I suspect that there is some irrefutable evidence in the surveys of a downward trend which is locked against Muscat.
I heard this two times by angry Labour supporters this last week:
“Jista’ jġibli l-ilma jiżfen. Dak mhux raġel – se nagħmel kif qalli biex nagħmel għaxar snin ilu, inħassar il-vot, ma mmurx nivvota, jew nivvota kontra. Mhux hekk kien qalilna? Jien mhux se mmur nivvota.”
History repeats itself. I heard this kind of talk just a year ago against Gonzi.
Daphne,time changes people in more ways than one.we all grew old and changed the our thoughts on many issues,such as the EU.Any problem?I for once did not vote though my four children pressed me to vote yes.It turned out to be very good for them that all of them are Uk.trained and are working there.
You call people liars, but most people here, including the blog owner are showing political ignorance…..
Your flawed reason is that since PN got us in the EU, then they should govern forever……and that moreso people will disgust the PL. It all depends what sort of relation one has with the EU…
Does it come into your feeble minds that people would have preferred one Party to get us in, but then another Party to govern us through, exposing real mettle…………however cynical. It can be, it can be….think for once…..without emotions. A majority cannot be wrong….
Persil and Floater, you’re both idiots who should never be trusted with a vote.
The only valid reason that you had to vote against joining the EU was because Alfred Sant (and of course Tony Zarb) ordered you so.
Tony Zarb does not count, and Alfred Sant is now being presented as if he was always very much in favour of our joining.
If you don’t believe me, listen to Simone Cini on the TV programme, Biografija ta’ Alfred Sant.
Because of the yes/no divide, the PN at that time was forced to accommodate as much as possible that other sorry lot, our hunters and trappers.
The whole point is that the Labour Party got it all wrong in such a simple yes/no decision, and for its own selfish reasons, and against our common good, put up such a fierce battle against joining.
A majority cannot be wrong? lol, how wrong you are. Galileo was alone with tens of peer scientists egging the Pope to have him burned at the stake for his heresy. But Galileo was right.
When Einstein escaped to the United States during the Nazi take over of Germany, 100 Nazi scientists wrote a letter denouncing him and his ‘corrupt’ science. When a journalist showed this news to Einstein – ‘100 NAZI SCIENTISTS AGAINST EINSTEIN – his famous reply was: “If I am wrong, one scientist would have been enough”
So, false Floater, read some history, find the truth and you will be set free from your political bondage.
So in Floater’s opinion “the people preferred one Party to get us in, but then another Party to govern us through, exposing real mettle…. however cynical…. A majority cannot be wrong….”
I believe judgement on a government’s performance is not passed by majorities which, in the nature of things, are conditioned by the short-term peculiarities of space and time.
The real judge is history and to those who are intellectually honest and objective, history has proven time and again that, despite its deficiencies and omissions, the Nationalist Party has consistently been the better option in terms of governance, human rights, economic development and social stability, and the long-term vision for our country.
My logic is simple. I’ll use your own sentence construction, so I make sure you understand:
Since Labour wanted to keep us out of the EU, they should never govern.
A party that opposes EU membership is not fit to govern. It is a matter of principle and it’s got nothing to do with membership conditions. For Malta, the EU is Europe. Without the EU, we are not in Europe. I WANT a higher authority to set standards for my national government. Labour doesn’t, because they like to do as they please. It is a question so vital to the national interest that hindsight can never be a substitute for good judgement in the first place.
Nor even a national apology, which was never forthcoming in any case. The only decent thing Labour could have done after 2003 was to disband the party. But they didn’t.
So why should I vote for them?
There. Without emotions. And I never once mentioned the other party.
After attending the PN event in Palace Square, I was sickened to see individuals like Ronnie Pellegrini smart and cheerful going up to Upper Barrakka Gardens to celebrate what he was sooooo against 10 years ago together with other white-washed tombs.
Another question I would have asked Muscat at his press conference fenomenali:
Il-vot tieghek kont poggejtu fi frame. LIt-tfal tieghek kif bi hsiebek tispjegalhom ghaliex kont ghamilt hekk meta huma u eluf ta’ tfal u kbar ohra, mhux l-inqas int bhala prim ministru, qeghdin jiccelebraw is-shubija ta’ Malta fl-unjoni Ewropea?
