Cultural news update: the Law Commissioner’s remarkable cock collection
All the while there I was, thinking I was joking about Franco Debono’s predilection for cocks. And now I discover to my amazement that it was true after all.
Franco Debono really does collect cocks.
A few days ago, he updated his Facebook profile picture on Franco Debono IV to one of his cock collection (in a glass cabinet, not a cage), but soon after changed his mind.
Looking back, no wonder he went berserk every time I uploaded a cock joke back when he was in the news. He must have thought I had inside information from my international worldwide network of spies under his bed, and was using it to unnerve him.
Now I am beginning to get seriously worried about the way I unwittingly read people like this far more accurately than I do ordinary Joes.
The fascinating thing is that the Law Commissioner looks, walks and squawks like a cock. Perhaps there is something we should be told.
Does he have a chicken for a girlfriend? It was a time-honoured tradition in rural Malta.
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A cocky bastard.
Does Franco crow as well to proclaim territory?
Poor thing.
There’s something Freudian about collecting cocks rather than chickens. One of them even tells the time.
Cock Clock then, not Chicken Licken. Shame the sky won’t fall on the chief chicken’s head.
I wonder how many boxes of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes he has amassed.
And how did you know that Franco collects cocks?
[Daphne – I have no idea. Instinct, based on information from his childhood contemporaries who told me that his boyhood pastime was cock-fighting.]
You’re a genius!
Surely you meant ‘willy-waving’ or is that his full-time job?
And what’s with Franco Debono IV? Is it some local dynasty we haven’t heard of?
I am off to buy Chicken Licken right now.
Andate a rubare qualche gallina!!
Erm, is the cock in the middle of the top shelf still sporting its price tag?
No, it was the school prize for his Form 2C.
Nut deep in feathers.
Not to put too fine a point on it, but what use is a cock if it’s kept in a glass case?
The case, like the trousers-zipper, can always be opened when necessity of sorts arises.
I’ve heard of sheep-shaggers but this is absolutely ridiculous.
All he needs in that cabinet is a self portrait and the collection will be complete.
Typical case of sublimation in psychosexual lingo – in this case, an unconscious attempt to ‘enlarge’ what is ‘wanting’ in terms of size and/or performance. Jahasra; I almost feel sorry for him.
I would like to see his cock collection up close some day.
Il-Lami what a nice collection. So that’s where the cockiness comes from. I thought it was just another nasty nickname.
A cock collector is something to be.
He’s missing out on Cyrus’s. Would surely add value to his collection. Cock tal-Azzar.