An iced bun for yet another Labour party apparat-chick

Published: May 8, 2014 at 9:32pm

Alessandra Pace 1

alessandra pace 2

alessandra pace 3

alessandra pace 4

Alessandra Pace, a member of the Labour Youth Forum who played a prominent part in the Labour Party’s general election campaign last year as a behind-the-scenes organiser and front-of-house protaganist (she’s one of the women in the Malta Taghna Lkoll campaign video) has been given her iced bun.

She has been given the job of ‘media coordinator’ for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference which takes place next year. Until then, she can spend a lot of time at her office desk fiddling with Facebook and making long telephone calls to her friends. Being paid for doing nothing is a lot of fun. And yes, I know for a fact that there isn’t any media coordination work to be done on something like that until just a few weeks before the event.

12 Comments Comment

  1. Paddling Duck says:

    Oh she already has another job with the government if I’m not mistaken…

  2. anthony says:

    This is all very encouraging.

    At this rate we are all on the way to getting our iced bun.

    All the four hundred and twenty thousand of us.

    We will not give up.

    The twenty cents was just an amuse bouche.

    Taghna lkoll.

  3. Towni says:

    Her dad is that Laburist jinten miz-Zurrieq, Kaptan Charles Pace li ha is-somma mill-Air Malta u mar jahdem mal-privat.

    Ovjament gie nominat fuq il-board ta’ Transport Malta.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    Veru il-Partit tal-għaqda għax ħa ngħidlek hemm erba’ qed jaqduhom seww (jaqduhom as in making money)

  5. Gahan says:

    All “media co-ordinators” in the current government structure are the elves who write or wrote senseless comments on internet sites praising the great leader.

    One can smell them from their very first sentence: “I voted PN but this time I will be voting for Joseph.”

    They have several nicks and sometimes they get confused as to which they should use to answer you.

    I really like it when I catch X replying under the name of Y.

  6. Jozef says:

    What happened to Jane Marshall?

  7. Calculator says:

    Here’s her latest Facebook status:

    “Politics is a dirty game to play…The mud-slinging, the name calling, the trickery, the compromise, the hurt. Every now and again i sit myself down and ask myself why on earth I ever got into it. The last 24 hours have made me do exactly that.

    Contrary to what many may think, there is little glamour in the world of politics. Most politicians are over-worked and underpaid, constantly moaned at, pressured, criticized, attacked and stressed.They never, ever manage to please everyone, and people always want more, woken up at odd hours of the night, and forced to bite their tongue when what they really want to tell you is to go feck yourself.

    The debates, the propoganda, and the rhetoric sound insignificant to many of us because our reality is such that we don’t need a politicians to help us get by, and where more often than not we are not exposed to the plight of others. It’s difficult to believe the insularity that exists amongst us on an island so small.

    Politics exposes that plight and makes some of us want to better it.

    My heart goes out to my dear friend Cyrus I didn’t always like you, and I dont always agree with you, but over the months I’ve grown to love and respect you for your hard work, kind-hearted nature, and commitment to the cause.”

    Those are real pearls of wisdom right there. Especially the last bit about his “kind-hearted nature”.

    [Daphne – I’m more interested in the way she spells propaganda as she doubtless pronounces it, and this despite trading in it.]

    • Calculator says:

      Good point. I’ve honestly given up trying to catch any and all grammatical errors in such posts. It would be too much time wasted.

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