Oh and, of course:
Upper Barrakka gardens were closed to the public because of an official function to mark the 10th anniversary of Malta’s EU membership.
1. Do you deny that your daughters were among those present?
2. Do you deny that your parents and parents-in-law were among the guests?
3. How many of those present voted yes in the referendum on EU membership?
Can you please remind us of the Toto Cutugno incident.
He was either a liar then or he is a liar now: on something this fundamental and on which he wrote so passionately, he cannot have changed his mind.
Once a liar, always a liar. The man cannot be trusted.
A fat liar, now.
He’s a liar, period. Muscat has no core beliefs. He pretends he does to encourage the gullible. What he says depends on the situation but it can never be what he believes. That makes him a perpetual liar.
Liar! The photocopiers have all been hacked and you Nationalist scum are producing hacked copies of ten-year old newspapers with this lie that Joseph Muscat was against EU membership. We all he was always for, and even voted in favour.
Il-Lejber dahhalna fl-Ewropa, hi!
Someone’s hacked Muscat’s PhD thesis to make it look like it was ghost written by someone else. Does Bristol university know that its servers aren’t secure?
Kieku seta’, l-Labour mhux fl-Ewropa dahhalna, izda f’sormu.
Gharu kaza Daphne kemm inti giddieba, tal-Labour kolla ivvutaw IVA ghas-shubuja mal-Ewropa! Dan kollu gideb u ngan.
These true images from the recent past should be plastered everywhere for all to see.
What, do not tell me that these images were not projected on Fort St. Angelo during yesterday’s celebrations?
Kemm kien nerd, ciccio. Inkredibbli x’tista’ taghmel b’laser eye surgery u makeover.
True, Baxxter. And yes, it is unbelievable what laser eye surgery can do: in the case of Joseph Muscat, it improved his hindsight.
2003, Joseph Muscat:
“Minn naha tieghi jien iddecidejt li mhux se nkun qed nivvota ghax ma rridx incappas idejja ma’ referendum li huwa ghodda politika u li ma ghandu xejn nazzjonali fih.
Il-vot inpoggih fi frame.”
Journalists from the independent media should ask the prime minister to show us the frame with his vote for the EU referendum. It must be a collector’s item, but it should perhaps be donated to the history museum.
That quote reveals a lot more than you think, ciccio.
It is the exact same logic that he is using regarding the spring hunting issue. He will either try avoid a referendum, as he’s already suggested, or indeed hold one and not respect its result, simply because in his eyes, it is not a democratic tool.
From a populist viewpoint, the PN should really take a definite position on this issue. They have nothing to lose – literally – but potentially a lot to gain.
Just a reminder: the referendum was won by a 19,000 majority.
Keep in mind that there was nearly half of the electorate who swallowed the Partnership fictitious proposal – hook, line and sinker.
Now surveys show that 75% are in favour of Malta being a member of the EU.
I heard today on NET TV a presenter repeating a stupidity: “Membru SĦIEĦ” (A full member) – but this membership has no shades of grey. Either you are in or you stay out.
This is like the “25 years under the PN” repeated lie.
You are wrong; there is a an associate membership which George Borg Olivier had achieved for Malta.
The PN should plaster these images on a few billboards
Maybe Motherwell Bridge can sponsor them.
Back to basics.
Notice how the PN dressed down the Labour podium, with one exception Simon Busuttil speaks from notes while Joseph has not one but two teleprompters.
The crowds are the same size.
If Simon Busuttil makes a speech from a truck, Joseph Muscat has to follow suite.
From what I observe, I suspect that there is some irrefutable evidence in the surveys of a downward trend which is locked against Muscat.
I heard this two times by angry Labour supporters this last week:
“Jista’ jġibli l-ilma jiżfen. Dak mhux raġel – se nagħmel kif qalli biex nagħmel għaxar snin ilu, inħassar il-vot, ma mmurx nivvota, jew nivvota kontra. Mhux hekk kien qalilna? Jien mhux se mmur nivvota.”
