Here is the Court of Appeal’s judgement in the Cyrus Engerer case
May 8, 2014 at 10:30pm
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“dan l-email gie accessjat fi zmien inkwistjoni mill-ufficcju ta’ GasanMamo, ir-Rabat, fejn tahdem Rita Alamango ”
Has Ms Alamango been able to hold her job since this was discovered?
In the judgement of the first court, it had been stated that:
“Rita Alamango li xehdet f’dawn il-proceduri waqt l-udjenza tas-26 ta’ Jannar 2012 spjegat li hija manager fl-ufficcju ta’ GasanMamo Insurance fir-Rabat u qalet li hija l-unika impjegata fil-branch tar-Rabat fejn ilha tahdem hames snin. Hija qalet li ilha taf lill-imputat madwar sentejn u nofs u spjegat li huwa ta’ sikwit kien imur jiltaqa’ maghha waqt il-brejk sabiex imorru jieklu flimkien u li meta kien jasal kmieni kien joqghod jistenniha tispicca x-xoghol taghha u waqt li jistenna kien juza t-tieni kompjuter li kellhom fl-ufficcju. Hija tghid li l-imputat huwa l-unika persuna li ghamel uzu mill-kompjuter tal-ufficcju minghajr ma gie sorveljat minnha.”
That should have triggered immediate dismissal.
Did anybody watch the Super One news tonight? Did they say anything about Cyrus Engerer or are they hoping nobody noticed it happened?
There’s nothing on Maltastar.
The Magistrates Court judgment is found here
[Daphne – This link takes people to the search page, David.]
Tries sooo hard, our David.
David, can you please indicate where can I find the judgement issued by the Magistrate’s court in early June 2013, regarding this case.
I tried the link you gave but nothing materialised. I would appreciate to know the facts why the first court was so stupid to clear him from these serious accusations.
Thanks, namesake.
But for a handful of, as yet, upright judges the Maltese nation is doomed.
In three or four years’ time most of them will be pensioned off.
Then it will be mayhem.
It will be back to the golden years MK 2.
I think Muscat’s silence is worrying for many reasons. The standards of the PL, the standards of politicians in Malta in general are at stake here.
However I have observed a certain habit of Muscat, that of accepting those who have been judged not by others but by the courts, and giving them a second chance, like some all-forgiving benevolent prophet washing away their sins which they are being unjustly criticized for.
He plays the “more sinned against than sinning” card and welcomes them into the fold as if the courts and the people are wrong to hold anyone to any standard in politics.
I find this extremely unsettling because actually what he is doing is not kind or generous or forgiving at all. He recognizes that these people want status and power. They don’t actually have a passion for politics and an appreciation of the tradition they want to be part of.
Those people who do, resign and bow out as respectfully and quietly as they can.
But these people who only want to please their vanity are extremely open to being manipulated. When someone like Muscat knows what you want, and what you want is an unworthy goal, he can have you by the short and curlies while giving you that which you seek.
In other words, the act of forgiveness is perverted; it is purely their unwavering support regardless of the consequences.
He can force them to do and say whatever he likes and they are unable to say no because he is their saviour, their only chance at getting what they lust after.
Muscat had better kick Cyrus out of the party and fast, or my suspicions will only grow stronger.
And that is what Muscat is going to do. Kick Cyrus out before the EP elections. Muscat will surprise us all as he did with Anglu Farrugia. You wait and see.
Kick out the author of his own biography?? Who knows what happened during all the time he was writing about his good old Joseph.
And Muscat was happy to have this person “write” his biography.
Either Muscat was hoodwinked by Engerer, or else they’re birds of a feather.
Likely the latter. Both have the same snide and vindictive character traits.
I love this pic. It is very suggestive. Look at that smirk on Cyrus’s face.
Organise a caption competition for this photo.
“Chin up, Cyrus.”
X’wieħed imperjali waħħalltlek Ġuż !
Issa qieghed tajjeb Joseph biex inwahhallulu.
Your pen fell, Jo!
The penis mightier than the sword.
Baxxter for the Nobel prize in literature. Excellent comment and point of view.
Il-gangala tieghi ikbar minn tieghek.
Loving the view Joey!
So putting it in simple words:
A suspended PN party member who was asked to resign from a local council until a final court sentence is handed down is fit to be a PL MEP candidate .
Cyrus Engerer and the prime minister: ma min rajtek xebbahtek.
What country is this?
“Addressing a Labour activity in Mqabba this evening, Mr Engerer, who was given a hero’s welcome by Labour supporters,” (The Malta Independent)
Boq. I’m claiming I’m stateless until 2018.
A hero’s welcome for a pig.
The first Court’s description of the facts of the case are very telling about Cyrus Engerer.
I wanted a gay MEP.
Who do I vote for now?
[Daphne – David Casa. He’s been an MEP for 10 years, so don’t be fatuous.]
Oh I didn’t know he was gay.
[Daphne – Is not was. And surely you cannot be serious.]
Actually “was” is correct, as otherwise the sentence would use two different tenses. For example if you bumped into someone at an event you might say “Oh, I didn’t know you were here” even though technically they “are” still “here”. It’s a common mistake in Malta.
[Daphne – I am afraid you are wrong. The common mistake in Malta is precisely yours: that the tenses have to ‘match’. They don’t. The tense of a verb is there to convey precise meaning. This is why English-language newspaper reporting is often so confusing in Malta – because reporters thinking that the tenses have to match when reporting speech. Hence you get something like: “The Leader of the Opposition said that it was a good thing that Malta was a part of the European Union.” People who speak correct English and don’t know the situation will interpret that to mean that Malta has now left the European Union. The correct grammar is: “The Leader of the Opposition said that it is a good thing that Malta is part of the European Union.” David Casa is still gay, therefore the verb that addresses this has to be the present tense. “I didn’t know you were here” is a completely different case and I don’t feel I should get tangled up in explaining it to you, but here goes: it’s a reference to the past period of the party in which the speaker did not know that the other person was there.]
Someone who is found guilty of a crime is called a criminal. In this case Cyrus Engerer committed several crimes. Doesn’t that make him a criminal, too?
Why is he not being referred to as a criminal? Isn’t that what he is?
[Daphne – Because the word ‘criminal’ implies a criminal way of life and not conviction of a crime. It’s disproportionate and inappropriate. ]
I suppose “criminal” would be closer to the mark than “soldier of steel” though.
a person who has committed a crime.
“these men are dangerous criminals”
synonyms: lawbreaker, offender, villain, delinquent, malefactor, culprit, wrongdoer, transgressor, sinner;
[Daphne – Yes, but that’s not how it’s used in real life. Idiomatically, a criminal is somebody who lives off the proceeds of criminality, or through criminality, as a way of life.]
Who knows what Silvio Loporto and other switchers think about the change that they brought about with their gullibility.
Cyrus looks so creepy. I can’t understand how the PN let him join the party in the first place.
The Labour Party lost their moral compass with this guy. Not that their compass was working properly before.
Cyrus Engerer aggixxa b’mod “qarrieqi”, skont il-Qorti Ta’ Malta. No further comments.
Is Cyrus eyeing Joseph’s behind?
Imagine the headlines had the judgement been given out after the MEP elections: “Maltese MEP given two-year prison suspended for two years for sending pornographic material”.
Apart from humourous comments, these are times of worries indeed, for the honest citizen!