Click here for the most expensive kohl rabi ever

Published: May 21, 2014 at 8:38pm

Luciano Busuttil

Times of Malta reports that Luciano Busuttil is pulling in Eur49,000+ a year from his political appointments and his seat in parliament, which is Eur4,000 more than a cabinet minister.

It omits to mention that precisely because he is not a cabinet minister, he is free to carry on practising law, too. So unless he is a particularly bad or negligent lawyer, his actual earnings are considerably more than that.

And there he was, the greedy and avaricious pig, chanting on about the ‘hames mitt ewro fil-gimgha’.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Volley says:

    X’cuc huma il-EUR500 !

  2. Augustus says:

    Luciano Busuttil
    biex jahdem hu ftit tqil
    imma biex jahtaf il flus
    hanzir iktar minn qasqus.

    Shame on the PL and those who voted for them.

  3. Rob says:

    His nose is so deep in the trough that in his case, ‘izra w rabbi’ would be more appropriate.

  4. Clifford says:

    Jekk tahseb li Luciano Busuttil huwa gidra, aghmel Like.

  5. Caroline says:

    He is not a lawyer worthy of any recommendation from my experience. Totally disorganised and expects opposing parties to not realise he is using disgusting tactics.

  6. ta wied is sewda. says:

    George Orwell 1984, 30 years later.

    As Lowell says Hallas Gahan Malti.

  7. anthony says:

    Pilfering and filching of workers’ taxes by the senior pigs.

    One thousand euros a week for them and two cents for the rest.

    If they can stoop so low, I would put nothing beyond them.

    It is terrifying. Completely amoral.

  8. helen says:

    Jigik gholi l-brodu b’dan il-gidra.

  9. C.G says:

    Jafu jisthu dawn in-nies? Capcpulu tal-Labour, l-aqwa t-2c.

  10. White coat says:

    I wonder what an unemployed person feels about this and about all those troughers munching happily with more mouths than nature intended us to have.

  11. Me Shall says:

    Hanzir u mhux kapaci.

    F’malta hafna min dawn n-nies huma fil-politika propju ghaliex ma waslux fil-karriera w qabdu triq ehfef li twassal ghal dhul garantit.

  12. J. Pace says:

    Labour’s favourite quote for this upcoming MEP election is the 25% discount on electricity bills.

    Well, I’ve got news for our prime minister.

    The Nationalist government halved my electricity bill when he paid for half of my panels on the roof.

    Funny how all these subsidized schemes have stopped now.

    Could it be orders from China.

  13. Arnold Layne says:

    Not just political appointments, but sinecures. We never see any results. We could call them “Willie Mangion” jobs.

  14. Kevin says:

    Talking of expensive kohlrabis, I would really like to know who is paying for the increased online advertising efforts by Labour.

    Is it Labour? Is it China or Labour’s other bankrolling partners? Is it government itself?

  15. curious says:

    Jo is so certain that we are going to like his health reforms that he kept them a secret before the EU elections.

    “The health sector is in for a major overhaul, the Prime Minister told a sizeable crowd of supporters gathered in Fgura this evening.
    Acknowledging the problems that still plague the sector, Joseph Muscat said the reform would be similar to what the government did with Enemalta.”

    Kemm tahsibna fidili, Jo. Make way for more Chinese investment.

  16. Anthony Briffa says:

    Forsi issa jieqaf jeqred fuq facebook kemm qieghed juza petrol b’lali biex jiehu w jgieb it-tfal mill-iskola. Bejn din l-allowance u t-2c rohs issa messu qieghed iffendi tajjeb..

  17. Dott Abjad says:

    And on another note,

    ‘inbazzwru ftit minn hemm u nbazzwru ftit minn hawn…’

  18. zunzana says:

    “Ahleb Guz! ” anzi “Ahleb Edward! ” Money no problem! Issa ghandna flus tac-cittadinanza min fejn nahilbu.

  19. ZZ says:

    Definition of Kohl Rabi:

    Kohl rabi (or kohlrabi) is one of those vegetables that makes a regular appearance in veg boxes, but sits, unused, in the corner of the fridge until it slowly goes off. (ie make regular appearance in politics, gets chosen in parliament and sits on back bench doing nothing)

    How to use? Add it to stews, soups or casseroles, where it does a brilliant job of bulking things up, whilst absorbing the flavours. (ie appoint on several boards to “bulk things up” whilst absorbing taxpayer’s money)


    A definition which is easily applied to many members of parliament.

  20. Mark says:

    A multi-tasking kohl rabi too.

  21. observer says:

    Gidra li ma tiswiex sitt habbiet imgiddma – izda tithallas bl-ghexieren tal-eluf.

  22. steve says:

    u ghandhom wicc iweraqu bil-500 ewro li hadu l-ministri nazzjonalisti. IPOKRITI.

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