History repeats itself. I heard this kind of talk just a year ago against Gonzi.
Well, what can I say?
The reason why I wasn’t in Valletta last night was because I WAS THERE THE FIRST TIME ROUND.
So there.
Labour:always late to the party.
Wara l-festa, karti ssib.
Daphne,time changes people in more ways than one.we all grew old and changed the our thoughts on many issues,such as the EU.Any problem?I for once did not vote though my four children pressed me to vote yes.It turned out to be very good for them that all of them are Uk.trained and are working there.
You call people liars, but most people here, including the blog owner are showing political ignorance…..
Your flawed reason is that since PN got us in the EU, then they should govern forever……and that moreso people will disgust the PL. It all depends what sort of relation one has with the EU…
Does it come into your feeble minds that people would have preferred one Party to get us in, but then another Party to govern us through, exposing real mettle…………however cynical. It can be, it can be….think for once…..without emotions. A majority cannot be wrong….
What an asinine comment. Why would I trust someone who has expressed distaste for a particular endeavour to guide me in that field?
Yet they freed Barabbas and crucified the good guy.
Persil and Floater, you’re both idiots who should never be trusted with a vote.
The only valid reason that you had to vote against joining the EU was because Alfred Sant (and of course Tony Zarb) ordered you so.
Tony Zarb does not count, and Alfred Sant is now being presented as if he was always very much in favour of our joining.
If you don’t believe me, listen to Simone Cini on the TV programme, Biografija ta’ Alfred Sant.
Because of the yes/no divide, the PN at that time was forced to accommodate as much as possible that other sorry lot, our hunters and trappers.
The whole point is that the Labour Party got it all wrong in such a simple yes/no decision, and for its own selfish reasons, and against our common good, put up such a fierce battle against joining.
A majority cannot be wrong? lol, how wrong you are. Galileo was alone with tens of peer scientists egging the Pope to have him burned at the stake for his heresy. But Galileo was right.
When Einstein escaped to the United States during the Nazi take over of Germany, 100 Nazi scientists wrote a letter denouncing him and his ‘corrupt’ science. When a journalist showed this news to Einstein – ‘100 NAZI SCIENTISTS AGAINST EINSTEIN – his famous reply was: “If I am wrong, one scientist would have been enough”
So, false Floater, read some history, find the truth and you will be set free from your political bondage.
So in Floater’s opinion “the people preferred one Party to get us in, but then another Party to govern us through, exposing real mettle…. however cynical…. A majority cannot be wrong….”
I believe judgement on a government’s performance is not passed by majorities which, in the nature of things, are conditioned by the short-term peculiarities of space and time.
The real judge is history and to those who are intellectually honest and objective, history has proven time and again that, despite its deficiencies and omissions, the Nationalist Party has consistently been the better option in terms of governance, human rights, economic development and social stability, and the long-term vision for our country.
I think the feeble-mindedness is yours, Floater.
My logic is simple. I’ll use your own sentence construction, so I make sure you understand:
Since Labour wanted to keep us out of the EU, they should never govern.
A party that opposes EU membership is not fit to govern. It is a matter of principle and it’s got nothing to do with membership conditions. For Malta, the EU is Europe. Without the EU, we are not in Europe. I WANT a higher authority to set standards for my national government. Labour doesn’t, because they like to do as they please. It is a question so vital to the national interest that hindsight can never be a substitute for good judgement in the first place.
Nor even a national apology, which was never forthcoming in any case. The only decent thing Labour could have done after 2003 was to disband the party. But they didn’t.
So why should I vote for them?
There. Without emotions. And I never once mentioned the other party.
I suggest that Labour diehards adopt, in this EP election, the same approach Joseph Muscat advised them to take for the EU membership referendum.
Invalidate your ballot sheet, or just stay home. After all, Labour remains anti-EU to this day.
‘A majority cannot be wrong….’
‘Aqsmu l-vot tal-Le bejn tlieta biex l-IVA jirbaħ żgur.’
After attending the PN event in Palace Square, I was sickened to see individuals like Ronnie Pellegrini smart and cheerful going up to Upper Barrakka Gardens to celebrate what he was sooooo against 10 years ago together with other white-washed tombs.