At least one person has woken up to the fact that the lower water and electricity tariffs are a scam because the eco-reduction has been removed

Published: May 31, 2014 at 6:48pm

are you being served

31 Comments Comment

  1. catharsis says:

    Now, the PN needs to latch on to this fact and not let go.

  2. watchful eye says:

    I still have to receive my first bill. I will definitely check thoroughly and will report to this site.

  3. follower says:

    Mur fehemhom lill-injuranti Maltin! Ta’ min jaghmel stharring minn hawn u sena ohra halli naraw kemm ha jibqa’ popolari Konrad Mizzi.

    Imma stenna, mur fehemhom u ifhimhom lill-injuranti Maltin.

  4. Peritocracy says:

    KEEP CALM and buy slightly cheaper petrol.

  5. kram says:

    Still have to receive my bill and from what I’ve heard from those who received the bill it’s a total scam.

  6. Edward says:

    When I first heard Muscat use the words “positive energy” a few years back, alarm bells begant ringing.

    That is a way of thinking which you only find in pyramid schemes, or used by scammers in general to stop people from backing out when things go wrong and the inevitable collapse begins.

    The difference is that these scammers and schemers don’t have a police force and army to back them up. All they can do is alienate the “negative” thinkers.

    So when I heard Muscat say these words I wondered what type of scam he was running, and what type of pyramid scheme was being implemented.

    It is not the good that always wins – it’s reality that always wins. Let’s see how positive people will be in the next few months.

  7. Mike farrugia says:

    I’m afraid this is completely out of order. The 1750 units per annum per person, or the first 4.8 units daily per person has existed since the eco contribution system was introduced years ago. It has nothing to do with the new tariffs. The eco reduction is lost the second you exceed your limit. This comment is as misleading as Simon’s claim of the out of stock bandages. They were never in stock in the first place. I consider such comments are purposely being done to catch the PN on the wrong foot….again!

  8. observer says:

    My bill for the period Feb. 19 to April 7 shows an electricity consumption of 63.59 Euros for 306 Kwh during those 47 days.

    I have been given an eco-reduction of 13.44 euros from that amount, on consumption calculated for 2 persons.

  9. math says:

    My last two bills from Nov 2013 to Mar 2014 both had a zero eco reduction for the same lame excuse given to Ms Saliba.

    In my case the eco reduction would have been EUR40 each bill.

  10. Nimrod says:

    My bill came two days before MEP election, and at first glace it really looked reduced. But the trick is that it covered a period of a month and a half, when usually my bills cover a period of two months or two and a half. Never have I recieved a bill for such a short period.

  11. Qeghdin Sew says:

    The headline is both misleading and incorrect. The eco-reduction scheme doesn’t seem to have been discontinued.

    Ms Saliba’s comment is merely highlighting how stupid it is to pro-rate an annual threshold without any adjustment mechanism at year-end, more so because there’s a significant element of seasonality in energy consumption which the pro-rata method conveniently ignores.

  12. Mister says:

    What the hell is going on here? I’ve put the same values on both the old and the new ARMS bill calculator and the total amount is exactly the same!

    The new bill calculator doesn’t show Eco reduction separately and it doesn’t even ‘total’ the whole amount. You’re left with 4 separate figures to add up yourself.

    Any web developer would know how to add a simple line of code to give the total due, but it was left out on purpose.

    The total would show too easily that it’s a scam. People are too lazy to bring out a calculator and add everything up, so they just look at the low figures.

    With these exact figures, both the old bill and new bill are exactly the same.

  13. Claudio says:

    I have experienced the same thing – a rip-off, but who cares? The government marketing machine goes over things like these and renders them insignificant.

  14. Johanna MacRae says:

    Yes, this is a scam.

    There is another, in my opinion worse, scam, that has been around since the inception of the Arms two-tier tariff in 2009. According to Arms, Enemalta, the MRA, the minister for energy, the Maltese government…, tenants are lesser people and can only have access to the much cheaper residential rate if they get permission from their landlords.

