Happy Workers Day: vote for me because I have an iPad and you’re out of work

Published: May 2, 2014 at 8:26am

Joseph Cuschieri

26 Comments Comment

  1. RoyB says:

    Do they photoshop the drool out?

    • Mandy says:

      No, but maybe they have done so with his Magic Kiosk bartender’s waistcoat.

    • Maltri says:

      I know that acronyms are not welcome on this site, so I will be using the full term.

      I’m laughing my ar*e off.

  2. ciccio says:

    Free advert for Apple, not that they will be excited about it.

    But it reminds me of a meme circulated by Labour when Steve Jobs died.


    I could say so many things, but let me just say “no comment.”

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Some valuable advice for Cuschieri:


  4. albona says:

    By rights shouldn’t the person who reads and writes for him also be in the picture? Or is he just flicking through pictures there. Cuschieri, they have used you and discarded you. Now move on.

  5. The Phoenix says:

    What a tosser. He weakly and meekly gave up his seat for Joseph Muscat, then was probably going to be consigned to the dustbin. Now he has reinvented himself by posing with an iPad. U le.

  6. Gahan says:

    In the polling station on polling day.

    A woman with a mobile phone in hand enters and nods to the PL representative “Orrajt?”

    Then turns to the AEC/chairman: “I don’t know how to read and write”

    “Ok Sinjura, sit down and wait till the room is empty”

    “Let me tell you , I want to give the number one to Doctor Sa…”

    “Wait Sinjura there are people in the room!”

    ” U mhux xorta!”

    After the room is empty from voters the door is closed and the chairman asks the woman with two chandeliers hanging to her ears:”To whom would you prefer to give your first preference?”

    While smiling at the PL representative the woman says “Alfred Sant”

    “And your second preference goes to ?”

    “Emm, Miriam what’s her name, the Super One presenter.”

    “OK, OK Dalli you mean?”

    “Yes that’s the one”.

    “Your third preference , Sinjura?”

    “Joseph miskin”

    “Your fourth preference , Sinjura?”

    “Emm , Emm I forgot ” the confused woman mutters while looking at the embarrassed PL representative whom she was made to meet at the PL club the day before.

    “Look Sinjura , I will read to you the list of candidates .”

    “I want to vote for the Labour Party, continue from top to bottom to all of them, because I forgot and loosing patience.”

    She stands up, inserts the ballot paper in the ballot box , nods again to the PL representative and leaves while muttering ” I hope now they will give my Żeppi the promotion !”.

    Chairman : “Next please!”

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Apart from the grammatical mistake (should be “lill-ħaddiema”), why do some people always mention Maltese and Gozitans separately? Gozitans are Maltese too.

    • P Bonnici says:

      Antoine Vella, thank you for spotting the grammatical mistake, I hate to see mistakes in Maltese even though I spell it badly.

      I agree with you about the Gozo issue. It is annoying hearing Gozo every time Malta is mentioned, or saying the Maltese islands (Il-gzejjer Maltin) rather than simply Malta.

  8. Bubu says:

    Does he permanently look like a dork in real life or is it just a bad Photoshop job?

  9. Matt says:

    What does he do exactly in Brussels other than sightseeing?

  10. AE says:

    As an aside – a point that many seem to miss – the fact that the PN is financially in dire straits should be proof that the party itself was not corrupt as its leader focused on managing the country through one of the worse economic crises ever.


    That is not to say that there may have been an individual here or there that was corrupt – but definitely not the party itself.

    Compare this to the Labour Party. This has received many donations for god knows what in return and who, as one of its first actions in Government dropped the case on Australia Hall against itself, effectively rewarding itself millions in property which will secure its financing for many years to come. The Party is rotten to the core, with the odd exception.

  11. WhoamI? says:

    He was playing Angry Birds, no doubt.

  12. Joe Fenech says:

    Do I spot a spelling mistake? Shouldn’t it be “lill-haddiema” (to the) ?

    • Spelling says:

      You’re right. I’d have thought he stashed enough euros in Brussels to afford a proof reader. Goes to show the ‘dilettantiżmu’ ingrained in the psyche of these idiots.

  13. Pandora says:

    I know I am being finicky, but why is the first name given so much prominence while his surname is kind of in the background?

    The candidates’ names are listed alphabetically according to the surname on the ballot paper.

  14. Bob says:

    These people surprise me in how they cannot write one sentence without a grammatical mistake.

  15. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Portrait of a Cretin.

  16. Ta'sapienza says:

    An iTwat with an iPad.

  17. claire says:

    Arawni ghandi iPad!

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