Goodbye, George

Published: May 15, 2014 at 8:42am

George Cutajar

This website has lost one of its most avid readers and regular commenters, George Cutajar, who died last night after cancer which had gone into remission suddenly came back with a bang and just a few weeks later it was all over. It is difficult to believe that such a big, rambunctious personality has been extinguished. Up to just six weeks ago he was commenting on this site almost every day, and then suddenly he stopped and I wondered why. When I was told, I could barely believe it. He was 52. What a life-rupture for his wife and sons. How very sad.

31 Comments Comment

  1. G Schembri says:

    We lost a dear friend. Thank you for your kind and generous spirit, rest in peace George

  2. Chris Ripard says:

    George was a real character and absolutely the definition of “larger-than-life”. It really saddens me to think we won’t have any more of our occasional run-ins. Goodbye, my friend.

  3. NZ says:

    May God grant some sense of serenity to George’s loved ones. Many 40-50-year-olds passed away this week – it has been terrible for those of us who knew one or some of them and so much worse for their families. May they rest in peace.

  4. Aaron de Giorgio says:

    I did not have the pleasure of knowing this gentleman, may the soul of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Sad indeed, and yes, I agree with your terminology. George was exactly that, wildly boisterous.

    I had seen an interview he gave when he was receiving treatment and he hadn’t seemed to have changed much character-wise and was coping rather well. This news comes as a shock.

    We started to refer to him as ‘George il-Bomba’ among friends after the attempt on his life to distinguish him from other ‘Georges’.

  6. Giovanni Bonello says:

    As jurists we were miles apart, but George had that rough sort of integrity, that jocular intensity, that transparency that endeared him when you agreed, and enriched you when you did not.

    Good bye, dear George, not many around like you.

  7. A Montenbello says:

    2014 is really dishing the blows. It’s one shocker after the next.

    RIP George… I’ll remember you fondly.

  8. Cikku says:

    Strieħ fis-sliem u grazzi, George, tal-kontribut tiegħek u kondoljanzi sinċieri lill-familja kollha.

  9. attent01 says:

    I knew George from the late 70s at Sliema Pitch and later in politics. George was always at crucial waterpolo matches and was always there to calm down supporters during tense moments.

    He was a ‘gentle giant’ as Beppe Fenech Adami described him today.

    Till we meet again George – thanks for having known you and may you now rest in peace.

  10. ciccio says:

    I watched a very inspiring interview with him on TV – I think it was on L-Iswed fuq L-Abjad.

  11. TinaB says:

    Reading this saddens me no end.

    May George Cutajar rest in peace and I offer my sincere condolences to his family – may the Lord grant his wife and sons all the strength they need.

  12. caroline says:

    What a shock, I had no idea George was so sick. May you rest in peace, dear George. My condolences to your wife and sons.

  13. Teo says:

    Sincere condolences to George’s family. It seems a week doesn’t pass without hearing of somebody who has been diagnosed with cancer.

    It would be interesting to see what the statistics say, but in the past few years, it seems like the number of those being diagnosed with this killer is increasing quite substantially, irrespective of age too.

  14. David Stellini says:

    How very sad … remember our times at Saddles. May he rest in peace. Condolences to his family.

  15. The Phoenix says:

    None like you, George. Always there. Akways supportive. May you rest in peace. You deserve it, more than most.

  16. Denis says:

    Keep an eye on us, George.

  17. Alf says:

    Au revoir, dear George. Till we meet again, dear friend, may you rest in peace. My condolences to your dear family.

  18. L. Gatt says:

    I’ve known George since we were children. My deepest condolences to his family.

  19. Jonathan Beacom says:

    We were classmates for many years at St. Aloysius College way back in the 70s.

    He was a ‘larger than life’ character. Often loud and boisterous but in reality just a ‘gentle giant’.

    My condolences to his family.

    R.I.P. George, old friend.

  20. Hector Bruno says:

    Really sad and shocking. Goodbye George.

  21. Sean .G. Cutajar says:

    Thank you all from our family, we read all the comments and you put a smile on our faces. Xx

    • Helene Asciak says:

      Sean, it’s a very difficult time for you, so it was really nice of you to write in. Your father will be remembered by many for a long time to come.

  22. Louis Pace says:

    Very sad news to hear – 2014 is getting the 80s crowd. Had hoped that he managed to overcome the illness knowing what a strong character he was.

    Always in my prayers, George.

    Condolences to his family.

  23. Wilson says:

    Condolences to the family. Many will miss him.

  24. Harry Worth says:

    George had a mission in life, to be there for others, always ready to help everyone out.

    George, thank you for being there for me when I needed your advice, which was always sound.

    I will sorely miss looking out for you when returning home, sitting at a table at your favourite cafe’, sipping your coffee.

    Until we meet again.

  25. Nana says:

    I remember George in 1985-1986 in Valletta when there was demonstration about lack of water. I was near him and a barrage of policeman came and start hitting him with their truncheons for nothing and threw him into a jeep all covered in blood. R.i.P George and condolences to the family.

  26. J Pace says:

    Sad news. George was firm in his convictions and would not give in easily, but he was fair and a gentleman. Brave man indeed.

    Condolences to his family.

  27. Brendon Borg says:

    As one of the closest persons to George in the past nine years, tough I was expecting it, I am shattered and find it hard to accept that he’s no longer with us. He was young at heart and a great person to be with, I have beautiful memories which I treasure and will never forget.

    George was a real gentleman, loud and straight to the point, but with him you know where you stand, there was no middle road with Georgie, but he was a kind person which goes out of his way to help others.

    With tears in my eyes I wave goodbye to a great man who loved me the way I am, a second father to me, a friend I always counted on.

    Rest in peace my dear Georgie.

  28. Joe Parretti says:

    A sad loss indeed. Apart from being part of the family (his younger brother Gordon is married to my daughter) George was a jovial person of remarkable fortitude.

    Last time I visited him in hospital, he was strong enough to crack a joke even though he was passing through a very bad patch. With a smile on his face he showed me the scar left after his first surgical intervention and told me “now I will have to wear a wig, not to hide the scar ta, but because I am going bald.”

    We laughed and when I left him, I cried just like a little child.

    My sincere condolences go to his wife Rowena and sons Sean and Kurt, to his brothers Anthony, Kenneth and Gordon. Farewell George, I am sure we will meet again someday never to part again.

  29. There goes at the call of his Father a true, honest, loving and clever person dedicated to his family and his mission on earth.

    We all miss him for he was the best suldat ta’ Kristu. Condolences to the family and a Mass has been celebrated for him in Milano at the Hospice.

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