Beaten because he complained about having to watch the Labour Party’s TV station all day

Published: May 22, 2014 at 4:39pm

mount carmel

The Malta Independent reports that a patient at Mount Carmel psychiatric hospital was beaten by a member of staff, who then force-fed him meatballs, after he complained that the Labour Party’s television station had been on all day airing political programmes and he would like to watch something else. The matter is now being investigated by the police and the staff member has been transferred to another part of the hospital.

I hate to say it, but this is exactly the kind of thing you expect to happen when a fully qualified hospital administrator with years of experience is removed so that her job can be given to a 27-year-old lawyer and Labour politician.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Volley says:

    Just disgraceful.

  2. Paddling Duck says:

    Transferred? He should have been suspended with pay until the investigation is concluded. This member of staff is a danger to all patients and not just those in this ward! Viva l-Lejber!

  3. Dave says:

    Back to the 80s… more specifically 1984. All is well in our fine nation… please check in at the ministry for re-programming if you are getting doubts.

  4. Jozef says:

    O zmien helu kif hallejtni.

  5. Joe Fenech says:

    Another suldat tal-azzar.

  6. Twanny borg says:

    Trasferit? X’inhu? Kif ghadu ma tressaqx il-qorti?

    Kif ghadu ma ir-rezenjax il-ministru?

    Tal-familja gew immedjatament infurmati?

    It-tv ghal min huwa ghal pazjenti jew ghall-istaff?

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Shades of the 70s/80s.

  8. daffid says:

    …dark shadows of the past re emerge…

  9. daffid says:

    Dark shadows of the past re emerge…

  10. Makjavel says:

    If proven , this is a criminal act attacking a seniour citizen instead of protecting him , which is what the hospital employee is paid for.
    But , most probably, for Joseph the criminal Lover, this hospital employee is another Suldat ta l-Azzar.

  11. pocoyo says:

    We wait for an investigation by the commissioner for the elderly and mentally ill.

    Surely this case merited a suspension prior to a full investigation, and not a mere transfer.

    TV sets ought not to be on political channels in the first place. So in this case there is also an element of responsibility on the management’s side. A they dispensed of the services of Ms Gauci to accommodate an inept political appointee

  12. Trisha says:

    Shades of the 1987 election. My mother was an inmate at St. Vincent de Paule Hospital at the time and she was being bullied into voting Labour which she wouldn’t do.

    Then they wouldn’t allow her to vote privately, but she kept on insisting although apparently there was some soldier on duty with a large dog, as she kept telling us afterwards.

    We hadn’t been allowed to go visit for days beforehand. Unfortunately, she passed away soon after the election and wasn’t able to benefit from the improvements brought about by the Nationalist government.

    That arrogance was the result of 16 years of a Labour government. This arrogance is the result of 14 months of it. I shudder to think what the future holds.

  13. Maradona says:

    This “worker” should be suspended.

  14. ken il malti says:

    Labour will soon hire a Dr Mengele type for Mount Carmel to devise cruel and unusual experiments to sway all the patients to support and vote for the PL.

    I am sure China has a few Dr Mengele types they can lend to Jo.

  15. Francis Saliba MD says:

    No one should be surprised if this unworthy “member of the staff” at Mt Carmel Hospital will also be embraced by our Labourite prime minister and rewarded as the latest recruit accepted as a “soldier of steel” if not actually as a soldier made of gold.

  16. anthony says:

    I would have phrased Daphne’s last sentence somewhat differently.

    The admirably qualified administrator of Mount Carmel was replaced by someone who does not have a clue exactly so that this sort of thing can happen.

  17. Mandy Mallia says:

    How shameful!

  18. Phili B says:

    I believe there’s more to this. The issue here is more serious than the actual beating. The force feeding of pulpetti was to gag and choke the poor soul.

  19. Josette says:

    Labour media once again has a monopoly or quasi monopoly in government or government owned entities. On Thursday’s Brussels-Malta flight there were just a few copies of The Malta Today and a lot of copies of L-Orizzont on offer. Taghna Lkoll?

    • anthony says:

      I have to disappoint you, Josette.

      You are right about the availability of L-Orizzont.

      The reason is, however, that on the outgoing flight to Brussels no passenger would even dream of reading L-Orizzont let alone taking it along with him.

  20. CIS says:

    Nurse puts One station above his profession and patient. What an idiot.

  21. Nana says:

    The staff member should be brought to court because his duty with that type of patient should be to care for them not beat them up.

  22. Martin Felice says:

    Now an internal investigation will be held and all know what the outcome will be. Malta is slowly slowly becoming the North Korea of the Mediteranean.

  23. steve says:

    Dritt ghal gol-hajt bil-Labour fil-gvern. Zidiet lil-haddiema tal-ex tarzna ghax ma radawx bizzejjed minn fuq dahar il-haddiema l-ohra. Jixtri l-voti bi flus il-poplu.

  24. combina guai ):-) says:

    “the staff member has been transferred to another part of the hospital”

    WTF? Why hasn’t he/she been fired or at least suspended till the investigations are done?

    People who work in the care department were supposed to treat the sick with respect and dignity. Alas, how things change! Must be the side-effects of this new horrendous chapter in our nation’s history.

    • anthony says:

      Our government, thanks to its inept party hacks in top posts, is doing exactly what the Catholic Church used to do with its paedophilic clergy.

      Transfer them from one group of vulnerable children to another.

      In other words pure whitewash.

  25. here we go again says:

    The golden years of labour…we are running up to 1987 again but carrying additional baggage: that labour members have 25 years of spite and hatred to spew out.

  26. botom says:

    Mount Carmel Hospital is in shambles. A cook with a criminal record is always at Dr Clifton Grima’s office and he seems to be involved in the administration of the hospital.

    This cook was present in a number of meetings with trade unions and was involved in an incident with UHM officials when he started swearing at them shouting that now Labour is in government and they do whatever they want.

    A certain Paul Attard, an enrolled nurse, has also been given an administrative role and he seems to be running Dr Grima’s office at Mount Carmel. During a Christmas party there last Christmas, canvassers of Clifton Grima demanded the person who was playing the music to play the MLP anthem.

    This is very worrying because patients with mental health problems are vulnerable people.

    It is bad enough that many of them suffer abuse outside the hospital but being physically attacked inside the hospital is criminal to say the least.

  27. Cikku says:

    Erġajna koppi. Ma tistax titkellem, in-nies jibżgħu jidhru fil-meetings għax isibu ruħhom trasferiti f’xi post ieħor, kemm ġejna tajjeb! Erġgħu ivvutawlu nhar is-Sibt, ħalli nsibu ruħna aktar fil-frisk!

  28. Sophia Lee says:

    lawyers are not professed in the mental health field

  29. Timon of Athens says:

    Now that is really appalling.

  30. White coat says:

    I bet Joseph Muscat will soon be seen kissing and hugging this nurse and hear him describing the nurse as a ‘suldat tal-azzar’ -soldier of steel.

  31. Persil says:

    Last time I was on a minibus which is now being used instead of a bus to Mater Dei Hospital. The radio was full on on One radio.

    I was the only passenger and was afraid to ask the driver to lower the sound.

    I complained with Transport Malta and they said they will take action.

    No political station is acceptable on public transport or in public buildings.

    The nurse in question should be dismissed immediately. Aggressive people should not be caring for patients especially those who are in mental hospitals.

    Where is the minister of health?

  32. Joan says:

    Their mentality never changes.

    God knows what we have to keep up with for the coming 10 years or so with these fake ‘liberals’.

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