    Landlords do not seem to understand the concept of zero as most of their tenants are on the domestic rate (no. of residents = zero). The domestic rate is designed for owners of empty second homes or summer residences.

    A family of 5 living in a property for 35 months will have paid 6185.01 euro at the domestic rate and 3270.28 euro at the cheaper residential rate (no. of persons = 5) for exactly the same consumption.

    What do Arms, Enemalta, the MRA, etc do when you point this out? They tell you that they don’t give refunds. They tell you that it is against the law to award a tenant the residential rate without the landlord’s permission.

    And apparently the only persons breaking the law are the tenants who refuse to continue overpaying at the domestic rate. Because they find to their horror that landlords are able to issue garnishee orders on their tenants’ bank accounts and/or salaries to forcibly take this overpayment.

    Kafka couldn’t have made this one up.

  15. Glad to see this is being highlighted.

    There are many ‘errors’ in the billing procedures, including the Domestic versus Residential rates (scam) – and I personally pay only what I am due as I would rather find I owe ARMS a few euros than have them owe me.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      Those are not errors in the billing procedure. They are deliberate business rules that were codified in the billing system.

  16. Francis Farrugia says:

    What happened to ‘L-Ghaqda tal-Konsumatur’? We have not heard from them since March last year.

  17. Matthew S says:

    Meanwhile, in the UK, the idea of variable energy prices facilitated by smart-meters gains traction.

    When the Nationalist Party came up with the same idea before the election, Labour told us that we won’t have time for sex because we’ll be doing the washing.

    Labour, as usual, pandered to people’s basest instincts. Most people don’t want to hear about variable prices, smart-meters or eco-reductions. What they want to hear is b’xejn or irħas.

    One of the Nationalist Party’s problems is communicating such sophisticated ideas in an appealing way to a populace who either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care.

  18. RamDeb says:

    You will get zero eco-reduction if you haven’t given them a meter reading and obviously the meter reader did not have access to read the meter.

  19. Gahan says:

    Jien għad irrid nirċievi l-kont, imma ħabib tiegħi Laburist ġie maħruq ix-xogħol għax irċieva kont ta’ €146 meta s-soltu kien ikun ta’ €120.

    Qalli li hemm xi Nazzjonalist li qed jagħmel il-bsaten fir-roti lil-gvern.

    Issa fhimt li neħħielu l-eko-riduzzjoni. Naħseb xorta jivvutalu lil Joseph.

  20. Amanda says:

    It’s true, it is a scam. After thoroughly checking our energy bill during the deduction (so called) it turned out to be one of the highest bills we’ve ever received.

    We were devastated with this result, because we’re always careful with electricity and water. So I cannot understand why a rise instead of the opposite?

  21. N Zahra says:

    That’s the way they have always calculated the eco-reduction.

    I had this argument two years ago. I agree that mathematically it does not hold water.

    They should state that the eco-reduction is worked out on a monthly basis instead of an annual one.

  22. Preciz kif kieteb ‘Qeghdin Sew’ 1st June @ 1.26am – Hassejt li jien nghati il-kontribut tieghi ghall-ewwel darba.

    X’naghmlu? Pacenzja, nikkonsultaw il-meter reading kuljum daqs kemm kieku kienet il-budget tal-flus li nonfqu kull xahar u naghmlu dan fuq bazi ta’ 45 gurnata.

    Jekk naraw li ser naqbzu l-allowance allura nitfu t-tv, nohorgu bil-qmis imkemmxa, ninsew il-hair-dryer u ninhaslu bl-ilma fietel.

    U fl-ahhar nett ninvestu f-bozoz LEDs li jahdmu bir-rechargeable batteries.

    Ix-xemx nuzawha biex niccargjawhom–u bil-lejl xalata ta’ dawl b’xejn.

    Fl-ahhar ta’ dan l-ezercizzju inkantaw Viva Malta Taghna Lkoll. Sewwa qal xi hadd maghruf: Gahan Malti. Ma haqniex ahjar, KWAZI kull stratum tal-populazzjoni ta’ dawn il-gzejjer.

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