Cyrus Engerer didn’t send those photographs just the once, but repeatedly

Published: May 11, 2014 at 5:37pm

I didn’t know that. I found out through reading Noel Grima’s article in The Malta Independent on Sunday, today. He spoke to Cyrus Engerer’s victim’s boss, who was the original recipient. See beneath:

It was some seconds after midnight on a New Year’s Day when the first email came through. Its receiver thought it was a season’s greeting message: instead it was a series of porn pictures.

The receiver did not recognise anyone at first, then she glimpsed what she thought was a new employee (from his tattoo).

Then the receiver deleted the file.

A few days later, the receiver got the same file again. Again, that file was deleted.

By that time, the receiver started getting really worried about the security of the company’s email system and was afraid this porn email could be sent on to clients and customers, let alone to the mother company abroad. So an expert was sent for to put in stronger firewalls to keep that email out.

But when just one outlet remained to be done, the hate email came again and made its way to the one remaining outlet, which happened to be the outlet where the intended victim worked and was seen by the entire workforce of that outlet.

That is when the victim made a police report.

24 Comments Comment

  1. John Higgins says:

    Complete silence from Gabi Camilleri of LGBT. Does this mean that she approves of Cyrus’s vindictive behaviour?

    • P Bonnici says:

      What has Gabi got to do with this? She does a great job, let’s not get her involved in this. I don’t think she approves of what Cyrus did, but she keeps her opinion to herself, and rightly so.

      This is a criminal matter which was handled by the police and they managed to secure a conviction.

      Cyrus should have got an immediate prison sentence, not two years, but at least three months to bring him to his senses. He would enjoy dropping the soap in prison.

      • ken il malti says:

        She is too busy as lead singer of the Dreamers to care about Cyrus and his problems.

      • Calculator says:

        Actually, I think her work with the MGRM and previous efforts to stick up for this government demand an official statement.

        Whatever the facts of the case (as clear as they are), that the prime minister condones Engerer’s homophobic actions and wishes him to retain his civil rights consultancy and LGBT-related positions should be scandalous to both the MGRM and to her.

    • Chris Ripard says:

      You mean Gabi Calleja, John. And you’re not the first person to ask the question either.

      I’m surprised that, of the many gay people I know, none of them take Joseph Muscat to task for actually sticking up for a vicious, nasty convicted homophobe, instead of firing him as his advisor. I truly expected better.

  2. Dave says:

    It’s stated in the judgement. Each time he tried sending to a wider “distribution list”, culminating in the sales reps too.

  3. curious says:

    “It was some seconds after midnight on a New Year’s Day..”

    He even planned the timing for extra vindictiveness.

    [Daphne – That’s what I thought. Imagine seeing the new year in doing something like that. How sick and sad.]

  4. Gahan says:

    From his mum’s home, his friend’s office and from Brussels.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Does anyone know which years he was studying in Belgium?

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      And which office was it from in Brussels ? Was it Malta House, the Maltese embassy alias the old people`s home ? Or was it from a hotel ? What about the pen drive in Franco Debono`s possession ? Is he keeping it in compliance with prevailing legislation regarding data protection ? Now that the case is over and there is a final and definitive judgement what is Franco Debono going to do with that pen drive ?

  5. dak says:

    The vendetta photos were sent at least FOUR times: once from the Floriana home Cyrus had shared with his ex-boyfriend (when the latter was in Gozo); next from Cyrus’s mother’s house in Sliema.

    A third time from the Gasan Mamo insurance office in Rabat, where only he had access to the computer, apart from the sole employee, and finally from a Brussels office on a day Cyrus happened to be in Brussels.

    “Hekk, hu go fik, Marvic.”

  6. Calculator says:

    So much for the “mistake” Joseph thinks Engerer made. He obviously had time to contemplate and try to reverse what he had done, but consciously chose to do it repeatedly.

  7. ciccio says:

    The story is very well documented in the judgement of the first court, which makes a very interesting read, and the evidence there is so compelling.

  8. C Mifsud says:

    How can the PM defend this trash ? It’s just crazy.

  9. bob-a-job says:

    Let the PM keep hugging Cyrus and he will eventually be dragged down with and by him.

    Cyrus’s makeup (sorry about that) is that way, two-timing, back stabbing, cloak and dagger stuff.

    It will be found that this was just the tip of an iceberg and I am absolutely certain that in the not too distant future other interesting material will surface and when it does, it will unsaddle Muscat and Engerer individually or together.

  10. Peritocracy says:

    Read the judgement document. Cyrus Engerer sent the photos from several places, including his mother’s house, his friend’s workplace and Brussels. Brussels! There’s not many Maltese in Brussels to make up an email called [email protected].

  11. bob-a-job says:

    ‘I didn’t know that’

    You did know Daphne, you just missed it probably.

    Remember Simone Mizzi in her testimony said that when she received the first batch she binned it thinking it was some stupid prank. (Or words to that effect)

    It was only after she received the second batch that she made her report.

    I’m quoting all this by memory but am quite sure I read it somewhere on this blog.

    [Daphne – I somehow thought he sent them all out at once, God knows why, given that I knew he’d been emailing from different places.]

  12. Thinking out loud says:

    Did he have no friends to celebrate the New Year with? How sad to spend it trying to ruin someone’s life instead of celebrating with friends.

  13. AE says:

    Those defending Cyrus Engerer are trying to shrug this off as a “mistake”.

    That might have been the case had it been done in the heat of the moment.

    But the fact that it was done repeatedly, with such stealth, shows that this was a premeditated act intended on inflicting maximum damage.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Cyrus Engerer can be quite a vindictive person.

      When he tried to get a job within George Pullicino’s Ministry and this somehow fell through he went around all Malta saying Pullicino refused him because he was ‘gay’ and saying it was Pullicino who himself that told him so stating ‘ghax skoprejt li int homosesswali’.

      After that, in retaliation, he went about trying to screw up Pullicino’s idea of the pedestrianisation of Bisazza street with the residents causing more than a few ripples.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Doing it once might be considered a mistake. Doing it several times shows serious premeditation and vindictiveness and can no longer be considered a mistake.

      For the Prime Minister to rush to the defence of the perpetrator, eulogise him and say that he shares his values, while implying sordid motives to all and sundry is a mistake of colossal proportions that anywhere else, but in a banana republic, would be more than enough reason for his colleagues in Cabinet to make him resign.

      The prime minister’s actions in this sordid affair have taken him, the Labour government and the Labour party into the political and moral gutter.

  14. Bugi_30 says:

    P Bonnici, don’t talk rubbish. If one keeps mum on certain issues, one is probably in favour of them. If for instance, I know that my friend is stealing from a supermarket and I remain silent, automatically it means that I approve of his behaviour and find nothing wrong with it.

    Gabi Calleja is constantly nagging about gay rights, but then, when one of her fellows who is supposed to vouch for gays and their rights goes encouraging homophobia and commits such a disgusting crime on another gay man, she remains silent and gives no comments.

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