Government is texting mothers personally to say children’s allowance will be deposited on polling day

Published: May 21, 2014 at 6:38pm

children's allowance

The government is sending text messages to mothers who generally receive children’s benefit payments, saying that the payment will be deposited in their account on 24 May.

That’s Saturday, polling day.

First the letters from Konrad Mizzi with big percentages on them like a sale-sale-sale-kbir-fuq-id-dawl, then the one-size-fits-all Eur110 cheques for VAT refunds on car registration tax, and now this.

Talk about bringing out the vote. Now that Labour is top dog (and how), this kind of behaviour really grates. Why hard-sell when you’re in clover? It’s repellant.

20 Comments Comment

  1. Clueless says:

    Stipends were credited this morning too…

  2. pale blue my foot! says:

    Slime balls, the whole lot.

  3. Natalie Mallett says:

    I would have been more excited had he sent me a text saying that all contracts will be published this evening.

  4. Volley says:

    Amazing! Why all this fuss when they know that they have a comfortable majority for next Saturday’s election. Or?

  5. Volley says:

    However I worry because I know that there are many ‘imzazen’ out there.

  6. Imhaseb says:

    Wastserve rebates were also sent today to the Marsascala area.

  7. CIS says:

    Where is the Data Protection Commissioner?

  8. Gobsmacked says:

    To all the Maltese injuranti out there: had it not been for the Labour Party, you would have already received the full year’s payment last January.

    But the Labour government is paying it out in installments.

  9. Helena says:

    Just in case anyone had any doubt whether this is one of Joseph Muscat’s pre-election concoctions, this link will take you to the schedule of children’s allowance payment, originally planned for July.

  10. anthony says:

    After just over a year in office and the government is pathetically desperate.

    Even worse than Sant.

    And that is saying something.

  11. Sufa says:

    Rather ridiculous, isn’t it?

    “My” children’s allowance was, under that Nationalist administration, credited to my bank account on the 2nd January ANNUALLY.

    In December 2013, it was announced by our now President that, supposedly to make life easier for most families, the children’s allowance would, from then on, be split into four instalments annually, meaning that anyone who was relying on their €350 per child to buy whatever/to settle Christmas expenses ended up with a quarter of that instead, with the rest to be received 3, 6 and 9 months later, and without any forewarning at that, though many seem to be oblivious to the fact – ghax kull ma jaghmel tal-Labour huwa tajjeb.

  12. AE says:

    I wonder why I didn’t receive that SMS?

    As for the car VAT scheme – I just don’t get it. So everyone gets the same cheque irrespective of the amount paid?

    Is it too difficult to work out a proportionate payment according to the VAT paid? And if it is on the principle of unfair VAT being charged, then why only reimburse the first time owner?

    If that owner sold it, the new purchaser acquired all rights and obligations.

    In fact that new purchaser acquired a proportionate amount of the unfair VAT – so surely the fair thing to do would be to split the refund or is that also too complicated?

    Or was this done just to stem the haemorrhage caused by the PM’s vow to refund?

    I assume though it was restricted in this way only because the PM would qualify anyway.

    Yet another self-serving, hare-brained scheme. The PM’s car will go down in history as the one car which went against all normal rules on depreciation.

  13. Giraffa says:

    Doesn’t such crass behavior qualify for what Dottor Alfred Sant used to refer to as ‘the power of incumbency’? Where’s Alfred Sant now? Too busy campaigning for a seat on the gravy train?

    Or is it that what was unacceptable under Gonzi is now acceptable?

    Bunch of slimy hypocrites, the lot of them.

    Let’s hope that the electorate is not so gullible to these vile tactics and will still use their vote to show their total disappointment with Muscat’s totalitarian leadership before it gets any worse.

  14. T. Cassar says:

    Dawk li kienu drittijiet issa saru pjaciri.

  15. Mark Mallia says:

    People who don’t want the money can always give it to charity.

  16. Ivan says:

    Dear Government,

    can you please text me saying that my loan has been settled?

    Thank you

  17. verita says:

    So we will have some money to celebrate the underdog’s victory.

  18. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Where can I apply for a child? I seem to have missed out on all of Jo’s handouts.

  19. Timon of Athens says:

    Why was I left out?

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