Former prime minister and current EP candidate Alfred Sant has a new look

Published: May 21, 2014 at 8:19pm

Alfred Sant New Look

He’s had a ‘windswept and casual’ make-over in the wig department. But girls, don’t try running your fingers through that or you’ll have the whole thing in your hands in no time at all.

What a joke.

I hope I live long enough to see that thing turn white.

He’s so lucky he operates in Malta and not in the land of Private Eye. What that paper would give for a British prime minister in a wig.

29 Comments Comment

  1. Bill Millam says:

    LMAO @ Fredu Sant!

    Jekk jigi elett dan il-buffu, Malta vera m’hemmx tama ghaliha u Alla jew ix-xitan, wiehed minnhom, ikollu hniena minnha.

  2. gorg says:

    Whatever he does to his wig his ‘look’ will remain the same.

  3. ciccio says:

    Good Lord, what did he do with H.P. Baxxter?

  4. Rob says:

    Yes, from used floor mop to abused toilet brush.

  5. Tarzan says:

    His biggest new look, by far, is that he is projected to be very much for the European Union, who never was anti-EU.

    I can never understand how his supporters, especially those with a low IQ, can accept this without getting in anyway confused.

  6. Emanuel Borg says:

    That is no new look. That is the same wig – degreased. Unless he is going for the Bay City Rollers haircut, heaven forbid.

  7. el bandido guapo says:

    Alfred “Il Grungy” Sant

  8. anthony says:

    If Winston Churchill had worn a wig, we would all be speaking and writing in German.

    Those of us who managed to get away in one piece from the concentration camps, that is.

    A lady, a British settler, in the nineties once told me.

    “You Maltese never cease to amaze me. Nobody in Britain would ever vote for anyone who wears a wig.”

    We even vote for kohlrabis.

    Can anyone who knows anything about British political history imagine Churchill walking to a debate in the Commons wearing a wig?

    What would Nancy Astor have said?

  9. ken il malti says:

    I can solve Alfred’s wig problem.

    What the man needs is a 17th and 18th century style wig just like Isaac Newton use to wear.

    It will give him a higher degree of respectability, far beyond of what mortal men get these days.

    Take a look, now that is classy.

  10. Socrates says:

    He can’t even be a good comedian.

  11. Pacikk says:

    Oh please, some people just don’t know when to call it a day.

    Had your fair share, failed, now please, for your own dignity, throw in the towel.

  12. Antoine Vella says:

    Well, in Britain they did have Prime Ministers with wigs – 200 years ago.

    William Cavendish-Bentinck was the last British PM to wear a wig. He stepped down in 1809.

  13. Mo says:

    Maybe Sant changed his look but unfortunately some things never change, and Clint’s way of doing things as a Laburist Progressiv full of Energija Posittiva is one of them.

  14. matt says:

    What can I say, thanks to his irrational mind the PN won four elections.

  15. Giraffa says:

    Doesn’t Photoshop do wonders? And what is it with Labour politicians and Marilweez wanting to look less than 40 years old? Thinking perhaps that those with some remnants of a brain will dismiss their horrendous and despicable past?

  16. Alexander Ball says:

    You too could be cool and relaxed as you hop on the gravy train.

    Presumptiously, provoking Prat.

  17. Me Shall says:

    Issa c-cans li tbiddel l-apparenza Alfred u thalli l-qara tidher.

    Ghax fi Brussels min jaf kemm ser jidhqu jaraw bniedem riesaq lejn is-sebghin bil parrokka.

    Zewgi spiss ibabas rasu ghax jisthi bil qara, pero jisthi jilbes parrokka.

  18. bob-a-job says:

    It reads

    Prime Minister wig
    Now Prime Minister Taro Aso.

    I don’t know whether Aso means the same thing in Japan.

  19. Snowman says:

    Bahahahah–Daphne, you are a jewel – always bringing a smile to my face and a chuckle to my voice with your comments. But one thing you haven’t touched on here is what the hell is he using to keep that rug on? Velcro or super glue?

  20. ciccio says:

    Is it still legal to import fur products into the EU?

  21. BSL says:

    funnily enough, the latest cover of PY has UKIP leader Nigel Farrage pitted against Austria’s Eurosong winner with the tag line ‘people just love a novelty act’.

  22. arguzin says:

    Baxxter needs to update his essay.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Dear diary,

      They say the winds of change are blowing. Never was truer word spoken!

      We went to bed very late last night, after sitting up reading Goethe ‘Faust’, about a man who sold his soul to the Devil in return for unlimited knowledge. I heard my owner muttering that it would have been simpler if he had sold his passport for money.

      I had a fitful night. I dreamt I was on that Chinese container ship, and that we got caught in storm. The ship had capsized and we were sinking. My feet felt the cold icy water rising. Then I was submerged. I was drowning!

      That’s when I woke up. It was no nightmare! I was really submerged, and I was being swirled round by something. I panicked.

      Then I saw a porthole. Was I really back in the ship?

      I realised that if it was indeed a porthole, there must be the ocean outside. Instead, I saw a table and two chairs, and a plastic clothes bin.

      I was inside my owner’s washing machine.

      Fortunately, he had set the programme to cold wash, and I could swim up and breathe.

      I actually started to enjoy it once the panic died down.

      After twenty minutes the water drained away and I was taken out to dry. I thought I’d sun myself for a few hours. Maybe I could even get a tan!

      Instead I had to make do with a blow dry. I still enjoyed it though. It was like riding through the desert in a motorbike.

      I came out of it looking very incredibly sexy and casual. I like my new look, and so did my owner. It makes us both look twenty years younger.

      Hey, perhaps we’re going to live in the palace again.

      Who knows what the future will bring?

      Tomorrow is another day.

  23. vittorio says:

    New look, same anti European mindset.

  24. mf says:

    Raqad mal-fniek.

  25. ciccio says:

    The other one was “Made in China.” This one is “Made in Brussels.”

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