Anti Cyber Harassment Alliance silent on Cyrus Engerer case

Published: May 11, 2014 at 4:15pm


Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who set up the Anti Cyber Harassment Alliance with his friend the Labour MP Deborah Schembri, has put himself out of reach of journalists’ telephone calls on the subject of Cyrus Engerer and his cyber harassment of his ex boyfriend.

15 Comments Comment

  1. silly says:

    Kemm hu bniedem kiesah u zibel

  2. Maria says:

    Thank God for you, Daphne, otherwise we will not know what is happening. Seems as if some others have taken a vow of silence. Keep up the good work.

  3. Dorian says:

    “The MEP then went on to pay tribute to former PL politicians who hailed from the area, including the late Karl Chircop and former ministers Ċensu Moran and Lorry Sant.”

    Way toward paying tribute to the worst ever politician !

  4. Edward says:

    Basically he’ll have to stay silent forever. The second he can be contacted he’s going to be asked, is he not?

  5. Enough is Enough says:

    We all remember the real motive behind the Anti Cyber Harassment Alliance. Thus it is no surprise that JPO and Deborah Schembri will not comment – it is clear that they do not truly believe in the rights and obligations which they preached so much about – but they just used it as an end to their vicious means.

    Since now it is their dear cavallo di battaglia Cyrus Engerer who is the line of fire, rather than taking the opportunity to promote their beliefs on cyber harassment they decide do go numb. Nies ta sinsla indeed!!!

    Needless to say it is utterly beyond belief that a person who has behaved in such a vicious and lunatic manner towards his ex partner is being glorified by Joseph Muscat – he is giving progressiv and liberali a totally different meaning!

    • rjc says:

      Worse than going numb Deborah Schembri is seen clapping her hands in approval behind Joseph and Cyrus hugging each other.

  6. Francis Saliba MD says:

    If even the creator of the Anti-Cyber-Harassment-Alliance. Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, has felt obliged to retreat uncharacteristically into his hole, this crime by another “fallen-from-grace” Nationalist (now a newly welcomed “soldier of steel” by the Labour Party immediately after his conviction by the court) must be particularly destitute of any redeeming feature.

    It is not much use hoping for comments from Dr Franco Debono either. He was Cyrus’s lawyer giving him legal assistance in the attempted blackmail trial.

  7. concerned says:

    What do the other members of the Alliance Action Committee have to say, Joseph Cuschieri included?

    • P Bonnici says:

      These were all at the receiving end of Daphne, that is why they formed this alliance to destroy Daphne, NOTHING else, period!

  8. Albert Bonnici says:

    Off course JPO and Deborah Schembri will not comment on Engerer, because if they do they have to include the clown they have for a leader of their party for condoning Engerer their soldier of steel who committed a vicious crime. Or is this the PN’s fault?

  9. Gahan says:

    Jeffrey who?

  10. nev says:

    I bet my soul it WILL remain silent. Both Jeffrey Pullicino and Deborah Schembri are well aware of the fact that they would surely be facing consequences should they dare to say a single word which would irritate Joseph Muscat.

  11. Mikiel says:

    Engerer’s cyber bullying is not valid according to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and his klikka. It’s only when you, Daphne, are involved that a situation can be called cyber bullying. Taghna lkoll.

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